20 research outputs found

    Compósito para a construção civil a partir de resíduos industriais

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    RESUMO Os estudos que visam à utilização dos resíduos industriais vêm se intensificando diante da pressão das organizações ambientais, escassez de recursos naturais, busca de certificações para ganho de mercado e minimização de impacto ambiental. O presente trabalho desenvolveu um novo compósito a base de resíduos industriais como cinzas de madeira, lodo de estação de tratamento de água (ETA) e resíduos de produção de cal com propriedades mecânicas que atendem às exigências da ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS - NBR 15270-1/2005, NBR 15270-2/2005 e NBR 5739/2007, objetivando a sua utilização na construção civil sem o acréscimo de cimento Portland. As resistências à compressão variaram de 2,35 a 16,48 MPa. O índice de absorção de água das amostras testadas também atendeu às normas aplicadas, demonstrando que ao longo do tempo de cura houve diminuição da porosidade com possível hidratação da cal. Os resultados do ensaio de resistência à compressão apresentaram variações durante o tempo de cura que podem ser justificadas pela presença de material orgânico no lodo de ETA e pelo tamanho das partículas de cinza de madeira que durante a homogeneização não foram destruídas completamente. Apesar das variações observadas nos resultados, as resistências dos compósitos se enquadram na classificação para blocos cilíndricos de concreto e blocos cerâmicos para alvenaria

    A Morphological And Biometric Study Of The Infraorbital Foramen (e2 - Sibai Point) In Adult Skulls [estudio Morfológico Y Biométrico Del Foramen Infraorbital (punto E2 - Sibai) En Cráneos De Adultos]

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    The objective of this work was to study the morphology and biometry of the infraorbital foramen (FIO), variations in its shape, size and number as well as to obtain measurements of its location. 60 dry skulls were analyzed. The test of Qui-quadrant and the T Test were used in measurements with a 5% significance. On the right side, the FIO was measured at a distance of 6.49(±1.68) mm from the lower, 39.65(±3) mm from the upper, 17.7(±2.97) mm from the medial and 20.46(±2.9) mm from the lateral margin of the orbit; its pear-shaped opening distance was 13.67(±2.17) mm. On the left side, the distance of the FIO to the lower margin of the orbit was 6.52(±1.82) mm; to the upper margin was 39.9(±2.62) mm and to the lateral and medial margin were 17.93(±2.58) mm and 21.12(±3) mm, respectively; its distance to the pear-shaped opening was 14.26(±1.83) mm. It was found predominately in an oval shape, in 39 (65%) of the skulls, on both sides. Accessory foramens were present in 11 samples on the right and in 15 samples on the left side. The FIO was most frequently found on the side of, or laterally to the sagittal plane that passes through the middle of the supraorbital foramen/ incisures, in 38 skulls (63.3%) on the right side and in 45 skulls (75%) on the left and middle to the zigomatic-maxillary suture, in 41 skulls (68.3%) on right and in 42 skulls (70%) on the left side, besides being most frequently found in a region between the first and second premolars, in 22 skulls (36.7%) on the right side and in 17 skulls (28.3%) on the left.303986992Berge, J.K., Bergman, R.A., Variations in size and in symmetry of foramina of the human skull (2001) Clin. Anat., 6, pp. 406-413Chen, E., (1997) Anatomia topográfica dos pontos de acupuntura., , São Paulo, RocaChonghuo, T., (1993) Tratado de Medicina Chinesa, , São Paulo, RocaChung, M.S., Kim, H.J., Kang, H.S., Chung, I.H., Locational relationship of the supraorbital notch or foramen and infraorbital and mental foramina in Koreans (1995) Acta Anat., 154, pp. 162-166Cutright, B., Quillopa, N., Schubert, W., An anthropometric analysis of the key foramina for maxillofacial surgery (2003) J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg., 61 (3), pp. 354-357Ding, L., (1996) Acupuntura, Teoria do Meridiano e Pontos de Acupuntura, , 1a ed. São Paulo, RoccaElias, M.G., Silva, R.B., Pimentel, M.L., Cardoso, V.T.S., Rivello, T., Babinski, M., Morphometric analysis of the infraorbital foramen and acessories foraminas in Brazilian skulls (2004) Int. J. Morphol., 22 (4), pp. 273-278Esper, R.S., Yamamura, Y., Cricenti, S.V., Novo, N.F., Efeitos da inserçäo perpendicular e oblíqua de agulhas no ponto de acupuntura E-2 (Sibai), no forame infra-orbital (1997) Rev. Paul. Acupunt., 3 (2), pp. 85-88Esper, R.S., Yara, J., Yamamura, Y., Cricenti, S.V., Relações anatômicas do ponto de acupuntura E-2 (Sibai) localizado no forame infra-orbital (1998) Rev. Paul. Acupunt., 4 (1), pp. 19-22Gardner, E., Gray, D.J., O'hailly, R., (1988) Anatomia: Estudo regional do corpo humano., , 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara KooganHindy, A.M., Abdel-Raouf, F., A study of infraorbital foramen, canal and nerve in adult Egyptians (1993) Egypt Dent. J., 39 (4), pp. 573-580Karakas, P., Bozkir, M.G., Oguz, O., Morphometric measurements from various reference points in the orbit of male Caucasians (2002) Surg. Radiol. Anat., 24 (6), pp. 358-362Kazkayasi, M., Ergin, A., Ersoy, M., Bengi, O., Tekdemir, I., Elhan, A., Certain anatomical relations and the precise morphometry of the infraorbital foramen, canal and groove: An anatomical and cephalometric study (2001) Laryngoscope, 111 (4 PART 1), pp. 609-614Lee, U.Y., Nam, S.H., Han, S.H., Choi, K.N., Kim, T.J., Morphological characteristics of the infraorbital foramen and infraorbital canal using three-dimensional models (2006) Surg. Radiol. Anat., 24, pp. 1-6Ming, S.X., Os (1996) Fundamentos da Medicina Chinesa Um Texto Abrangente para Acupunturistas e Fitoterapeutas., , São Paulo, RoccaMonroy, C., Liliana, P., Morales, M., Andrés, C., Jacome, N., Anibal, J., Cassiano, C.G., Características y variaciones anatómicas del surco, canal y foramen infraorbitario en un grupo de población colombiana (2003) Univ. odontol., 23 (52), pp. 60-68Ranali, J., Andrade, E.D., Matos Filho, T.R., Anestesia dos nervos alveolar inferior, lingual e bucal: Análise das técnicas convencionais e a de Gow-Gates (1988) Rev. Paulista de Odontologia., 5, pp. 12-16Sischer, Dubrul, (1991) Anatomia oral., , 8. ed. São Paulo, Artes MédicasSussmann, D.J., (1972) Que é a Acupuntura?, , 2aed. Rio de Janeiro, RecordTeixeira, L.M.S., Reher, P., Reher, V.G.S., (2001) Anatomia aplicada à odontologia., , Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara KooganTestut, L., Latarjet, A., (1954) Tratado de anatomía humana, , Barcelona, Salvat EditoresXinnong, C., (1999) Acupuntura e Moxibustão Chinesa, , São Paulo, Rocc

    Plasma hydroxy-metronidazole/ metronidazole ratio in hepatitis C virus-induced liver disease

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    It has been suggested that the measurement of metronidazole clearance is a sensitive method for evaluating liver function. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of plasma hydroxy-metronidazole/metronidazole ratios as indicators of dynamic liver function to detect changes resulting from the various forms of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. A total of 139 individuals were studied: 14 healthy volunteers, 22 healthy, asymptomatic, consecutive anti-HCV-positive HCV-RNA negative subjects, 81 patients with chronic hepatitis C (49 with moderate/severe chronic hepatitis and 34 with mild hepatitis), and 20 patients with cirrhosis of the liver. HCV status was determined by the polymerase chain reaction. Plasma concentrations of metronidazole and its hydroxy-metabolite were measured by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection in a blood sample collected 10 min after the end of a metronidazole infusion. Anti-HCV-positive HCV-RNA-negative individuals demonstrated a significantly reduced capacity to metabolize intravenously infused metronidazole compared to healthy individuals (0.0478 ± 0.0044 vs 0.0742 ± 0.0232). Liver cirrhosis patients also had a reduced plasma hydroxy-metronidazole/metronidazole ratio when compared to the other groups of anti-HCV-positive individuals (0.0300 ± 0.0032 vs 0.0438 ± 0.0027 (moderate/severe chronic hepatitis) vs 0.0455 ± 0.0026 (mild chronic hepatitis) and vs 0.0478 ± 0.0044 (anti-HCV-positive, HCV-RNA-negative individuals)). These results suggest an impairment of the metronidazole metabolizing system induced by HCV infection that lasts after viral clearance. In those patients with chronic hepatitis C, this impairment is paralleled by progression of the disease to liver cirrhosis