949 research outputs found

    Use of Hydrogen as Fuel: A Trend of the 21st Century

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    The unbridled use of fossil fuels is a serious problem that has become increasingly evident over the years. As such fuels contribute considerably to environmental pollution, there is a need to find new, sustainable sources of energy with low emissions of greenhouse gases. Climate change poses a substantial challenge for the scientific community. Thus, the use of renewable energy through technologies that offer maximum efficiency with minimal pollution and carbon emissions has become a major goal. Technology related to the use of hydrogen as a fuel is one of the most promising solutions for future systems of clean energy. The aim of the present review was to provide an overview of elements related to the potential use of hydrogen as an alternative energy source, considering its specific chemical and physical characteristics as well as prospects for an in-crease in the participation of hydrogen fuel in the world energy matrix

    Use of Physical Education Classes as a Didactic Laboratory for Teaching Mathematics: An Example with a Quadratic Function

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    The research objective of this study was to evaluate the use of Physical Education classes as didactic laboratory for lessons in Mathematics, presenting an alternative way to conduct classes, mainly of quadratic functions, illustrating basic concepts such as graphs plotting and determination coefficients, analyze if such use achieves some of the goals of using a Didactic Laboratory in addition to research ways to interdisciplinary with Physics. Discusses an action in which students work in groups to solve problems proposed based on empirical data obtained through play activities and measures of athletics values practiced by the students allowing may have the opportunity to produce arguments and more meaningful answers, which would improve the overall learning. The athletics and recreational activities are then used as problematic objects both empirically and qualitatively. As a result, it was observed that some of the objectives of a Didactic Laboratory are achieved when using the Physical Education classes and it appears that this feature is much more available in public schools than they are equipped with a science laboratory

    Utilização da plataforma de simulação CropSyst para estimar a produtividades da cana-de-açúcar, soja e amendoim na reforma do canavial.

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    RESUMO: No presente trabalho a biometria das variedades de cana-de-açúcar, soja (Glycine max) e amendoim são utilizadas para a construção das curvas de biomassa, índice de área foliar (IAF) e de produtividade das culturas no plantio de cana e da soja e amendoim na reforma do canavialutilizando-se a plataforma de simulação CropSyst. Os resultados obtidos em Pindorama-SP, mostram que o modelo de simulação CropSyst apresenta-se como uma ferramente útil, uma vez que as curvas de biomassa obtidas para as variedades de cana-de-açúcar, de soja e amendoim na reforma são coerentes com resultados experimentais. Palavras-chave: modelos computacionais, biomassa, cana-de-açúcar, soja, amendoim, plataform CropSyst. ABSTRACT: In this study, varieties of sugarcane, peanut and soybean are employed to construct the curves of biomass and leaf area index (LAI) using the CropSyst simulation package. The simulation model CropSyst proved to be appropriate, once the results obtained for the varieties of sugarcane, soybeans and peanut in Pindorama –SP under study are consistent with the experimental ones.SIAGRO 2014

    Utilização da plataforma de simulação CropSyst para estimar a produtividades da cana-de-açúcar, soja e amendoim na reforma do canavial.

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    Resumo: No presente trabalho a biometria das variedades de cana-de-açúcar, soja (Glycine max) e amendoim são utilizadas para a construção das curvas de biomassa, índice de área foliar (IAF) e de produtividade das culturas no plantio de cana e da soja e amendoim na reforma do canavialutilizando-se a plataforma de simulação CropSyst. Os resultados obtidos em Pindorama-SP, mostram que o modelo de simulação CropSyst apresenta-se como uma ferramente útil, uma vez que as curvas de biomassa obtidas para as variedades de cana-de-açúcar, de soja e amendoim na reforma são coerentes com resultados experimentais.SIAGRO 2014