12 research outputs found

    A serological survey of canine leptospirosis in the city of Belgrade, Serbia

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    Canine leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Leptospira. Dogs are one of the animal species involved in the cycle of preservation and transmission of leptospirosis in urban areas. Serological testing for the presence of specific antibodies against Leptospira spp. in dogs was continuously performed between 2010 and 2020 in the city of Belgrade. At the request of the owners themselves, other veterinary laboratories or laboratory clinics, 179 blood sera from 179 dogs were examined in the Laboratory for Immunology, Scientific Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia. Blood sera samples from dogs were examined using the standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for the presence of specific antibodies against seven different serovars of Leptospira: Pomona, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippotyphosa, Sejroe, Canicola, Bataviae, and Australis. The number of seropositive dogs was 17/179 (9.5%). Among all examined sera, the highest titre of seropositive samples was to serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae (10/17, 58.8%), followed by Pomona (4/17, 23.5%), and serovar Canicola (3/17, 17.6%). Specific antibodies for serovars Grippotyphosa, Sejroe, Bataviae and Australis were not detected in any of the dog sera. Cross-reaction (the presence of two or three titres with different values where one of them was higher than others) between different serovars was diagnosed in a low number of sera (n=4), with the following serovars: Icterohaemorrhagiae and Pomona (n=3) and Pomona and Canicola (n=1). The confirmed specific antibody titres for Leptospira spp. were between 1:100 to 1:3000 (5 sera had titres of 1:100, 7 had titres of 1:300, 4 had titres of 1:1000, and 1 serum had a titre 1:3000). Monitoring canine leptospirosis is a useful tool in preventing leptospirosis in Belgrade


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    This case report describes the acute mastitis with signs of endotoxemia in the 32-month-old Simmental cow, antimicrobial susceptibility of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from a milk sample, and demonstrates the effectiveness of the applied therapy. Case presentation included the cow-lying syndrome together with the presence of clinical signs of endotoxemia accompanied by milk discoloration and “clots” formation. Bacteriology finding of the K. pneumoniae and antibiogram pointed that the isolate was sensitive to ceftriaxone, and trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole, while resistant to amoxicillin, gentamicin, ampicillin, ceftiofur, and cephalexin. The selection of treatment options came from the availability of an adequate route of administration, urgency for treatment, and lack of time for assessment of other body functions. The therapy by ceftriaxone at an intravenous dose rate of 8mg/kg with adequate supportive therapy NSAID, vitamin C, and correction dehydration showed a successful effect in life-saving procedures. The outcome of K. pneumoniae mastitis with endotoxemia did not affect the outcome of pregnancy

    First Report of Brucella Seroprevalence in Wild Boar Population in Serbia

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    Brucellosis is one of the most important bacterial zoonotic diseases worldwide, characterized in domestic animals by long-term reproductive disorders. As known, wild boars (Sus scrofa) are natural hosts for Brucella suis biovar 2, in which the infection passes in inapparent form, increasing the pathogen transmission risk to domestic pigs, other domestic animals and humans. So far, no studies regarding brucellosis in wild boars in Serbia have been published. During the hunting season 2020/2021, 480 sera of wild boars living in Serbia were collected and tested for the presence of anti-Brucella antibodies. For the serological survey, the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) and competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA) were used. Of the 480 sera, 45 sera tested positive, indicating the acquired Brucella seroprevalence in wild boars of 9.4%. The greatest numbers of Brucella seropositive animals were detected in the eastern parts of the country and in one of the central districts, i.e., Pomoravski, Branicevski, Borski and Juznobanatski. This study provides the first data regarding brucellosis in the wild boar population in Serbia, revealing the seroprevalence of Brucella, thus indicating that wild boars as natural hosts and/or vectors of Brucella likely present a risk for the infection of other animals

    Concurrent infection by Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium septicum, and Clostridium sordelli in mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) - a case report

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    A female mouflon, weighing 40 kilograms, was submitted to the diagnostic laboratory of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia for determining the potential cause of death. Necropsy revealed massive hemorrhages in subcutaneous andintermuscular tissue and on papillary muscle. Petechiae and ecchymoses were found on the omentum, mesentery and adipose tissue of heart, kidneyand costal pleura.Haemorrhagic-necrotic enteritis in duodenum and jejunum was characterized by catarrhal hemorrhagic inflammation withthe presence of mucous and bloody content, whereas gas bubbles in the submucosa have also been confirmed. Bacterial cultures from sampled organs were identified as Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium septicum, and Clostridium sordelli.Based on the established pathological and histological changes and the results of the bacteriological, biochemical, and molecular examination, the state of septic shock and toxemia with disseminated massive bleeding was the immediate cause of mouflon death. The septic condition is a consequence of enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium perfringens type A, Clostridium septicum, and Clostridium sordelliinfection

    Presynaptic and postsynaptic regulation of muscle contractions in the ascarid nematode Ascaris suum: a target for drug action

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    The aim of this study was to determine the role in contractions of postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine (nACh) and gamma- aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors, in the bag region of Ascaris suum muscle cells, as well as the role of synaptic receptors between interneurons and motor neurons in the dorsal and ventral nerve cord. We have measured the isometric contractions of isolated segments of A. suum, with or without the nerve cord (dorsal or ventral). Contractions were caused by increasing concentrations of ACh or by electrical field stimulation (EFS). Based on our results, the presence of the nerve cord is essential for the contractile effects of ACh. The EC50 value of ACh for innervated muscle strips was 10.88 mu M. Unlike intact (innervated) preparations, there was no contraction of the muscle flaps when the nerve cord was mechanically removed. Furthermore, continuous EFS produced stable contractions of innervated muscle strips, but they are not sensitive to mecamylamine (100 mu M). However, GABA (30 mu M) significantly inhibited the EFS- induced contractions. EFS with the same characteristics did not cause muscle contractions of denervated muscle strips, but EFS with a wider pulse induced the increasing of tone and irregular contractions. These contractions were completely insensitive to the effect of GABA. The EC50 for ACh did not differ between the dorsal and ventral segments (9.83 mu M and 9.45 mu M), while GABA exhibited features of competitive and noncompetitive antagonists, regardless of whether it acted on the dorsal or ventral segments of A. suum. It is obvious that drugs will be more effective if they act on both the synaptic and extrasynaptic nACh and GABA receptors

    Rotaviruses diarrhea in calves before and after vaccination – experience

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    Дијареје код новорођених телади стварају велике проблеме стварајући велике економске губитке. Вирусни узрочници дијареја Корона и Рота вирус у првим данима живота доводе до тешких дијареја које се могу завршити угинућем телади. Вируси Рота и Корона отварају врата за секударне бактеријске узрочнике компликујући клиничку слику дијареје. У овом раду је приказан случај дијареја код телади проузроковани Рота вирусима и резултат вакцинације након случаја. Фарми 22 краве, сименталске расе током Јула 2022. године забележена су угинућа код 3 телета, старости од 5 до 12 дана, Поред примењене адекватне терапије, телад су брзо угињавала. Клиничка слика код оболелих телади је била акутног тока, изразитим профузним садржајем, са присутном дехидратацијом, апатијом. Поред тога, као значајан предиспонирајући фактор настанка дијареја јесте и топлотни стрес, где су дневне температуре се кретале и до 40 ℃. За дијагностичко испитивање узети су ректални брисеви од оболелих телади. Присуство Рота вируса у испитујућим брисевима потврђено је PCR методом. Због присутног проблема на фарми извршена је вакцинације свих гравидних крава у периоду 4-12 недеља пре очекиваног термина тељења комерцијално доступном вакцином. Применом вакцинације крава у периоду засушења 4-12 недеље пре очекиваног тељења против Kорона и Рота вируса постиже се адекватна пасивнa заштитa код новорођених телади. Резултати вакцинације високо стеоних крава огледа кроз смањење појаве дијареја, смањење стопе угинућа, смањење трошкова лечења, као и смањене употребе антибиотика као најважнијег задатка у спречавања даљег раста антимикробне резистенције. Најважнији закључак из овог случаја је да појаве нових случајева дијареја ниje забележенo, значајно је смањена употреба антибиотика код телади који потичу од вакцинисаних крава, и у каснијим фазама одгоја таква телад су много мање имали здравствених проблема.Diarrhea in newborn calves creates major problems, creating major economic losses. Viral causes of diarrhea Corona and Rota virus in the first days of life lead to severe diarrhea that can end in the death of calves. Rota and Corona viruses open the door for secondary bacterial agents, complicating the clinical picture of diarrhea. This paper presents a case of diarrhea in calves caused by Rota viruses and the result of vaccination after the case. On the farm of 20 cows, the Simmental breed, in July 2022, the deaths of 3 calves, aged from 5 to 12 days, were recorded. Despite the applied adequate therapy, the calves died quickly. The clinical picture in the affected calves was acute, with marked profuse content, with dehydration and apathy present. In addition, as a significant predisposing factor for the occurrence of diarrhea is heat stress, where daily temperatures ranged up to 40 ℃. Rectal swabs from sick calves were taken for diagnostic testing. The presence of Rotavirus in the test swabs was confirmed by the PCR method. Due to the current problem on the farm, all pregnant cows were vaccinated in the period 4-12 weeks before the expected calving date with a commercially available vaccine. Vaccination of cows during the drying period 4-12 weeks before the expected calving against Corona and Rotavirus achieves adequate passive immune protection in newborn calves. The results of vaccination of highly pregnant cows are reflected in the reduction of diarrhea, the reduction of death rates, the reduction of treatment costs, as well as the reduced use of antibiotics is the most important task in preventing the further growth of antimicrobial resistance. The most important conclusion from this case is that no new cases of diarrhea were recorded, the use of antibiotics in calves from vaccinated cows was significantly reduced, and in the later stages of rearing such calves had much fewer health problems.Zbornik radova i kratkih sadržaj

    Frequency of White line disease and Sole ulcers and impact of hoof trimming in examined herds of Simmental cows

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    Lameness as a consequence of hoof disorders is gaining significance in animal health considerations with a particular impact in tie-hold systems. Preventive hoof trimming becomes an important zootechnic measure and procedure for the health and welfare improvement of cows. The objective of our study was to demonstrate findings of sole ulcers and white line diseases of cattle on smallholder farms. Another aspect was to display our observations on hoof trimming within the perspective of sole ulcers and white line disease in the examined herds. A total of 108 Simmental cows from 14 small noncommercial farms located in the Mačva district, Western Serbia, from March to October in 2020 were observed. The trimming procedure was performed by the Dutch method with cows fixed in a mobile chute for hoof trimming. Also, medical treatment of the hoof was provided as needed, using orthopedic foot blocks (wooden and rubberized blocks). Before treatment the white line disease and sole ulcers were present in 12 herds (85.7%). After treatment, there was a decrease in the frequency of sole ulcers positive herds (from 85.7% to 78.5%), while the frequency of white line disease in herds remained unchanged. Regarding cows, a frequency of white line disease of 25.0% was reduced to 18.5%, showing a significant difference (p<0.05) before and after treatment. The frequency of sole ulcers in cows of 23.1% was reduced to 15.7% on re-examination six months after trimming though the difference was not significant, respectively (P<0.05). White line disease and sole ulcers are widespread diseases of hooves on small noncommercial farms in Serbia. This study also provides insights that show the health status of cows’ hooves and demonstrated the importance of regular hoof trimming. Our findings suggest that regular hoof trimming (twice a year) and adequate housing conditions are crucial for improving the health of hooves

    Cross-sectional serosurvey of selected infectious diseases in wild ruminants in Serbia

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    The role of wildlife in maintaining infectious diseases in veterinary medicine is often neglected, although the disease eradication process in domestic animals is continuously affected by the risk of pathogens transmission from wildlife as a primary source. The main aim of this paper was to estimate the prevalence and distribution of selected infectious diseases in wild ruminants in Serbia. In total, 259 sera from wild ruminants were tested for specific antibodies to bluetongue virus, Schmallenberg virus, Bovine viral diarrhea/border disease virus, Capripox virus, West Nile fever virus, Bovine herpes virus-1, Coxiella burnetii, Brucella spp., and Leptospira spp. Specific Capripox virus and Leptospira spp. antibodies were not detected in any of the 259 wild ruminant samples. Although one animal was detected positive for BVDV/BDV specific antibodies, with 99.8% confidence, the prevalence of BVD within this population could be very low i.e. essentially free from BVD infection. One and three positive animals were detected for Brucella spp. and Coxiella burnetii antibodies, respectively. Bovine herpes virus-1 specific antibodies were detected in 20.85% of the samples. The estimated seroprevalence of vector-borne diseases was 20.5% for Schmallenberg disease, 34.3% for West Nile fever, and 38.6% for Bluetongue. Considering the reported results, wildlife health status is a result of different factors in complex relation, such as the presence of disease in domestic animals, disease nature, pathogen characteristics, environmental factors, presence, and vector competence. Wildlife should be considered not only as a risk but as a source of important information on disease distribution and its indicators

    Seroprevalence analysis of specific infectious diseases in wild ruminants across Serbia

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    Значај дивљих животиња у ширењу и одржавању заразних болести у ветеринарској медицини је често занемарен, посебно њихов утицај на отежавање искорењивања болести код домаћих животиња, истичући потребу за темељним истраживањем. У овој студији смо хтели да одредимо серопреваленцију и просторну дистрибуцију одабраних заразних болести међу популацијама дивљих преживара и то: обичног јелена, јелена лопатара, срне и муфлона у Србији. Анализирано је 259 узорака серума дивљих преживара. Узорци су тестирани на присуство антитела на низ патогена, укључујући вирус плавог језика, Шмаленберг вирус, вирус говеђе дијареје/бордерске болести, Capripox вирус, вирус Западног Нила, херпес вирус 1 говеда, Кју грознице, Brucella spp. и Leptospira spp. Присуство антитела на Capripox вирус и Leptospira spp. није детектовано, што сугерише њихово одсуство у проучаваној популацији. Код једног узорка детектовано је присуство антитела на вирус говеђе дијареје/бордерске болести са 98,8% поузданости, што имплицира да је преваленција ове болести врло ниска у популацији и да је могућност за ереадикацију сасвим извесна. Надаље, антитела против Brucella spp. и Кју грознице детектована су код неколико животиња, тачније код једне, односно три јединке, док су антитела на херпес вирус 1 говеда пронађена у 20,85% узорака. Серопреваленција за векторске болести је износила 20,5% за Шмаленберг вирус, 34,3% за грозницу Западног Нила и 38,6% за болест плавог језика. Ови резултати наглашавају сложене факторе које утичу на здравље дивљих животиња, укључујући преваленцију болести код домаћих животиња, карактеристике патогена, услове околине и утицај вектора. Стога је неопходно размотрити дивље животиње не само као фактор ризика већ као кључан извор информација за разумевање преваленције болести и механизме њиховог ширења.The often-overlooked importance of wildlife in spreading and maintaining animals' infectious diseases, especially their impact on complicating the eradication of diseases in domestic animals, highlights the need for thorough research. In this study, we wanted to ascertain the seroprevalence and spatial distribution of selected infectious diseases among wild ruminant populations in Serbia. An analysis was performed testing 259 wild ruminant sera samples, for the presence of antibodies to certain pathogens, including bluetongue virus, Schmallenberg virus, Bovine viral diarrhoea/border disease virus, Capripox virus, West Nile fever virus, Bovine herpes virus-1, Coxiella burnetii, Brucella spp., and Leptospira spp. Antibodies against Capripox virus and Leptospira spp., were not detected, suggesting their absence in the studied population. Antibodies against Bovine viral diarrhoea/border disease virus were detected in only one sample with 98.8% confidence, implying a minimal presence of Bovine viral diarrhoea and potentially indicating a status of near eradication within the examined population. Furthermore, antibodies against Brucella spp. and Coxiella burnetii were detected only in a few animals, one and three animals, respectively, while Bovine herpes virus-1 antibodies were found in 20.85% of the samples. Seroprevalence for vector-borne diseases was recorded at 20.5% for Schmallenberg disease, 34.3% for West Nile fever, and 38.6% for Bluetongue. These results elucidate the complex interdependencies influencing the health of wildlife, which include the prevalence of diseases in domestic animals, pathogen traits, environmental conditions, and vector capabilities. Therefore, it is imperative to consider wildlife not solely as a vector of risk, but as a pivotal source of information for the understanding of disease prevalence and the mechanisms of its spread..Zbornik kratkih sadržaj