12 research outputs found
Zur Wirkung des Alkohols und des Rauchens auf die Aktivität der Nebennierenrinde
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1961
- Field of study
The Links–Gould Invariant as a Classical Generalization of the Alexander Polynomial?
- Author
- Cha [Cha and Livingston] J. C.
- De Wit [De Wit] D.
- Geer [Geer and Patureau-Mirand 07] N.
- Kanenobu [Kanenobu 92] T.
- Kohli [Kohli and Patureau-Mirand] B.-M.
- Neuwirth [Neuwirth 65] L.
- Ohtsuki [Ohtsuki 02] T.
- Reshetikhin [Reshetikhin et al.] N.
- Siebenmann [Siebenmann 75] L.
- Stallings [Stallings 61] J.
- Stoimenow [Stoimenow] A.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of acute and chronic hematocrit modulations on blood viscosity in endurance athletes
- Author
- Alis
- Brugniaux
- Brugniaux
- Brun
- Brun
- Brun
- Brun
- Burge
- Connes
- Connes
- Connes
- Convertino
- Coyle
- El-Sayed
- Esteva
- Gonzalez-Alonso
- Hiebl
- Iwasaki
- Jacobs
- Laub
- Lemonne
- Lemonne
- Levine
- Lundby
- Mao
- Martini
- Mazzoni
- Neuhaus
- Pichon
- Reinhart
- Richard
- Robach
- Robach
- Robach
- S. American Thoracic and P. American College of Chest
- Sandor
- Schuler
- Siebenmann
- Siebenmann
- Simmonds
- Stark
- Publication venue
- 'IOS Press'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Addison's disease and diffuse cerebral sclerosis.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Functional Role of Endogenous Endothelin-1 in Congestive Heart Failure Treated with Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist.
- Author
- Cheng CP Noda T, Nozawa T, and Little WC
- Clavell AL Mattingly MT, Stevens TL, Nir A, Wright RS, and Aarhus LL
- Cohn JN
- Fareh J Touyz RM, Schiffrin EL, and Thibault G
- Goto Y Slinker BK, and LeWinter MM
- Imai T, Hirata Y, Emori T, Yanagisawa M, Masaki T, and Marumo F
- Ishikawa Y and Homcy CJ
- Ito H Hirata Y, Adachi S, Tanaka M, Tsujino M, Koike A, Nogami A, Marumo F, and Hiroe M
- Jones LG Rozich JD, Tsutsui H, and Cooper G IV
- McDonald KM Garr M, Carlyle PF, Francis GS, Hauer K, Hunter DW, Parish T, Stillman A, and Cohn JN
- McEwan PE Sherry L, Kenyon CJ, Webb DJ, and Gray GA
- Moreau P d'Uscio LV, Takase H, Barton M, and Luscher TF
- Morgan HE
- Sakai S Miyauchi T, Sakurai T, Kasuya Y, Ihara M, Yamaguchi Y, Goto K, and Sugishita Y
- Seo B Oemar BS, Siebenmann R, von Segesser L, and Luscher TF
- Spinale FG de Gasparo M, Whitebread S, Hebbar L, Clair MJ, Melton M, Krombach RS, Mukherjee R, Iannini JP, and O SJ
- Spinale FG Mukherjee R, Iannini JP, Whitebread S, Hebbar L, Clair MJ, Melton M, Cox MH, Thomas PB, and de Gasparo M
- Spinale FG Tempel GE, Mukherjee R, Eble DM, Brown R, Vacchiano CA, and Zile MR
- Teramura S Yamakado T, Maeda M, and Nakano T
- Wada A Tsutamoto T, Maeda Y, Kanamori T, Matsuda Y, and Kinoshita M
- Wei CM Lerman A, Rodeheffer RJ, McGregor CG, Brandt RR, Wright S, Heublein DM, Kao PC, Edwards WD, and Burnett JC Jr
- Yanagisawa M Kurihara H, Kimura S, Tomobe Y, Kobayashi M, Mitsui Y, Yazaki T, Goto K, and Masaki T
- Zhu Y Yang HT, and Endoh M
- Publication venue
- 'Physiological Society of Japan'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
Effect of hypoxia, safety shoe type, and lifting frequency on cardiovascular and ventilation responses
- Author
- Abadi
- Aghazadeh
- AghiliNasab
- Al-Ashaik
- Allen
- Amann
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Atef M. Ghaleb
- Barry
- Bellenger
- Boos
- Boos
- Borg
- Brocherie
- Coenen
- Collins
- Creswell
- Dominelli
- Dong
- Farinatti
- Fry
- Ghaleb
- Ghaleb
- Ghaleb
- Guo
- Hjortskov
- Hobler
- Huang
- Inbar
- Jameel Al-Tamimi
- Kamath
- Karinen
- Katayama
- Keppel
- Khalid Saad Aljaloud
- Kim
- Knott
- Krings
- Lamjed Mansour
- Latshang
- Lee
- Lee
- Li
- Lundby
- Mazzeo
- McArdle
- McConnell
- Mellor
- Mohamed Z. Ramadan
- Moore
- Nicolò
- Nicolò
- Nicolò
- Ohyabu
- Pagani
- Paparde
- Parati
- Paritala
- Ramadan
- Ramadan
- Ramadan
- Ricart
- Richalet
- RĂĽhle
- Safety
- Sassi
- Sevene
- Shapiro
- Sharp
- Siebenmann
- Siebenmann
- Sieljacks
- Singh
- Stock
- Stock
- Van Ravenswaaij-Arts
- Vos
- Vuksanović
- Waters
- Waters
- Widia
- Wille
- Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario
- Xu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
History of Shape Theory and its Application to General Topology
- Author
- A Chigogidze
- A cohomological Conley index for maps on metric spaces
- A Deleanu
- A Dranishnikov
- A Frei
- A Frei
- A Giraldo
- A Giraldo
- A Kadlof
- A Kolmogoroff
- A Komatu
- A remark on shape of continua
- A remark on the universal mappings of 1-dimensional continua
- A shape theory for closure algebras
- A simple proof that pointed FANR-spaces are regular fundamental re- tracts of ANR’s
- A Trybulec
- A Tychonoff
- A Winslow
- AG Kurosch
- Approximate fibrations and a movability condition for maps
- are homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube
- B Blackadar
- B GĂĽnther
- B GĂĽnther
- B Knaster
- BJ Ball
- BJ Ball
- BM Garay
- C Weber
- C. Conley
- C. Tezer
- C.H. Dowker
- Coherent categories with respect to monads and coherent prohomotopy theory
- Coherent prohomotopy and strong shape theory
- Comparison of the
- Concerning homotopy properties of compacta
- Continuous images of continua and 1-movability
- D.S. Coram
- DA Edwards
- DA Edwards
- DE Christie
- Decomposition of the
- DG Quillen
- DR Mcmillan Jr
- DS Kahn
- DS Kahn
- Duality in manifolds
- E Cuchillo-Ibanez
- E Tech
- EG Effros
- EL Lima
- Equivariant shape theory
- FW Bauer
- FW Cathey
- G Kozlowski
- GA Venema
- Generalized homology theories and chain complexes
- GW Henderson
- H Freudenthal
- H Hopf
- H Kato
- H Toda
- H Torunczyk
- H Whitney
- HM Hastings
- Homology groups of relations
- I Ivansic
- I Ivansic
- J Draper
- J Dydak
- J Dydak
- J Dydak
- J Kaminker
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Krasinkiewicz
- J Mioduszewski
- J Roe
- J Segal
- J Segal
- J Segal
- J.E. Keesling
- J.W. Robbin
- JB Quigley
- JE Keesling
- JF Adams
- JH Levan
- JL Kelley
- JL Macdonald
- JL Taylor
- JM Cordier
- JMR Sanjurjo
- JT Lisica
- JT Montgomery
- JT Rogers Jr
- JW Alexander
- K Borsuk
- K Kuperberg
- K Morita
- Kontinua zweiter Ordnung
- L Boxer
- L Vietoris
- L.J. Hernández-Paricio
- LC Siebenmann
- LEJ Brouwer
- LG Brown
- Local connectedness and pointed 1-movability
- LS Husch
- M Artin
- M Bestvina
- M Brown
- M C McCord
- M Dadarlat
- M Dâdârlat
- M Moszynska
- M Mrozek
- M Pavel
- M Wojdyslawski
- M. Bestvina
- MA Moron
- Manifolds with a boundary and their transformations
- MH Clapp
- MH Stone
- ML Mihalik
- NE Steenrod
- Neuaufbau der Endentheorie
- O Bratelli
- On a strong spectral shape theory (in Russian)
- On bicompact spaces
- On compact spaces
- On movable compacta
- On nearly extendable maps
- On shapes of topological spaces
- On some sequential strong Whitney-reversible properties
- On the concept of attractor
- On the Lefschetz-Hopf fixed point theorem for nearly extendable maps
- On the Lustemik-
- On the n-movability
- P Mrozik
- Proper shape theory
- PS Alexandroff
- Quasicompactifications and shape theory
- R Bowen
- R Geoghegan
- R.M. Vogt
- RC Lacher
- Resolutions of spaces are strong expansions
- RF Williams
- RH Fox
- RM Schori
- S Lefschetz
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesic
- S Mardesié
- S Nowak
- S Smale
- S Spiet
- S. Mazurkiewicz
- SA Antonian
- SA Bogatyi
- SA Bogatyi
- SB Nadler Jr
- Shape properties of Whitney maps for hyperspaces
- Shape theory for arbitrary C*-algebras
- Shapes of compacta and ANR-systems
- Shapes of complexes ends of manifolds, homotopy limits and the Wall obstruction
- Simpliziale Approximationen in der allgemeinen Topologie
- Stability of the fixed point property and universal maps
- T Miyata
- T Miyata
- T Porter
- T Waiewski
- T Yagasaki
- T. Watanabe
- TA Chapman
- tech cohomology and covering dimension for topological spaces
- tech theory
- The tech cohomology of movable and n -movable spaces
- Une définition des nombres de Betti pour un ensemble fermé quel- conque
- Universal mappings and fixed point theorems
- Untersuchungen ĂĽber Gestalt und Lage abgeschlossener Mengen beliebiger Dimension
- VF Laguna
- VL Klee
- W Holsztynski
- Whitney-reversible properties
- Y Kodama
- Y Kodama
- Y. Kodama
- YT Lisitsa
- Z Miminoshvili
- Z Terin
- Z.T. terin
- Über den höheren Zusammenhang kompakter Räume und eine Klasse von zusammenhangstreuen Abbildungen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
K-Theory and Geometric Topology
- Author
- A. Assadi
- A.A. Suslin
- A.E. Hatcher
- B.I. Dundas
- Bruce Hughes and Stratos Prassidis
- C.B. Hughes
- C.B. Thomas
- C.T.C. Wall
- C.T.C. Wall
- D. Burghelea
- D. Burghelea
- D.B. Ray
- D.R. Anderson
- D.R. Anderson
- E.K. Pedersen
- F Quinn
- F. Quinn
- F. Quinn
- F. Waldhausen
- F.T. Farrell
- F.T. Farrell
- H. Cartan
- I. Madsen
- J. Cerf
- J. Cheeger
- J. Milnor
- J. Milnor
- J. Milnor
- J. Milnor
- J. Milnor
- J. Rosenberg
- J. Smillie
- J.A. Baglivo
- J.B. Wagoner
- J.B. Wagoner
- J.B. Wagoner
- J.B. Wagoner
- J.F. Davis
- J.L. Dupont
- J.P. May
- J.R. Klein
- K. Borsuk
- K. Igusa
- K.H. Kim
- L.C. Siebenmann
- M. Bökstedt
- M. Bökstedt
- M. Steinberger
- M.A. Kervaire
- M.M. Cohen
- P. Deligne
- P.A. Smith
- R. Bowen
- R. Oliver
- R. Schwänzl
- R.C. Kirby
- R.F. Williams
- R.G. Swan
- S. Araki
- S. Cappell
- S. Cappell
- S. Ferry
- S. Ferry
- S. Illman
- S. Smale
- S. Weinberger
- S.S. Chern
- S.S. Chern
- T. HĂĽttemann
- T. HĂĽttemann
- T.A. Chapman
- T.A. Chapman
- W. LĂĽck
- W. MĂĽller
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
Interventions for preventing high altitude illness: Part 2. Less commonly-used drugs
- Author
- Adams
- Agostoni
- Anonymous
- Bailey
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Basnyat
- Basnyat
- Bevacqua
- Bilo
- Bilo
- Bilo
- Bloch
- Brok
- Brookfield
- Broome
- Burse
- Bärtsch
- Bärtsch
- Bärtsch
- Cain
- Cheng
- Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT)
- Currie
- Davis
- Debevec
- Dehnert
- Dugas
- Dumont
- Dumont
- Dumont
- Elbourne
- Ellsworth
- Elphick
- Flaherty
- Forster
- Forwand
- Fulco
- Furian
- Gathwala
- Gertsch
- Goerre
- Gray
- Gurusamy
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Hackett
- Harris
- Hefti
- Higgins
- Hozo
- Imray
- Ioannidis
- Ioannidis
- Jafarian
- Jafarian
- Jain
- Johnson
- Jonk
- Kallenberg
- Kasic
- Kayser
- Khodaee
- Kotwal
- Lalande
- Lan
- Larsen
- Lawley
- Lee
- Leissner
- Levine
- Liu
- Low
- Luks
- Luks
- Luks
- Luks
- Luks
- Lysakowski
- Maggiorini
- Maggiorini
- Mairer
- Maneuf
- Marmura
- MartĂ-Carvajal Arturo
- Mathew
- McIntosh
- Modesti
- Modesti
- Monge
- Murdoch
- Naeije
- Nieto Estrada
- No authors
- Palmer
- Paralikar
- Pasha
- Pun
- Purkayastha
- Reinhart
- Ri-Li
- Ritchie
- RodrĂguez de Romo
- Roncin
- Sandoval
- Scalzo
- Scherrer
- Schneider
- Schoene
- Schoene
- Schoonman
- Serra
- Seupaul
- Siebenmann
- Singh
- SolĂs
- Stedman
- Stream
- Suh
- Swenson
- Teppema
- Thorlund
- Utz
- Vuyk
- Wan
- Wang
- Wetterslev
- Wetterslev
- White
- Wilson
- Windsor
- Wohns
- Wright
- Wright
- Xiangjun
- Yanagisawa
- Zafren
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Interventions for preventing high altitude illness: Part 3. Miscellaneous and non-pharmacological interventions
- Author
- Adams
- Agostoni
- Anonymous
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Bailey
- Baillie
- Bartsch
- Bartsch
- Basnyat
- Berger
- Bilo
- Bilo
- Bilo
- Bloch
- Brok
- Broome
- Burns
- Burse
- Bärtsch
- Bärtsch
- Bärtsch
- Bärtsch
- Cain
- Chiu
- Chow
- Committee to Advise on Tropical Medicine and Travel (CATMAT)
- Davis
- Debevec
- Dehnert
- Dehnert
- Dugas
- Dumont
- Dumont
- Elbourne
- Ellsworth
- Elphick
- Flaherty
- Forster
- Forwand
- Fulco
- Furian
- Gertsch
- Gertsch
- Gonzalez Garay
- Gray
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Guyatt
- Hackett
- Harris
- Hefti
- Heo
- Higgins
- Hozo
- Imray
- Johnson
- Jonk
- Kallenberg
- Kanaan
- Kasic
- Kayser
- Kayser
- Ke
- Khodaee
- Kim
- Kleijnen
- Kotwal
- Kryger
- Lalande
- Lan
- Launay
- Lawley
- Leadbetter
- Leadbetter
- Lee
- Leissner
- Levine
- Lipman
- Liu
- Low
- Luks
- Luks
- Luks
- Luks
- Luks
- Maggiorini
- Mairer
- MartĂ-Carvajal
- McIntosh
- Menz
- Milledge
- Modesti
- Monge
- Moraga
- Murdoch
- Naeije
- Nieto Estrada
- Palmer
- Paralikar
- Pasha
- Perez-Pinzon
- Pun
- Purkayastha
- Reinhart
- Ren
- Ri-Li
- Ritchie
- Roach
- RodrĂguez de Romo
- Roncin
- Sandoval
- Savourey
- Scalzo
- Scherrer
- Schneider
- Schoene
- Schoene
- Schommer
- Schoonman
- Serra
- Seupaul
- Siebenmann
- Silva-Urra
- Simancas-Racines
- Singh
- SolĂs
- Stedman
- Stream
- Suh
- Swenson
- Talbot
- Teppema
- Thorlund
- Utz
- Vuyk
- Wan
- Wang
- Warner
- Wetterslev
- Wetterslev
- White
- Wilson
- Windsor
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Wright
- Xiangjun
- Zafren
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study