9 research outputs found

    Efeitos cardiorrespiratórios da buprenorfina em cães anestesiados pelo desfluorano Cardiorespiratory effects of buprenorphine in dogs anesthetized with desflurane

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    Objetivou-se, com este estudo, avaliar os efeitos da buprenorfina sobre variáveis cardiovasculares e respiratórias em cães durante anestesia com desfluorano. Para tanto, foram utilizados 20 cães adultos, distribuídos em dois grupos (GB e GC). A anestesia foi induzida com propofol (8mg kg-1 IV) e em seguida os animais foram intubados com sonda de Magill, a qual foi conectada ao aparelho de anestesia para administração de desfluorano (1,5 CAM). Após 30 minutos, foi aplicado no GB buprenorfina (0,02mg kg-1) e no GC solução de NaCl à 0,9% (0,05ml kg-1). Avaliaram-se: freqüências cardíaca e respiratória (FC e <FONT FACE=Symbol>&brvbar;</FONT>); pressões arteriais sistólica, diastólica e média (PAS, PAD e PAM); débito cardíaco (DC); pressão venosa central (PVC); e as variáveis hemogasométricas pH, PaCO2, PaO2, HCO3, SatO2 e DB. As colheitas dos dados foram feitas aos 30 minutos após o início da administração do desfluorano (MO), 15 minutos após a administração do opióide ou placebo (M15), e a cada 15 minutos após Ml5 (M30, M45, M60 e M75). A avaliação estatística dos dados foi efetuada por meio de Análise de Perfil (P<0,05). Houve discreta redução da FC no GB, enquanto as outras variáveis cardiovasculares não tiveram redução significativa. A <FONT FACE=Symbol>&brvbar;</FONT> e o pH tiveram reduções no GB, enquanto a PaCO2 esteve aumentada. Concluiu-se que a inclusão da buprenorfina durante anestesia inalatória pelo desfluorano determina discretas alterações cardiovasculares, bem-como potencializa a hipoventilação promovida pelo desfluorano, com a manifestação de hipercapnia, o que não contra-indica o seu uso em pacientes estáveis.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of buprenorphine on cardiovascular and respiratory variables in dogs anesthetized with desflurane. Twenty adult healthy male and female mongrel dogs were randomly distributed in two groups of ten animals each (GB and GC). The anesthetic induction was done using propofol (8mg kg-1, IV), and immediately, the dogs were intubated and submited to desflurane anesthesia administrated at 1.5 MAC. After 30 minutes of induction, animals from GB received buprenorphine (0.02mg kg-1) and GC saline solution at 0.9% (0.05ml kg-1), both applied intramuscularly. Heart Rate (HR); Systolic, Diastolic and Mean Arterial Blood Pressure (SAP, DAP and MAP); Cardiac Output (CO); Venous Central Pressure (VCP); Respiratory Rate (RR); Corporal Temperature (CT) and hemogasometrics variables. The measurement were realized 30 minutes after beginning the inhalatory anesthesia (MO); 15 minutes after opioid or saline administration (M15). Serial measurements were carried out in 15-minute intervals after M15 (M30, M45, M60 and M75). The numerical data were submited to ANOVA (P<0.05). The HR, RR and pH decreased after opioid administration, while for PaCO2 increased. The results allow us to conclude that buprenorphine determine discreet reduction in the cardiovascular parameters and promotes potentially hypoventilation in dogs anesthetized with desflurane

    Die Collectio Francofurtana: eine französische Decretalensammlung Analyse beruhend auf Vorarbeiten von Walther Holtzmann

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    What makes an e-commerce company successful? In 2011 24% of venture capital in the US went into Internet companies adding up to a total of $6.9 billion (PwC & NVCA, 2011). With such high stakes the question of e-commerce success is more topical than ever. Google, one of the biggest e-commerce companies in the world, despite huge successful products like Google Search, has also seen failures. In this paper, we explore factors associated with successful and unsuccessful adoption of Google products using a literature study in conjunction with qualitative analysis of the Google Search, Google Health, and Google Plus products. Our research identifies key success factors for user adoption of Google products and predicts that Google Plus in its present form will lead to failure. The study shows that perceived compatibility, perceived usefulness, information quality, balancing risks with trust, and finally social pressure are important success factors for Google. Despite limiting the examination to Google products, results can serve as a guideline for other e-commerce venture

    A Taxonomy of SME E-Commerce Platforms Derived from a MarketLevel Analysis

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    Copyright © 2018 Christopher P. Holland and Manuela Gutiérrez-Leefmans.Published with license by Taylor & Francis. Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) constitute a large and important sector of the U.S. and U.K. economies and e-commerce platforms have evolved that are designed specifically to help small business owners and entrepreneurs. Despite the popularity and importance of these digital platforms, there is a paucity of research in this area. This article contributes to theory by being the first study to map out the competitive landscape of SME e-commerce platforms in two markets using a theoretical framework and analysis that is based on business model and strategic group theories. In total, 144 platforms were analyzed using an online panel data methodology, which identified 32 leading SME e-commerce platforms in the UK and United States. These leading platforms were analyzed at the market level using cluster analysis based on strategic group theory and website content analysis. A taxonomy is proposed based on theoretical constructs derived from business model theory: value proposition, Web 2.0 sophistication, and revenue model. Five distinctive strategic groups are identified: information laggards, basic networking, advanced networking, advanced networking mature, and social media markets. The study further outlines managerial implications for SMEs, SME e-commerce platform providers, and external sponsors of the platforms—predominantly government organizations and banks