29 research outputs found

    Najava Konferencije Zdravih gradova

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    Gradu Zagrebu pripala je iznimna čast da bude domaćin Međunarodne konferencije Zdravih gradova upravo na dvadesetu obljetnicu Projekta Zdravi gradovi, a ponosni smo i na činjenicu Å”to smo 1988 godine također bili domaćin Konferencije Zdravih gradova koja je označena kao početak Projekta na razini europskog ureda Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Konferencija će se održati 15. do 18. listopada 2008., pod naslovom ā€žObilježavanje 20 godina projekta Europskih Zdravih Gradovaā€œ. Naglasak će biti na temama na kojima se radilo u četvroj fazi projekta a koje su: zdravo starenje, zdravo urbano planiranje, fizička aktivnost i procjena utjecaja zdravlja.


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    Background: Injuries are common during sport activities, a part of which is also injuries to the stomatognathic system. According to the data from literature orofacial injuries are frequent, but relatively minor. World Dental Federation has listed basketball as a medium-risk sport in sustaining orofacial injuries. The purpose of this investigation was to determine incidence, type and severity of orofacial injuries during basketball and frequents of mouthguard use. Subject and methods: The sample consisted of 195 athletes who actively participate in basketball, 60 amateurs/non-professional and 135 professionals. Results: A total of 2 265 injuries to the stomatognathic system were documented in this research; 200 (8.8%) of those injuries refer to the non-professionals and 2 065 (91.2%) to the professionals. The most common injuries are lacerations and contusions of soft tissue (a total of 2 208 or 97.5%), followed by dental injuries (a total of 57 or 2.5%). Out of all recorded laceration injuries 59.8% lacerations of soft tissue occurred during practice (12.6% amateurs and 87.4% professionals), while 40.2% of them occurred during games (2.5% amateurs and 97.5% professionals). Of a total of 57 dental injuries recorded during an athletes career, in 78.9% it were the professionals who suffered an injury, and in 21.1% of them the amateurs. Out of a total of 195 basketball players only 1% (2 players - one professional and one amateur) frequently used mouthguard during practice and games, while 93.3% of them never tried to wear a mouthguard. Such low percentage of mouthguard use in basketball players reflects poor awareness and education of athletes and coaches, as well as insufficient role of dentists in education. Conclusions: Orofacial injuries during basketball are not severe (80% lacerations), and therefore do not stimulate the use of a protecting devices even their use will totally diminish this type of injuries

    The Homeless of the City of Zagreb

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    Model dobre prakse - Centar za preventivnu medicinu

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    Učinkovite intervencije u prevenciji bolesti i unapređenju zdravlja su prije svega komprehenzivne intervencije koje zahtijevaju angažman cjelokupnog druÅ”tva na provedbi sveobuhvatnih mjera: političkih, gospodarstvenih, zakonodavnih, ekonomskih, obrazovnih, zdravstvenih. S druge strane, unutar samog zdravstvenog sustava, mjere koje nam stoje na raspolaganju su farmakoterapijske (cijepljenje), ili edukativne (zdravstveni odgoj, prosvjećivanje, savjetovanje)

    Outpatient Utilization Patterns of the Six Main ATC Drug Groups in Republic of Croatia, City of Zagreb, and Croatia Counties in 2004

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    The aim of the study was to determine drug utilization according to Croatian counties, and to identify the causes of the possible between-county utilization variation. Zagreb Institute of Public Health in collaboration with the Croatian Drug Agency collected and analyzed data on outpatient utilization of the six main Anatomic-Therapeutic-Chemical (ATC) drug groups. Data on the number and size of packages, and on wholesale price were obtained from all pharmacies in Croatia. Based on these data, the number of defined daily doses (DDD) and DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/ 1000/day) in 2004 were calculated for all drugs. County differences in the drugs utilization were calculated by use of relative standard deviation. This method revealed the outpatient drug utilization to vary among particular Croatian counties. Study results indicated the need of national guidelines for appropriate drug use to develop, along with education of the physicians and general population on their implementation

    Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809.-1847.) - Goetheov miljenik

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    Felix Mendelssohn, Goethe\u27s favorite, who revealed the genius of Johann Sebastian Bach after almost a century of oblivion, was of a fragile constitution. Last year of his life he was very depressed because of his sister Fanny\u27s sudden death. The last month he had several attacks of severe headaches with agitation, anxiety, confusion and slow pulse. Last three days these episodes became more frequent and his overall health worsened. After stupor and coma, he died from probable subarachnoid (or cerebral)hemorrhage (with hypertension?), like his sister several months before.Felix Mendelssohn, koji je genij Johanna Sebastiana Bacha ponovno otkrio nakon gotovo stoljeća zaborava, bio je nježne konstitucije. Zbog iznenadne smrti sestre Fanny posljednje godine svog života provodi vrlo depresivno. Zadnjih mjeseci je imao nekoliko napada teÅ”ke glavobolje s uznemirenoŔću, tjeskobom, zbunjenoŔću i usporenim pulsom. Zadnja tri dana života epizode su se intenzivirale. Nastupa koma te umire zbog vjerojatnog subarahnoidnog (ili cerebralnog) krvarenja (s hipertenzijom?), baÅ” kao i njegova sestra nekoliko mjeseci ranije

    The Status of Disabled Persons in the City of Zagreb

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    U radu se obrađuju potreba i način donoÅ”enja te realizacija mjera Zagrebačke strategije jedinstvene politike za osobe s invaliditetom u razdoblju od 2003. do 2006. (u daljnjem tekstu: Zagrebačka strategija), cjelovitog programa Grada Zagreba za osobe s invaliditetom. U uvodnom se dijelu rada ukratko donose osnovne definicije, povijesni osvrt na odnos druÅ”tva prema osobama s invaliditetom, prikaz suvremenih koncepata, pristupa i modela zaÅ”tite ove populacije, te osnovna obilježja osoba s invaliditetom na području Grada Zagreba. Ostvarenje mjera Zagrebačke strategije promatra se kroz rezultate istraživanja prava osoba s invaliditetom prema metodologiji međunarodnih organizacija, odnosno temeljem standardiziranog upitnika za ispitivanje indeksa poÅ”tivanja prava osoba s invaliditetom. S obzirom na to da su izloženi usporedni rezultati istraživanja prije donoÅ”enja Zagrebačke strategije i nakon polovice razdoblja njezina djelovanja, oni se mogu uzeti kao pragmatičan iskaz stvarnog stanja jer pokazuju dokle se doÅ”lo u primjeni programa djelovanja prema osobama s invaliditetom u Gradu Zagrebu.The paper analyses the need for measures of the Zagreb Strategy of Uniform Policy for Disabled Persons (hereafter: the Zagreb Strategy), the manner of introducing these measures and their realisation in the period from 2003 to 2006. The introductory part of the paper briefly provides basic definitions, historical review of the attitude of society towards disabled persons, a survey of contemporary concepts, approaches and models of protection of this part of the population, as well as the basic characteristics of the disabled persons in the area of the city of Zagreb. The realisation of the Zagreb Strategy measures is considered through the results of the research of the rights of the disabled persons according to the international organisations\u27 methodology, i.e. based on the standardised survey for the analysis of the index of respecting rights of the disabled persons. Since the comparative results of the research prior to the implementation of the Zagreb Strategy and after a half of the period of its validity have been presented, they can be regarded as a pragmatic account of the real situation, because they show how far has the application of the program of action towards the disabled persons in the City of Zagreb gone


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    Background: The purpose of this paper was to compare outpatient consumption and quality of psychotropic drug prescribing between Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina 2006-2010. Methods: Data on drug utilization from Zagreb Municipal Pharmacy and Sarajevo Public Pharmacy were used to calculate the number of defined daily doses (DDD) and DDD per 1000 inhabitants per day (DDD/TID) using the WHO Anatomical-Therapeutic- Chemical methodology. Results: Total utilization of psychopharmaceuticals increased in both cities; however, it was higher in Zagreb than in Sarajevo throughout the study period. The utilization of psycholeptics increased in Zagreb by 2.4% (from 74.5 to 76.3 DDD/TID) and in Sarajevo by 3.8% (from 62.4 to 64.8 DDD/TID). The utilization of anxiolytics decreased in Zagreb by 2.1% and in Sarajevo by even 18.7%. The utilization of antidepressants increased in both cities with predominance of SSRI over TCA utilization, greater in Sarajevo (96.6%) than in Zagreb (10.2%). The anxiolytic/antidepressant ratio decreased by 11.1% in Zagreb (from 2.87 to 2.55) and by 58.7% in Sarajevo (from 5.66 to 2.34). Outpatient utilization of antipsychotics increased significantly in Sarajevo, predominated by typical ones, whereas in Zagreb the utilization of antipsychotics was stable, predominated by atypical ones. Conclusions: In Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, there was an obvious tendency to follow western trends in drug prescribing, as demonstrated by the increased use of antidepressants and reduced use of anxiolytics. Despite some improvement observed in the prescribing quality, high use of antipsychotics with dominance of typical antipsychotics in Sarajevo points to the need of prescribing guidelines for antipsychotics