39 research outputs found

    The Zoo of emission lines in the spectrum of Cir X-1 observed by XMM-Newton

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    We present the preliminary analysis of a 10 ks XMM-Newton EPIC/pn observation of Cir X-1 immediately after the zero phase. The continuum emission is modeled using a blackbody component partially absorbed by neutral matter probably located around the binary system. We detect a forest of emission lines associated to highly ionized ions

    A Complex Environment around Circinus X-1

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    We present the results of an archival 54 ks long Chandra observation of the peculiar source Cir X-1 during the phase passage 0.223-0.261. We focus on the study of detected emission and absorption features using the HETGS. A comparative analysis of X-ray spectra, selected at different flux levels of the source, allows us to distinguish between a very hard state, at a low count rate, and a brighter, softer, highly absorbed spectrum during episodes of flaring activity. The spectrum of the hard state clearly shows emission lines of highly ionized elements, while, during the flaring state, the spectrum also shows strong resonant absorption lines. The most intense and interesting feature in this latter state is present in the Fe K alpha region: a very broadened absorption line at energies similar to 6.5 keV that could result from a smeared blending of resonant absorption lines of moderately ionized iron ions (Fe XX-Fe XXIV). We also observe strong resonant absorption lines of Fe XXV and Fe XXVI, together with a smeared absorption edge above 7 keV. We argue that the emitting region during the quiescent/hard state is constituted of a purely photoionized medium, possibly present above an accretion disk, or of a photoionized plasma present in a beamed outflow. During the flaring states the source undergoes enhanced turbulent accretion that modifies both the accretion geometry and the optical depth of the gas surrounding the primary X- ray source

    Relativistically Smeared Iron Lines in the Spectra of Bright NS LMXB

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    We present preliminary results of a study on three bright accreting low-mass X-ray binaries hosting a neutron star, based on XMM-Newton observations. These sources (GX 340+0, GX 349+2 and SAX J1808.4-3658) show a broad Fe K alpha iron line in their spectra. This feature can be well described by relativistic line profile in each case; the good spectral resolution of the EPIC/PN and the high statistics spectra allow to put very good constraints on the disk geometry and ionization stage of the reflecting matter

    Spectral Evolution of Scorpio X-1 along its Color-Color Diagram

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    We analyze a large collection of RXTE archive data of the bright X-ray source Scorpius X-1 in order to study the broadband spectral evolution of the source for different values of the inferred mass accretion rate by selecting energy spectra from its Color-Color Diagram. We model the spectra with the combination of two absorbed components: a soft thermal component, which can be interpreted as thermal emission from an accretion disk, and a hybrid Comptonization component, which self-consistently includes the Fe Kα fluorescence line and the Compton reflected continuum. The presence of hard emission in Scorpius X-1 has been previously reported, however, without a clear relation with the accretion rate. We show, for the first time, that there exists a common trend in the spectral evolution of the source, where the spectral parameters change in correlation with the position of the source in the CD. Using a hybrid thermal/non-thermal Comptonization model (EQPAIR code), we show that the ratio of the power supplied to the non-thermal distribution to the total power injected into the Comptonizing plasma correlates with the accretion rate, being the highest at the lowest accretion rates. We discuss the physical implications derived from the results of our analysis, with a particular emphasis on the hardest part of the X-ray emission and its possible origin

    Spectral and timing characterization of the X-ray source 1RXS J194211.9+255552

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    We report on the first spectral and timing characterization of the transient X-ray source 1RXS J194211.9+255552 using all available data from the Swift X-ray satellite. We used 10 years of hard X-ray data from the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) to characterize its long-term behaviour and to search for long periodicities, finding evidence for a periodic modulation at 166.5 ± 0.5 d, that we interpret as the orbital period of the source. The folded light curve reveals that the X-ray emission is mostly concentrated in a restricted phase-interval and we propose to associate 1RXS J194211.9+255552 to the class of the Be X-ray binaries. This is also supported by the results of the spectral analysis, where we used the BAT data and three pointed Swift/XRT observations to characterize the X-ray broad-band spectral shape. We found mild spectral variability in soft X-rays that can be accounted for by a varying local neutral absorber, while the intrinsic emission is consistent with a hard power law multiplied by a high-energy exponential cut-off as typically observed in this class of systems

    The Swift-BAT monitoring reveals a long-term decay of the cyclotron line energy in Vela X-1

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    We study the behaviour of the cyclotron resonant scattering feature (CRSF) of the high-mass X-ray binary Vela X-1 using the long-term hard X-ray monitoring performed by the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) on board Swift. High-statistics, intensity-selected spectra were built along 11 years of BAT survey. While the fundamental line is not revealed, the second harmonic of the CRSF can be clearly detected in all the spectra, at an energy varying between ∼53 and ∼58 keV, directly correlated with the luminosity. We have further investigated the evolution of the CRSF in time, by studying the intensity-selected spectra built along four 33-month time intervals along the survey. For the first time, we find in this source a secular variation in the CRSF energy: independent of the source luminosity, the CRSF second harmonic energy decreases by ∼0.36 keV yr-1 between the first and the third time intervals, corresponding to an apparent decay of the magnetic field of ∼3 × 1010 G yr-1. The intensity-cyclotron energy pattern is consistent between the third and the last time intervals. A possible interpretation for this decay could be the settling of an accreted mound that produces either a distortion of the poloidal magnetic field on the polar cap or a geometrical displacement of the line forming region. This hypothesis seems supported by the correspondence between the rate of the line shift per unit accreted mass and the mass accreted on the polar cap per unit area in Vela X-1 and Her X-1, respectively

    Updates on the background estimates for the X-IFU instrument onboard of the ATHENA mission

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    ATHENA, with a launch foreseen in 2028 towards the L2 orbit, addresses the science theme "The Hot and Energetic Universe", coupling a high-performance X-ray Telescope with two complementary focal-plane instruments. One of these, the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) is a TES based kilo-pixel array providing spatially resolved high-resolution spectroscopy (2.5 eV at 6 keV) over a 5 arcmin FoV. The background for this kind of detectors accounts for several components: the diffuse Cosmic X-ray Background, the low energy particles (<~100 keV) focalized by the mirrors and reaching the detector from inside the field of view, and the high energy particles (>~100 MeV) crossing the spacecraft and reaching the focal plane from every direction. Each one of these components is under study to reduce their impact on the instrumental performances. This task is particularly challenging, given the lack of data on the background of X-ray detectors in L2, the uncertainties on the particle environment to be expected in such orbit, and the reliability of the models used in the Monte Carlo background computations. As a consequence, the activities addressed by the group range from the reanalysis of the data of previous missions like XMM-Newton, to the characterization of the L2 environment by data analysis of the particle monitors onboard of satellites present in the Earth magnetotail, to the characterization of solar events and their occurrence, and to the validation of the physical models involved in the Monte Carlo simulations. All these activities will allow to develop a set of reliable simulations to predict, analyze and find effective solutions to reduce the particle background experienced by the X-IFU, ultimately satisfying the scientific requirement that enables the science of ATHENA. While the activities are still ongoing, we present here some preliminary results already obtained by the group

    High resolution Spectroscopy of 4U 1728-34 from a Simultaneous Chandra-RXTE Observation.

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    We report on a simultaneous Chandra and RossiXTE observation of the LMXB atoll bursting source 4U 1728-34 performed on 2002 March 3-5. We fitted the 1.2-35 keV continuum spectrum with a blackbody plus a Comptonized component. An overabundance of Si by a factor of ~2 with respect to Solar abundance is required for a satisfactory fit. Large residuals at 6-10 keV can be fitted by a broad (FWHM ~ 1.6 keV) Gaussian emission line, or, alternatively, by absorption edges associated with Fe I and Fe XXV at ~7.1 keV and ~9 keV, respectively. In this interpretation, we find no evidence of a broad, or narrow Fe Kalpha line, between 6 and 7 keV. We tested our alternative modeling of the iron Kalpha region by reanalyzing a previous BeppoSAX observation of 4U 1728-34, finding a general agreement with our new spectral model

    A Swift view on IGR J19149+1036

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    IGR J19149+1036 is a high-mass X-ray binary detected by INTEGRAL in 2011 in the hard X-ray domain. We have analysed the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) survey data of the first 103 months of the Swift mission detecting this source at a significance level of ̃30 standard deviations. The timing analysis on the long-term BAT light curve reveals the presence of a strong sinusoidal intensity modulation of 22.25 ± 0.05 d, that we interpret as the orbital period of this binary system. A broad-band (0.3-150 keV) spectral analysis was performed combining the BAT spectrum and the X-Ray Telescope (XRT) spectra from the pointed follow-up observations. The spectrum is adequately modelled with an absorbed power law with a high-energy cutoff at ̃24 keV and an absorption cyclotron feature at ̃31 keV. Correcting for the gravitational redshift, the inferred magnetic field at the neutron star surface is Bsurf ̃ 3.6 × 1012 G

    An unexpected drop in the magnetic field of the X-ray pulsar V0332+53 after the bright outburst occurred in 2015

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    How the accreted mass settling on the surface of a neutron star affects the topology of the magnetic field and how the secular evolution of the binary system depends on the magnetic field change is still an open issue. We report evidence for a clear drop in the observed magnetic field in the accreting pulsar V0332+53 after undergoing a bright 3-month long X-ray outburst. We determine the field from the position of the fundamental cyclotron line in its X-ray spectrum and relate it to the luminosity. For equal levels of luminosity, in the declining phase we measure a systematically lower value of the cyclotron line energy with respect to the rising phase. This results in a drop of ∼1.7 × 1011 G of the observed field between the onset and the end of the outburst. The settling of the accreted plasma on to the polar cap seems to induce a distortion of the magnetic field lines weakening their intensity along the accretion columns. Therefore, the dissipation rate of the magnetic field could be much faster than previously estimated, unless the field is able to restore its original configuration on a time-scale comparable with the outbursts recurrence time