2,290 research outputs found

    A dependent nominal type theory

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    Nominal abstract syntax is an approach to representing names and binding pioneered by Gabbay and Pitts. So far nominal techniques have mostly been studied using classical logic or model theory, not type theory. Nominal extensions to simple, dependent and ML-like polymorphic languages have been studied, but decidability and normalization results have only been established for simple nominal type theories. We present a LF-style dependent type theory extended with name-abstraction types, prove soundness and decidability of beta-eta-equivalence checking, discuss adequacy and canonical forms via an example, and discuss extensions such as dependently-typed recursion and induction principles

    Constraint solving in non-permutative nominal abstract syntax

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    Nominal abstract syntax is a popular first-order technique for encoding, and reasoning about, abstract syntax involving binders. Many of its applications involve constraint solving. The most commonly used constraint solving algorithm over nominal abstract syntax is the Urban-Pitts-Gabbay nominal unification algorithm, which is well-behaved, has a well-developed theory and is applicable in many cases. However, certain problems require a constraint solver which respects the equivariance property of nominal logic, such as Cheney's equivariant unification algorithm. This is more powerful but is more complicated and computationally hard. In this paper we present a novel algorithm for solving constraints over a simple variant of nominal abstract syntax which we call non-permutative. This constraint problem has similar complexity to equivariant unification but without many of the additional complications of the equivariant unification term language. We prove our algorithm correct, paying particular attention to issues of termination, and present an explicit translation of name-name equivariant unification problems into non-permutative constraints

    HEALS (Hearing EAr health Language and Speech services) project

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    A key outcome for CRE and the SEARCH program has been the collection, for the first time, of information about hearing and speech development. In 2014, the NSW Ministry of Health approved $800,000 to continue providing ENT surgery and speech therapy services to children identified through SEARCH and children attending the ACCHSs who have been identified with speech and language delays and middle ear disease. The deliverables for 2014 included completion of service provision for HEALS project, completion of qualitative studies and the economic modelling for the scale up of HEALS into a state wide model.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy

    Mental healthcare pathways for urban Aboriginal children

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    Social and emotional wellbeing problems are the chief health issue experienced by young Australians. The small amount of information available suggests that Aboriginal young people experience even higher levels of mental health related harm. Little is known about the pathways that Aboriginal children and adolescents with mental health concerns take when accessing specialized care and to what extent services are available, accessible and culturally appropriate. Further, although GPs are generally considered the gatekeepers to accessing specialist mental health services it is unclear the extent to which they feel confident and equipped to detect, assess and refer children for suspected mental health concerns, particularly in Aboriginal children. This compilation of work sought to understand whether current guidelines and treatment pathways meet the needs of Aboriginal young people presenting with SEWB-related concerns and the extent to which GPs, nurses and Aboriginal Health Workers feel confident and equipped to deal with the mental health concerns they see in the children they deal with in their work at the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs). To gain this understanding two systematic reviews and a qualitative study were conducted.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy.This work was supported through grants to SEARCH from the Australian Primary Care Research Institute, the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (grant numbers 358457, 512685, 1023998 and 1035378), the NSW Ministry of Health, beyondblue and the Rio Tinto Aboriginal Fund. The CRE and SEARCH are conducted in partnership with the AH&MRC and four Aboriginal medical services across NSW: Awabakal Limited, Riverina Medical and Dental Aboriginal Corporation, Sydney West Aboriginal Health Service, and Tharawal Aboriginal Corporation

    Environmental vulnerability assessment of Brazilian Amazon Indigenous Lands

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    Amazonian Indigenous Lands (ILs) are human-environment systems facing a multitude of environmental threats. Yet, the resulting vulnerability of these systems are to date unknown. We adopt the theoretical vulnerability framework of the IPCC to assess the environmental vulnerability of Brazilian Amazon ILs for two periods (2001–2010 and 2011–2019) and overall (2001–2019). Vulnerability is deemed a function of exposure (EX), sensitivity (SE) and adaptive capacity (AC) of a system to threats. Sensitivity (threats within IL) and exposure (threats in IL's buffer zones) indicators are changes in forest cover, economic activities, and road access, quantified using data of deforestation, forest degradation, land-use, fire, roads and mining. Adaptive capacity indicators represent Indigenous self-organization, education and access to knowledge, land ownership, external incomes, and institutional arrangement. We find a concentration of ILs with high vulnerability in the Arc of Deforestation and South, and advancing in Pará and Roraima states. A strong relationship (Spearman r = 0.79) between EX and SE indicates the strong pressure exerted by external processes. An increase in EX (73.9% of the ILs) and in SE (64.8% of the ILs) in 2011–2019 compared to 2001–2010 signals a worrying rise in vulnerability recently. We advise the adoption of policies by the State, such as combating illegal activities, and strengthening National Policy for Environmental and Territorial Management of ILs. Herein, our vulnerability quantification can prioritize help to certain ILs, and the understanding of the contribution of the underlying dimensions can direct these policies, possibly according to the vulnerability profile of each IL

    Perspectives on childhood resilience among the Aboriginal community: an interview study

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    Australian Aboriginal children are exposed to a number of adversities that have been attributed to the downstream effects of European colonisation. Childhood adversities increase the risk of negative health and social outcomes that can contribute to longstanding mental and physical health 'gaps' between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people and the high rates of youth suicide observed. Despite these challenges, most Aboriginal children are resilient and show remarkable adaption during difficult circumstances. Resilience is often mentioned in conjunction with Aboriginal people, yet there is comparatively little research investigating Aboriginal resilience in Australia, including the aetiology of resilience and strategies for promoting resilience in children. A better understanding of the factors that can enhance children�s resilience will aid in the development of targeted programs to promote better health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal children who face long-standing adversity. This research was based on face-face interviews with Aboriginal health service professionals, youth workers and adult community members and aimed to describe the perspectives of members of urban and regional Aboriginal communities on childhood resilience, including how resilience can be enhanced.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy

    The spatial pattern of premature mortality in Hong Kong: how does it relate to public housing?

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    Research into understanding the relationship between access to housing, health and wellbeing in cities has yielded mixed evidence to date and has been limited to case studies from Western countries. Many studies appear to highlight the negative effects of public housing in influencing the health of its residents. Current trends in the urban housing markets in cities of advanced Asian economies and debates surrounding the role of government in providing housing underscore the need for more focused research into housing and health. In this paper, we investigate Hong Kong as an example of a thriving Asian city by exploring and comparing the intra-urban geographies of premature mortality and public housing provision in the city. Using a fully Bayesian spatial structural model, we estimate associations between public housing provision and different types of premature mortality. We find significant geographic variations in premature mortality within Hong Kong during the five-year period 2005–2009, with positive associations between the residents of public housing and premature mortality risk. But the associations attenuate or are even reversed for premature mortality of injuries and non-communicable diseases after controlling for local deprivation, housing instability, access to local amenities and other neighbourhood characteristics. The results indicate that public housing may have a protective effect on community health, which contradicts the findings of similar studies carried out in Western cities. We suggest reasons why the association between public housing and health differs in Hong Kong and discuss the implications for housing policy in Hong Kong and other Asian cities

    State Mandates, Housing Elements, and Low-income Housing Production

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    In order to create low-income housing opportunities and mitigate exclusionary zoning, in 1968 Congress mandated that municipalities receiving comprehensive planning funds must create a housing element. In tandem, many states mandated that municipal housing elements must accommodate low-income housing needs. After examining empirical research for California, Florida, Illinois, and Minnesota, this review found aspirational success because those states rewarded the municipal planning process. In order to increase low-income housing, this review argues for state housing policy reform. Under US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s revised fair housing rule, which requires an assessment of local data, states can no longer ignore the exclusionary behavior of municipalities

    Knowledge exchange and research capacity building in urban Aboriginal health

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    The Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) on urban Aboriginal Child Health is linked to this unique base of information on 1600 children and their parents/ caregivers. The Centre is designed to: (a) increase the translation of knowledge arising from the SEARCH program and additional data collection undertaken as part of the CRE; (b) to enable ACCHSs to effectively use the information emerging from SEARCH to improve the quality of primary care, and; (c) enhance research capacity in primary health care within ACCHSs by increasing their capacity to undertake multidisciplinary research and knowledge translation in primary care. This work will provide evidence to support sustainable and transferable improvements in Aboriginal primary health care and, ultimately, health outcomes.The research reported in this paper is a project of the Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute which is supported by a grant from the Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing under the Primary Health Care Research Evaluation and Development Strategy
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