31 research outputs found

    Podróże powtórzone (Dmitrij Bykow, „Uniewinnienie”, „Sygnały”)

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    The present paper aims at analyzing two novels by Dmitry Bykov: Justification(1998) and Signals (2013). On the basis of both their subject and formal representation we may state that they may be considered a dilogy. In the former the author focused on a specific problem — an alternative version of the causes, course and consequences of Stalinist repressions. The latter touches upon the issue of the existing reality anddetermination to attain goals in the context of a contemporary Russian’s mentality,which is largely affected by Soviet thinkin

    Śladami „złotej kohorty” (Dmitrij Bykow, „Uniewinnienie”)

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    Dmitry Bykov’s novel Justification, created within the convention of alternative history, is a story about a fruitless attempt to justify Stalin’s crimes. The work combines mythologizing and demythologizing tendencies, which makes it an interesting example of quasi-historical prose. Moreover, the novel constitutes a significant voice in the debate on Russia's present condition and prospects

    Motocykl–widmo, czyli meandry współczesnej fantastyki (Oleg Diwow, Рыжий пес иж)

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    The present paper aims at analyzing one of the most recent Divov’s stories entitled Рыжий пес Иж (2016). The text is interesting both due to its literary genre hybridity (it embraces elements of a melodrama, a horror story, a detective story, urban fantasy and a fairy tale) and the topics it touches upon (especially animalistic issues). Divov deploys the well-known literary and cinematic motif of a soul penetrating an object and creates a story of motorcycle haunted by a dog’s soul. Due to its original solutions (inter alia referring to films) Divov’s story is an interesting work illustrating the permanent interrelations between literatures and movies as well as the author’s exploration within this scope. Moreover, the manner of creating the animal character and placing it within the structure allow for including Divov’s story into the group of contemporary literary works reflecting the proanimal trends in Russian culture.The present paper aims at analyzing one of the most recent Divov’s stories entitled Рыжий пес Иж (2016). The text is interesting both due to its literary genre hybridity (it embraces elements of a melodrama, a horror story, a detective story, urban fantasy and a fairy tale) and the topics it touches upon (especially animalistic issues). Divov deploys the well-known literary and cinematic motif of a soul penetrating an object and creates a story of motorcycle haunted by a dog’s soul. Due to its original solutions (inter alia referring to films) Divov’s story is an interesting work illustrating the permanent interrelations between literatures and movies as well as the author’s exploration within this scope. Moreover, the manner of creating the animal character and placing it within the structure allow for including Divov’s story into the group of contemporary literary works reflecting the proanimal trends in Russian culture

    Centrum i peryferia. Obraz Moskwy w powieści Dmitrija Głuchowskiego Tekst

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    Text is a novel of manners with elements of a thriller, a noir, and a detective novel (but the above-mentioned complementary elements fulfill only a supportive role, because the criminal intrigue exposed at the very beginning is treated marginally amounts to a starting point for deeper considerations of the psychological and sociological nature). Due to the peculiar presentation of the image of the Center (here: Moscow), Text fits into the vision of Moscow as the core of Russian predatory capitalism, exuberant consumerism, glitz, semblance and ruthless struggle for recognition in the ranking of successful people, which is presented in contemporary Russian literature. Its fundamental value is the fact that the realization of the author's idea is mainly due to the confrontation of megalopolis with images of the periphery, which can be regarded as satellite cities of the capital. In his perception of Russia, Glukhovsky is close to Roman Senchin and, similarly to the latter, he believes that the traditionally understood center-periphery, city-village conflict is disappearing, because eventually it turns out that (despite the spatial and social diversity) none of these places (mainly because of conspicuous regressive tendencies) does not give a person a chance for free development and self-realization.Text is a novel of manners with elements of a thriller, a noir, and a detective novel (but the above-mentioned complementary elements fulfill only a supportive role, because the criminal intrigue exposed at the very beginning is treated marginally amounts to a starting point for deeper considerations of the psychological and sociological nature). Due to the peculiar presentation of the image of the Center (here: Moscow), Text fits into the vision of Moscow as the core of Russian predatory capitalism, exuberant consumerism, glitz, semblance and ruthless struggle for recognition in the ranking of successful people, which is presented in contemporary Russian literature. Its fundamental value is the fact that the realization of the author's idea is mainly due to the confrontation of megalopolis with images of the periphery, which can be regarded as satellite cities of the capital. In his perception of Russia, Glukhovsky is close to Roman Senchin and, similarly to the latter, he believes that the traditionally understood center-periphery, city-village conflict is disappearing, because eventually it turns out that (despite the spatial and social diversity) none of these places (mainly because of conspicuous regressive tendencies) does not give a person a chance for free development and self-realization

    „Wieczna zabawa”? (Dmitrij Głuchowski, Futu.re)

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    The paper aims at analyzing Dmitry Glukhovsky’s novel Future in the context of spending leisure time. The writer presents a society, which has overcome death. It gives rise to the question if “leisure time” still exists in such a situation; and if it does, what importance and functions it has in comparison with the life before “the era of everlasting life”. Glukhovsky indicates that overcoming death in an unnatural way freezes civilization in time, which leads to the dwindling of human creativity and, which is confirmed by the way human beings spend their free time in the novel, degeneration. Instead of making progress humankind focuses on maintain the status quo, In light of the abovementioned the only solution is restoring death perceived as the reconstruction of the natural order of [email protected] Poznań, Wydział Neofilologii, Instytut Filologii Rosyjskiej i UkraińskiejBolanowska T., 2006, Trudni bohaterowie, trudne powroty, trudne wybory. Kilka uwag o fantastyce socjologicznej, „Literatura i kultura popularna” XIII, red. T. Żabski, Wrocław, s. 67–91.Ceglarz J., Kiedyś kościół, później popularna imprezownia, dziś na sprzedaż. Ciekawa oferta na Kujawach, [online], https://www.money.pl/gospodarka/wiadomosci/artykul/rink-weis-kosciol-na-sprzedaz,80,0,2207056.html [18.03.2019].Dąbrowski Z., 1966, Czas wolny dzieci i młodzieży, Warszawa.Foucault M., 2009, Nadzorować i karać. Narodziny więzienia, przeł. T. Komendant, Warszawa.Gancarz A., 2011, Wykluczenie społeczne w krajach Unii Europejskiej – porównanie opinii studentów kierunków nauczycielskich z Polski i Francji, [w:] Pedagogika międzykulturowa wobec wykluczenia społecznego i edukacyjnego, red. T. Lewowicki, A. Szczurek-Boruta, J. Suchodolska. Toruń, s. 229–250, [online], https://rebus.us.edu.pl/bitstream/20.500.12128/7119/3/Gancarz_Wykluczenie_spoleczne_w_krajach_Unii_Europejskiej.pdf [13.06.2019].Izdebski Z., Ostrowska A., 2003, Seks po polsku. Zachowania seksualne jako element stylu życia Polaków, Warszawa.Kamiński A., 1980, Funkcje pedagogiki społecznej, Warszawa.Kwilecki K., 2011, Rozważania o czasie wolnym. Wybrane zagadnienia, Katowice.Ritzer G., 2012, Magiczny świat konsumpcji, przeł. L. Stawowy, Warszawa.Tyszka A 1981, „Teksty: teoria literatury, krytyka, interpretacja”, nr 3 (57), s. 137–142, [online], http://bazhum.muzhp.pl/media//files/Teksty_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja/Teksty_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1981-t-n3_(57)/Teksty_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1981-t-n3_(57)-s137-142/Teksty_teoria_literatury_krytyka_interpretacja-r1981-t-n3_(57)-s137-142.pdf [12.09.2019].Witkowska M., Restauracje, bary, dyskoteki ... w kościołach, „Dziennik Łódzki”, [online], https://dzienniklodzki.pl/restauracje-bary-dyskoteki-w-kosciolach/ar/970228 [18.08.2013].Wnuk-Lipiński E., 1972, Praca i wypoczynek w budżecie czasu, Wrocław–Warszawa–Kraków.Akunin B., Čhartišvili G., 2006, Kladbiŝenskie istorii, Moskva. [Акунин, Б., Чхартишвили, Г., 2006, Кладбищенские истории, Москва.]Bekasov Š., Kladbiŝenskoe soavtorstvo, [Бекасов Ш., Кладбищенское соавторство], [online], http://www.bekasov.ru/shen/cemetery.htm [18.03.2019]Gluhovskij D., 2013, Buduŝee, Moskva. [Глуховский Д., 2013, Будущее, Москва 2013.]2012714

    Fatalne zauroczenie (Wiktor Pielewin, Miłość do trzech Zuckerbrinów)

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze an increasingly dangerous phenomenon in modern times – the Internet addiction – in the context of contemporary Russian literature. It seems that in this light, the work of Viktor Pelevin can serve as a perfect example of a literary voice in the discussion about the condition of the modern world. The present paper uses the findings of modern technology experts (e.g. Clifford Stoll), philosophers, and sociologists (e.g. Jean Baudrillard, Kazimierz Krzysztofek). In Viktor Pelevin’s novel entitled Love for Three Zuckerbrins (Любовь к трeм цукербринам, 2014) the author continues his analysis of the problem, already marked in The Helmet of Horror (Шлем ужаса: Креатифф о Тесее и Минотавре, 2005), centered on the impact of the development of the latest technologies on human beings. While in the author’s earlier works this issue remained in the sphere of predictions and guesses, here it is unequivocally resolved to the detriment of the human individual. By touching upon the question of popular games for people, Pelevin shows their real role – playing with people. In this context the abovementioned attraction to simple entertainment has irreversible effects – a win in an Internet game means a failure in real life. While advocating unequivocally on the side of the opponents of the adulation for cyberspace, Pelevin points out that a complete unification with it will lead to the end of humanity.The aim of this paper is to analyze an increasingly dangerous phenomenon in modern times – the Internet addiction – in the context of contemporary Russian literature. It seems that in this light, the work of Viktor Pelevin can serve as a perfect example of a literary voice in the discussion about the condition of the modern world. The present paper uses the findings of modern technology experts (e.g. Clifford Stoll), philosophers, and sociologists (e.g. Jean Baudrillard, Kazimierz Krzysztofek). In Viktor Pelevin’s novel entitled Love for Three Zuckerbrins (Любовь к трeм цукербринам, 2014) the author continues his analysis of the problem, already marked in The Helmet of Horror (Шлем ужаса: Креатифф о Тесее и Минотавре, 2005), centered on the impact of the development of the latest technologies on human beings. While in the author’s earlier works this issue remained in the sphere of predictions and guesses, here it is unequivocally resolved to the detriment of the human individual. By touching upon the question of popular games for people, Pelevin shows their real role – playing with people. In this context the abovementioned attraction to simple entertainment has irreversible effects – a win in an Internet game means a failure in real life. While advocating unequivocally on the side of the opponents of the adulation for cyberspace, Pelevin points out that a complete unification with it will lead to the end of humanity

    Moskiewska „czernucha”. Wstydliwa strona miasta?

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    The article is an attempt to answer the question of the way noir functions in the contemporary prose devoted to Moscow and the extent to which it affects the city’s literary image. The paper interprets selected works by Vladimir Sorokin, Roman Senchin and Sergei Kuznetsov. The analysis conducted by the author of the paper leads to the conclusion that the presence of the so-called “black naturalism” in the Moscow texts does not spoil the image of Russia’s capital, but complements it with new elements (previously hidden, but present since the old days). Therefore, Moscow becomes more real, tangible, flesh and blood as well as suitable for the worldwide tendency to create megapolises.The article is an attempt to answer the question of the way noir functions in the contemporary prose devoted to Moscow and the extent to which it affects the city’s literary image. The paper interprets selected works by Vladimir Sorokin, Roman Senchin and Sergei Kuznetsov. The analysis conducted by the author of the paper leads to the conclusion that the presence of the so-called “black naturalism” in the Moscow texts does not spoil the image of Russia’s capital, but complements it with new elements (previously hidden, but present since the old days). Therefore, Moscow becomes more real, tangible, flesh and blood as well as suitable for the worldwide tendency to create megapolises

    Krwawa karuzela (Władimir Zazubrin, „Drzazga”)

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    This article presents a comparative analysis of Vladimir Zazubrin’s story titled The Splinter (1923) and its contemporary screen adaptation, i.e. Alexandr Rogozhkin’s film The Chekist (1992), in the context of the Russian nation’s tragedy during the formation of a new socio-political system. Just as Zazubrin text is a peculiar testimony to a certain epoch, Rogozhkin’s film (if one also takes into account the date of its premiere) is a picture that warns contemporary people so as to prevent them from repeating their predecessors’ mistakes

    Мiж Шерлоком Голмсом і Ебергардом Моком: Готель „Велика Пруссiя” Богдана Коломiйчука

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    The subject of the analysis in this paper is the novel by Bohdan Kolomiichuk entitled The Great Prussia Hotel. From the genre point of view, the piece fits seamlessly into the so-called retro detective story with elements of the noir novel. The author’s variant of the retro detective story is clearly inspired by the classics of the genre, such as Artur Conan Doyle or Agata Christie (also contemporary ones, already containing further original modifications, such as Marek Krajewski or Konrad Lewandowski). This translates, for example, into the construction of the main character. Thus, a hybrid character is created, which appears to be a conglomerate of the features of Sherlock Holmes and Eberhard Mock. One should also pay attention to the construction of the novel space. Mapping activates various cultural and historical codes, it is not only an element accompanying the development of the plot but an expression of counter-hegemonic practice - the opposition to superficial top-down unification, anonymization and denationalization. Kolomiichuk’s novel can therefore be considered a borderland work in some places due to its multi-address character and a certain historical verve. In this context, at times drifting somewhat towards postmodernism, the Hotel smoothly fits into the trend of opening up popular literature to hybridity, borderline and multi-genre, visible since the turn of the 20th and 21st century, while taking into account national archetypes, images and motifs, and correlating them with the global (also contemporary) classics of the genre.The subject of the analysis in this paper is the novel by Bohdan Kolomiichuk entitled The Great Prussia Hotel. From the genre point of view, the piece fits seamlessly into the so-called retro detective story with elements of the noir novel. The author’s variant of the retro detective story is clearly inspired by the classics of the genre, such as Artur Conan Doyle or Agata Christie (also contemporary ones, already containing further original modifications, such as Marek Krajewski or Konrad Lewandowski). This translates, for example, into the construction of the main character. Thus, a hybrid character is created, which appears to be a conglomerate of the features of Sherlock Holmes and Eberhard Mock. One should also pay attention to the construction of the novel space. Mapping activates various cultural and historical codes, it is not only an element accompanying the development of the plot but an expression of counter-hegemonic practice - the opposition to superficial top-down unification, anonymization and denationalization. Kolomiichuk’s novel can therefore be considered a borderland work in some places due to its multi-address character and a certain historical verve. In this context, at times drifting somewhat towards postmodernism, the Hotel smoothly fits into the trend of opening up popular literature to hybridity, borderline and multi-genre, visible since the turn of the 20th and 21st century, while taking into account national archetypes, images and motifs, and correlating them with the global (also contemporary) classics of the genre.Предметом аналізу в цій статті є роман Богдана Коломійчука Готель „Велика Пруссія”. З точки зору жанрового визначення твір плавно вписується в рамки ретро-детективу з елементами нуарного роману. Авторський варіант ретро-детективу, використаний письмен- ником, безсумнівно інспірований класиками жанру, такими як Артур Конан Дойл чи Агата Крісті, а також сучасними авторами, твори яких містять подальші оригінальні модифікації (Марек Краєвський чи Конрад Левандовський). Простежується це, зокрема, у побудові го- ловного героя, яким є гібридний персонаж, створений на базі спільних рис Шерлока Холмса та Ебергарда Мока. В аналізованому романі слід звернути увагу й на побудову художнього простору. Авторське мапування активізує різноманітні культурно-історичні коди, відтак є не лише елементом, що супроводжує розвиток сюжетної лінії, а й вираженням контргегемо- ністської практики – протидії поверховій уніфікації, анонімізації та денаціоналізації. Таким чином роман Коломійчука можна вважати межовим твором з огляду на його багатоадресність та певний історичний нахил. У цьому контексті, дрейфуючи подекуди в бік постмодернізму, Готель «Велика Пруссія» плавно вписується в актуальний від зламу ХХ–ХХІ ст. тренд відкриття масової літератури на гібридність, межовість та багатожанровість з урахуванням національни

    Futurystyczna uczta literacka (Władimir Sorokin, „Манарага”)

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    In his latest novel Manaraga (2017) Sorokin comments on one of the most significant problems of modern times – the results of the anticipated death of the printed book as well as the related opposition between the original and the copy. The biggest problem, as the author suggests, is not the form of the already published literary classics but the absence of new classics, which can embrace ideas capable of awaking the humankind from its zest for comfort and motivating people for constructive progress