6 research outputs found

    The Feasibility of the Application of Presumption in Belief-Related Issues

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    In belief-related matters, because the necessity, i. e. all the pillars of the Principle of Presumption are present and there are no obstacles, there is no uncertainty regarding the principle feasibility of applying presumption concerning them; rather the absoluteness of its arguments also include actions of the heart. Regardless, some have negated the feasibility of applying presumption in belief-related issues by relying on proofs such as objectivity, or the reliability of belief on certitude, the inapplicability of the arguments for presumption on actions of the heart and also the legal necessity of attaining conscientious certainty regarding beliefs. In contrast, there are others who – while dividing belief-related issues into two types of those that require conscientious certitude and those that simply need commitment of the heart – believe that in the beliefs of the second type both thematic and edictive presumption applies but in case of the first type of beliefs only edictive presumption applies. The present research shows that because belief is a conscientious issue, doubt is belief itself is relieved by referring to the conscience and the application of presumption in belief itself is completely meaningless. There is also no possibility for the occurrence of doubt in the remaining and application of presumption in the belief-related rules in the subjective aspect because none of these types of rules have a temporal goal. But the application of the Principle of Presumption is both rationally as well as imminently possible in regards to beliefs, i. e. belief-related topics and issues‌‌

    Reflection on the Exceptions to Article 121 of the Islamic Penal Code (approved in 1392)

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    Abstract:Various views have been raised concerning the rule of law, but what have been accepted by most jurisprudents are the existing narratives in this regard. Even though the existing narrations are absolute and arbitrarily controversial in all its forms, the legislator, in Article 121 of the Criminal Code, excludes four cases of moharebeh, corruption, theft, and qazf,. It means that mere doubt does not lead to the rule of dar’e in these four cases; rather, the rule applies in other stages where no contradictory reason can be found. The present study shows that such a separation is inadequate in terms of jurisprudential basis and contradicts the general and general narratives related to the rule of dar’e. The reasons given by the scholars in justifying this separation are one-dimensional and obscure, and therefore not acceptable. The present study seeks to analyze the bases and arguments presented in order to justify the four exceptions of Article 121 of the Criminal Code

    Simultaneous optimization of transformer tap changer and network capacitors to improve the distribution system’s static security considering distributed generation sources

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    Voltage control and reactive power play an important role in the operation of the distribution network. Accordingly, conventional methods such as the installation of a capacitor in an optimum location with a proper capacity and optimal transformer tap setting which has an impressive effect on voltage control and reactive power are used. But the study on the simultaneous use of these two methods is limited and it seems necessary to be conducted. These days the presence of Distributed Generation (DG) resources has grown in distribution networks. The presence of distributed generation resources has a great influence on the voltage profile due to the radial structure of the distribution network and the low X/R ratio. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the optimal coordination of the use of switchable capacitors and the setting of transformer taps in the presence of distributed generation resources to improve the voltage profile and reduce losses. This paper examines the simultaneous use of capacitors and transformer taps in distribution networks to reduce the voltage deviation and distribution losses in the presence of distributed generation resources. In order to explain the objectives, six different operation scenarios have been defined and studied. The above study is implemented based on the IEEE, 13 and 34 bus standard networks and the results are presented. The presented results clearly indicate the necessity of coordinating the use of these tools in distribution networks

    Jurisprudential Feasibility of Agreement on the Incorrect Execution of Qisas

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    The main question is whether the agreement to change the organ subjects to qisas to a similar organ is legitimate and causes the right of qisas to be forfeited concerning the original organ? There has not been a comprehensive research research in this regard with an exception of a brief outline of some examples in the codified criminal law and jurisprudence texts. This article attempts to re-examine the issue by presenting new analysis while critically studying the existing views. According to the famous Imami view, this agreement is not permissible and the right of qisas remains with the termination of the agreed organ. Therefore, it is necessary to pay the dues of the similar organs that have been cut off.The reasons of the famous view are as follows: the non-realization of the originality, the irreconcilability of the blood issue, the principle of non-substitution, the non-inclusion of the rule of body integrity, and the inclusion of the obligation of qisas in the original place. Indeed, due to the invalidity of the said agreement, according to the famous view, the left hand exchange (i.e. the fall of revenge from the right hand) has not been realized and on the other hand, the same exchange (left hand) has also been cut off.According to the second view, agreeing to amputate a similar limb instead of the main limb causes the right of qisas to fall and turn it into ransom. In such cases, on the one hand, the victim is entitled to receive diya for his right hand, and on the other, due to the amputation of  criminal's left hand, he is required to pay diya. In fact, agreeing on left-handed qisas instead of right-handed qisas is like forgiving the victim of right-handed qisas in exchange for left-handed qisas. Of course, it should be maintained that victim with left-handed who agreed on qisas has abandoned right-handed qisas, not that he has turned it into diya since if his goal was to receive the diya for his right hand, he could demand it from the criminal, and there was no need for the agreed qisas of the left hand.According to the third point of view, in practice, there is an exchange between the place of qisas and its similar organ, and the similar organ replaces the retaliated organ, which will result in the fall of the victim's right of qisas. The evidence of the third view are the implied amnesty of the agreement, the possibility of a change in the organ's qisas and reference to the rules of harmlessness and exclusion.The present article, with a descriptive and analytical method, while critically examining the jurisprudential foundations of the mentioned viewpoints and giving a reasoned preference to the promise of deserving punishment as a result of the agreed qisas of the similar organ, believes that such agreements and compromises can be based on. He considered it to be correct and legitimate and considered its provisions to be enforceable. In this regard, while studying the sayings and proofs of the jurists, by presenting proofs beyond the documents that have been presented for the third point of view, this opinion has been strengthened, the proofs of the illegitimacy of the agreement on the same organ's reparations are also disputed.The pieces evidence of the selected point of view are as follows:Analyzing the issue based on the aspect of the right of qisasThe basic rule in law is that the authority is in the hands of the right holder, and transferability, revocation, compromise, pardon, and forgiveness are among its accessories. So, first of all, since revenge is a special right of the victim, then it must be possible to judge the legitimacy of such an agreement. Secondly, considering the fact that the tortfeasor, even for free, can waive his right, then as a priority, he will be able to waive his right of qisas by agreeing to the qisas of the similar organ. Thirdly, due to the personal nature of the right to qisas in crimes against the soul, it is not possible to execute qisas without demanding compensation from the victim. Therefore, ruling to invalidate the agreement and re-implementation of qisas is contrary to this Muslim rule.Analyzing the problem in terms of substantive similarityBased on numerous pieces of evidence, there is a balance between the interests and functions of similar organs; which can be cited in order to prove the legitimacy of the aforementioned agreement.Applying the verse of qisas; From the honorable verse "Write down against them, that the soul is in the soul and the eye is in the eye and..." (Ma'idah/45), which explains the law of execution of qisas due to the necessity of similarity, it can be used that the paired body parts that are opposite each other and the ruling of qisas. They are exported, regardless of the right and left, they are considered similar to each other.Habib Sajestani's narration from Imam Baqir (a.s.): "Regarding the rights of Muslims, where a person has a hand, the hand should be placed against the hand..."Homogenization of similar organs in the verse; The chapters on limb amputation are used in the works of jurists, whose view of similar limbs is almost likeness and ruling on punishment of left hand in case of lack of right hand, based on this basis.From the point of view of custom, the organs of the pair are considered similar, and characteristics such as right and left are not considered by custom.Problem analysis based on the philosophy of qisas; The main purpose of the law is to legislate qisas punishment, deterrence, providing security and life of the society and healing the wounded feelings of the victim and the society. It seems that both of the aforementioned goals can be achieved with the agreement of similar organs.Arrange rational purpose for agreement.First: It is possible that rational and valuable effects and benefits will be obtained from the said agreement. Secondly: It is possible that the motive of benevolence is also desired in the qisas of the similar organ.Requirement of No Harm and The Dar'e RulesThe verdict of non- qisas ultimately leads to the qisas of two life organs for one victim. Therefore, referring to the harmless rule, the fall of the right of qisas against the victim is explained.Also, the rule of Dar'e, also includes qisas, and with the qisas of a similar organ, the legitimacy of re-implementation of qisas is questioned, the fall of the right of qisas seems more appropriate.Legal evidencesAlthough the legislature of Iran has not explicitly commented on this matter, according to the articles 347, 361, 363 and 365 of the Islamic Penal Code, conciliation and agreeability of the right of qisas, in each of the stages of prosecution, proceedings and execution, has clearly accepted and considered the right of qisas to fall and the hypothesis of this article is confirmed

    The effect of removing of condemnation and decriminalize of Dar rule in the crimes punishable by Qisas with the approach of to the Penal Code in 1392

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    Dar rule is one of the most important items in Islamic criminal policy That it has Decriminalize and removing of Condemnation effect. Iranian Legislator at The1370 Islamic Penal Code fall Of punishment Subject However, paid independently at the Article 120 and 121 of the 1392 Islamic Penal Code in fall Of punishment Subject. Decriminalize indicate this fact That to reduce the harmful effects of punishment or decrease severely of punishment and or Otherwise be justified punishment The second mode is where after the crime be removed generally punishmen of the crime. in `removing of condemnation` what is considered, The removal of the accused and suspects from investigation process and acquitted the accused and fix conviction of his. Dar rule, in some cases, removed certain punishment while apply another penalty and in some cases, totally `removing of condemnation`. `. Legislative approach to such that extended also Dar rule to non- Hodud and this approach is in accordance with Dar absolute evidence rule because characterized according to the Qur'an and hadith evidence, The term "Had" In the documentary base, can not be only mean certain punishment and includes absolute punishment. Qisas crimes

    Islamic legal restudy of effects of incorrect execution, in cutting punishments

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    In executing of legal punishment such as cutting of hand or leg, it is probable to cut the opposite organ, by mistake, intentionally or by beneficence. In this case, the punishment of cutting is left, in view of famous theory in jurisprudence, contrary to another one. Although the in both opinion the pay of blood money is necessary, in supposition of intention of mistake and retaliation in supposition of mistake. In view of this article, by analysis of foundations, the view of un famous jurists ( revocation of legal punishments) is seem to correct, in both supposition of mistake and intention, and conformable to traditions that says it should be remain one hand and leg to offender, to accomplish basic and daily  Affairs. But this theory is reviewable, in conviction of executioner to retaliation or to pay blood money, because of contrariety with traditions, rule of Beneficence it will be in the interest of offender. (revocation of punishment, on one hand, and the right of demand of retaliation or receipt of blood money, on the other hand.) In opinion of authors, the equable way is that we say to revocation in both of intention and mistake, and at the same time we accept some proportional deterrent punishment (Taazir), in case of intention