122 research outputs found

    Students’ social representations about world culture

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    The relevance of the problem under study stems from the interest that social representations have in modern science, as well as the role of students in the development of the modern world. The aim of the article is to present the results of the study of the structure of social perceptions of culture among Russian and American students, statistical and qualitative analysis of the results obtained. The findings suggest that there are differences in the concepts that American and Russian students are willing to designate as categories reflecting their perceptions of world culture. Both groups of students include the general concept of art in the content of the scheme of social representation of world culture, but Russian students are most active in indicating components that focus on revealing the inner world of an individual. The notions given by American students about world culture reflect its importance as an area for active intercultural communication. The materials of this article may be useful for further research into the main factors of globalisation processes, as well as for understanding the subsequent development of the content and structure of young people’s social perceptions

    Integration of Effectiveness and Efficiency Indicators of State Support for Projects and Programmes for the Development of Higher Education in Russia

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    To achieve the set goal, the study employs expert-analytical methods of retrospective, deterministic, and factor analysis, as well as the tools of foresight technology, allowing the assessment of the impact of the system of factors on the effectiveness indicators of state financial support for universities. The key result of the study is a conceptual model for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of state support for university development projects and programs, which is based on foresight methodology and establishes the interrelation between the system of factors and the indicators of efficiency and effectiveness of state funding for Russian universities. The proposed model not only offers a quality expert-analytical foundation for important financial decisions on state support for university development programs and academic excellence projects, but also encourages educational organizations to develop strategic development programs and roadmaps for their effective implementation


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    Today the threat of sovereign defaults is relevant and severe enough not only to developing but also to developed countries. In the first half of the 1980s, the global crisis of emerging markets external debt demonstrated for the first time that the debt crisis, as well as currency, banking, securities and other financial crises, can be not only sovereign, but also global and lead to the need for restructuring the entire global financial and monetary system. In 2000-2010, it became evident that developed countries were subject to the debt crisis not only at sovereign level but also at the level of integrated monetary and financial groups. The problem of debt crisis is the most acute in the EU countries. In this context, the analysis of the current state of external debt of the EU countries and possible effects of sovereign defaults in peripheral countries on the euro area seems relevant both from the point of reforming the global financial architecture, as well as in view of the position of Russia in this reform. The article considers the following issues: classification of modern defaults, restructuring of the external debt, default dependence and exchange rate fluctuations. It also investigates the problems of debt restructuring and tightening of international credit conditions. The author examines the external debt indicators of EU countries and the probability of sovereign defaults in EU peripheral countries as well as considers the debt stability criteria for euro zone economies and analyzes potential consequences of defaults in the EU area for the global financial market.Угроза суверенных дефолтов сегодня актуальна не только для развивающихся, но и для развитых государств. В первой половине 1980-х годов мировой кризис внешней задолженности развивающихся стран впервые продемонстрировал, что долговые кризисы, так же как валютные, банковские, фондовые и другие, могут быть не только суверенными, но и мировыми и приводить к необходимости структурной перестройки всей мировой валютно-финансовой системы. В 2000-2010 гг. стало очевидно, что и развитые страны подвержены долговым кризисам не только на суверенном уровне, но и на уровне интеграционных валютно-финансовых группировок. Наиболее остро проблема долгового кризиса стоит в странах Евросоюза. В этой связи анализ современного состояния внешней задолженности стран Евросоюза и возможных последствий суверенных дефолтов периферийных стран зоны евро представляется актуальным как с позиций реформирования мировой финансовой архитектуры, так и с учетом позиций России в этой реформе. В статье рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с классификацией современных дефолтов, реструктуризацией внешней задолженности, зависимостью дефолтов и режимов валютных курсов. Исследуются проблемы реструктуризации долгов и ужесточения условий международного кредитования. Проведен анализ показателей внешней задолженности стран ЕС и возможности суверенных дефолтов периферийных стран Евросоюза. Рассмотрены критерии долговой устойчивости экономик стран зоны евро и подвергнуты анализу возможные последствия дефолтов в странах ЕС для мирового финансового рынка


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    Objective preconditions for creation of new transnational monetary unions including countries integrated into the modern world monetary system are studied; the need and feasibility of establishing new integrative monetary and payment unions under conditions of the dollar hegemony in the world monetary system and new global challenges are substantiated. The paper examines the factors creating the objective basis for gradual develpment of the payment and monetary integration of the BRICS countries and identifies respective groups of macroeconomic and special factors. Based on the statistical and comparative analyses of the identified groups it is concluded that objective preconditions for the step-by-step formation of the BRICS payment and monetary union have been developed. The principal stages and directions that enable establishment of the integrative monetary union of the BRICS countries are identified; the institutional and functional structure of the monetary union is proposed. The factors that hinder the establishment of the BRICS payments and monetary union are highlighted. Исследуются объективные предпосылки формирования новых межнациональных валютно-финансовых союзов стран — участниц современной мировой валютной системы; обосновываются необходимость и целесообразность создания новых интеграционных валютно-финансовых и платежных союзов в условиях гегемонии доллара в мировой валютной системе и новых глобальных вызовов. В статье исследуются факторы, создающие объективные условия для постепенного формирования платежной и валютной интеграции стран БРИКС; выделены группы факторов: макроэкономические и специальные. Проведены статистический и сравнительный анализы выделенных групп факторов, сделан вывод о  формировании на современном этапе объективных предпосылок поэтапного формирования платежного и валютно-финансового союза стран БРИКС. Определены этапы и направления создания интеграционного валютного союза стран БРИКС; предложена институционально-функциональная структура этого валютного союза. Выделены факторы, тормозящие создание платежного и валютного союза стран БРИКС.

    Дозы внутреннего облучения у населения префектуры Фукусима вследствие аварии на АЭС Фукусима-Дайичи

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of internal dosimetry in residents of Fukushima Prefecture due to the accident at the Fukushima-Daiichi NPP. On March 24-30, 2011, screening studies were conducted on measurements of  131I content in thyroid gland of children in those municipalities where the Japanese program for assessing the radiological consequences of the radiation accident “SPEEDI” predicted doses in the thyroid of one-year children from 100 to 500 mSv. Among 1080 children measured, 55% had results below the background, and the maximum estimate of the equivalent dose in the thyroid was 43 mSv. Measurements of several dozen inhabitants with other instruments and methods confirmed low levels of  131I in the thyroid. In total, the  131I thyroid direct measurement database of Fukushima residents contains approximately 1300 individuals. 75% quartile of individual thyroid dose distributions was below 10 mSv, the median was from 0 to 3.7 mSv among children aged from 0 to 15 years in the five examined municipalities. The contribution of short-lived iodine radionuclides was estimated as 15% of the dose from  131I for the main radioactive release on March 15. The effective dose of internal exposure to cesium radionuclides ( 134Cs +  137Cs), estimated from 10 thousand whole body measurements for the first year after the accident, was below 0.1 mSv in 90% of the examined people. Whole body measurements of children 6-15 years old in the second year after the accident confirmed the values of the effective dose of internal exposure less than 0.1 mSv, while the estimates of the effective dose of external exposure in the same children with using individual dosimeters determined the median distribution as 0.66 mSv with a maximum value of 3.45 mSv . The measurement results do not provide any basis to expect a future increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer and other radiogenic diseases among the Fukushima residents. Preventive evacuation of the population before the radioactive release, stay in enclosed dwellings, strict radiation control of food products have effectively reduced the expected doses of internal exposure to residents. In the predictions of the radiological consequences of the accident, it is necessary to take into account the actually implemented measures to protect the population, and local characteristics of the style of life and living.Статья посвящена анализу результатов дозиметрии внутреннего облучения жителей префектуры Фукусима вследствие аварии на АЭС Фукусима-Дайичи. 24–30.03.2011 г. были проведены скрининговые исследования содержания  131I в щитовидной железе детей в тех муниципалитетах, где японская программа оценки радиологических последствий аварии «SPEEDI» предсказывала дозы в щитовидной железе детей 1 года от 100 до 500 мЗв. Среди 1080 измерений детей 55% были ниже фона, а максимальная оценка эквивалентной дозы в щитовидной железе составила 43 мЗв. Измерения нескольких десятков жителей другими приборами и методами подтвердили низкие уровни содержания  131I в щитовидной железе. Всего массив прямых измерений  131I в щитовидной железе жителей Фукусимы составляет примерно 1300 человек. В пяти обследованных муниципалитетах 75% квартиль распределений индивидуальных доз в щитовидной железе был ниже 10 мЗв, медиана – от 0 до 3,7 мЗв среди детей в возрасте от 0 до 15 лет. Вклад короткоживущих радионуклидов йода оценивается в пределах 15% дозы от  131I для основного радиоактивного выброса 15 марта. Эффективная доза внутреннего облучения, оцененная по 10 тысячам измерений содержания радионуклидов цезия ( 134Cs +  137Cs) во всем теле за первый год после аварии оказалась ниже 0,1 мЗв у 90% обследованных. Измерения всего тела детей 6–15 лет за второй год после аварии подтвердили значения эффективной дозы внутреннего облучения меньше 0,1 мЗв, в то же время оценки эффективной дозы внешнего облучения с помощью индивидуальных дозиметров у тех же детей определили медиану распределения 0,66 мЗв с максимальной оценкой эффективной дозы 3,45 мЗв. Результаты проведенных измерений не дают оснований ожидать в будущем повышения заболеваемости раком щитовидной железы и другими радиогенными заболеваниями среди жителей Фукусимы. Превентивная эвакуация населения до начала радиоактивных выбросов в атмосферу, пребывание в закрытых помещениях, строгий радиационный контроль продуктов существенно снизили ожидаемые дозы внутреннего облучения жителей. В прогнозах радиологических последствий аварии необходимо учитывать реально выполненные меры защиты населения, местные особенности уклада жизни и проживания


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    In the research of psychologists, much attention is paid to the study of the potential conditions that determine the success of professional activity and social interaction. Own idea of one’s own abilities and possibilities of managing one’s life, confidence in one’s own success and productivity of activity, accompanied by a positive emotional state, are constituent elements of a holistic phenomenon, defined by A Bandura as self-efficacy. Self-efficacy creates a positive context for the life path, positive development, and the success of emotional regulation. However, self-efficacy is not a static general characteristic of the individual. It is far more promising to view self-efficacy as an important variable, qualitative and quantitative parameters of self-efficacy are interconnected with the real situation, as well as with the experience and emotionality of the subject. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of self-efficacy are interconnected with the real situation, as well as with the experience and emotionality of the subject. The level of self-efficacy actually determines a person’s readiness to choose a strategy of success-oriented behavior in a difficult situation for him. The article presents the results of an empirical study that made it possible to formulate conclusions about the identified levels of characteristics that can speak about the level of specialist self-efficacy

    Occurrence factors of emotional burnout syndrome among young employees

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    The issue of studying the factors causing the syndrome of burnout is an acute one in modern psychological science. The problem of emotional burnout syndrome in young employees is considered by the authors within the framework of psychological safety paradigm. The results of a study of emotional burnout syndrome in specialists with work experience of up to three years have been described. To conduct the study, methods were used aimed at identifying the degree of expression of emotional burnout syndrome, as well as the characteristics of labor behavior and attitude to work. Differences in labor behavior and attitudes to work among specialists with varying degrees of emotional burnout syndrome have been revealed. The conversation with employees has allowed us to highlight the main reasons for the appearance ofprofessional deformation. Young employees have called the causes that ruin their lives, systematic overtime working, the lack of the ability to obtain full knowledge, as well as the lack of support from relatives and Mefs

    The effect of distortion of information as a socio-psychological factor of reducing the quality of labor interaction under isolation

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    The relevance of the problem under study is due to the problems that arise in the conditions of remote forms of labor interaction, as well as the role of the manager in creating an effective communication environment. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study of the effect of information distortion in labor interaction in isolation, statistical and qualitative analysis of the results. The data obtained allow us to say that in the conditions of remote forms of labor interaction, the lack of direct contact leads to the difficulty of understanding the transmitted information, a decrease in job satisfaction, remission of the levels of well-being, activity and mood, which disrupts the quality of labor communication. The study showed that the subjective assessment of the effectiveness of leadership has a great impact on the state of the participants in the labor interaction. To ensure effective interaction of employees, it is necessary to introduce the rules of remote communication: unified, standardized requirements for communication in remote mode that meet the specifics of a particular enterprise; exclusion from communication of all manifestations of negative emotions; use of all range of available means of communication; emotional leadership of the leader


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    The issue of studying the effectiveness of advertising in popular science journals does not occupy a large place in scientific research. This state of affairs is challenging, since the activities of popular science journals are aimed at attracting the attention and interest of young people, creative and active potential, to science issues. The effectiveness of narrative advertising as a social-psychological communication technology has been examined in the article. The research has been carried out within the framework of a semiotic approach. The results of the research of narrative advertising texts, in which young people engaged in scientific activities and young people whose professional functionality is not related to scientific research took part, have been described. The toolkit used made it possible to identify differences between the perception of narrative advertising texts by two groups of respondents and also similar trends in the perception of texts, which suggests a possibility of developing an effective advertising strategy for promoting a popular science magazine. The research results may be of interest for professionals working in the field of advertising, especially in the field of advertising of intellectual services

    Оптимизация деятельности институтов содействия инвестициям в устойчивый рост российской экономики

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    The article examines and assesses the problem of the investment deficit in the Russian economy, which has acquired particular relevance due to the coronavirus crisis caused by the pandemic. The study aims to develop practical recommendations for Russian state bodies to stimulate the investment process in the Russian economy and improve the efficiency of measures taken by the state to ensure the country’s socio-economic development. The objectives of this paper are to analyze the directions of optimization and prioritization of investment of resources during the economic recession caused by the coronavirus crisis using investment lending and project financing instruments, as well as to analyze and assess the ongoing reform of development institutions based on the state corporation “VEB.RF”. The research methodology includes an analysis of the regulatory legal framework, statistical information, official reports of state bodies, development institutions, scientific monographs and publications of Russian scientists, periodicals. The authors analyzed the trends and problems of the investment process in the Russian economy, including in the field of attracting foreign direct investment. Attention is paid to the ongoing reform of development institutions aimed at enhancing the role of the state development corporation “VEB.RF” in stimulating investment. The authors conclude that it is necessary to take a set of functional, instrumental, and institutional measures aimed at stimulating investment and ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of Russia. In particular, in the context of a shortage of domestic sources of financing for long-term investments, it is important to provide regulatory macroeconomic support for the inflow of foreign direct investment into the Russian economy. In this regard, the authors propose to change the monetary policy strategy to increase the stimulating role of refinancing of credit institutions and the projected exchange rate in attracting domestic and foreign long-term investments and ensuring sustainable development of the Russian economy. The authors also propose to increase the role of foreign exchange regulation and foreign exchange control in stimulating investment and ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of Russia.Статья посвящена анализу и оценке проблемы дефицита инвестиций в российской экономике, которая приобрела особую актуальность вследствие коронакризиса, вызванного пандемией COVID-19. Целью исследования является разработка практических рекомендаций для государственных органов России по стимулированию инвестиционного процесса в российской экономике и повышению эффективности принимаемых государством мер по обеспечению социально-экономического развития страны. задачами исследования является анализ направлений оптимизации и приоритетности инвестирования ресурсов в условиях экономического спада под влиянием коронакризиса с использованием инструментов инвестиционного кредитования и проектного финансирования, а также анализ и оценка проводимой в настоящее время реформы институтов развития на базе государственной корпорации «ВЭБ.РФ». Методология исследования включает анализ нормативной правовой базы, статистической информации, официальных отчетов государственных органов, институтов развития, научных монографий и публикаций российских ученых, периодических изданий. На этой основе авторы проанализировали тенденции и проблемы инвестиционного процесса в российской экономике, в том числе в сфере привлечения прямых иностранных инвестиций. Уделено внимание проводимой в настоящее время реформе институтов развития, направленной на повышение роли государственной корпорации развития «ВЭБ.РФ» в стимулировании инвестиций. Авторы делают вывод, что необходимо принять комплекс мер функционального, инструментального и институционального характера, направленных на стимулирование инвестиций и обеспечение устойчивого социально-экономического развития России. В частности, в условиях дефицита внутренних источников финансирования долгосрочных инвестиций важно обеспечить регуляторную макроэкономическую поддержку притока прямых иностранных инвестиций в российскую экономику. В этой связи предложены коррективы в стратегию монетарной политики, позволяющие повысить стимулирующую роль рефинансирования кредитных организаций и прогнозируемого валютного курса в привлечении внутренних и внешних долгосрочных инвестиций и обеспечении устойчивого развития российской экономики. Авторы также предлагают повысить роль валютного регулирования и валютного контроля в стимулировании инвестиций и обеспечении устойчивого социально-экономического развития России