27 research outputs found

    Ethische Aspekte der Gesundheit und des Wohlbefindens junger Elitesportler. Konzeptionelle und normative Fragen

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    Sport i fizička aktivnost nude osjetljivo okruženje u kojemu se ističu vrijednosti čovječnosti, ljudskih prava, empatije i ferpleja. Međutim, istovremeno natjecateljska priroda sporta i interes za pobjeđivanje pod svaku cijenu predstavlja rizik štete, posebno za mlade predadolescentske atletičare. Stoga se javlja potreba za utvrđivanjem glavnih etičkih koncepcijskih i normativnih problema u vrhunskom sportu mladih. Naš kritički pregled mogućih faktora rizika i empirijskih pronalazaka u djelomično strukturiranim dubinskim intervjuima s četiri vrhunska trenera gimnastike pokazala su da su uspjesi djece u sportu rezultat višestrukih faktora poticanih glavnom silom etike maksimuma. Intrinzična motivacija gimnastičara, zadovoljstvo bavljenje sportom, ustrajni predan rad, rani početak i uloga roditelja ključni su za uspjeh. Međutim, moralnost trenera kao odražavatelja društvenih vrijednosti trebalo bi ubuduće pomno razmotriti.Sport and physical activities offer a sensitive environment where the values of humanity, human rights, empathy and fair play come to the fore. However, at the same time the competition nature of sport and the interest of winning at any cost represent a risks of harm, especially for young preadolescent athletes. Therefore, the need arises to identify the main ethical conceptual and normative issues of the top youth sport. Our critical review of possible risk factors and empirical findings of semi structured in-depth interviews with four top-level gymnastics’ coaches showed that achievements of children in sport are the result of multiple factors driven by the main force of the ethics of maximum behind. Gymnasts’ intrinsic motivation, pleasure to sport, persistent hard work, start at early age, and the role of parents are essential for success. However, the morality of the coach as a reflection of society values should be carefully considered in the future.Élever un enfant en accord avec des normes éthiques rigoureuses est l’objectif de toute éducation et de chaque parent. Le sport et les activités physiques offrent un environnement sensible où les valeurs humaines, les droits humains, l’empathie et le fair-play sont mis au premier plan. Cependant, la nature compétitive du sport et l’intérêt pour une victoire à n’importe quel prix présentent un risque de préjudice, spécialement pour les jeunes athlètes préadolescents. Ainsi émerge le besoin d’identifier les conceptions éthiques majeures et les problèmes normatifs dans le sport de haut niveau chez les jeunes. Notre examen critique des possibles facteurs à risques et les résultats empiriques des entretiens semi structurés et approfondis réalisés auprès de quatre entraîneurs de gymnastes de haut niveau ont montré que la réussite des enfants dans le sport est le résultat de multiples facteurs qui découlent de la principale force de l’éthique à conduire le sportif à son maximum. La motivation intrinsèque des gymnastes, la plaisir du sport, le travail assidu, les débuts à un âge précoce et le rôle des parents sont essentiels pour le succès. Cependant, la morale de l’entraîneur comme reflet des valeurs de la société devrait à l’avenir être considérée avec soin.Ein Kind gemäß den hohen ethischen Grundsätzen aufzuziehen ist das Ziel jeglicher Erziehung und Erwartung eines jeden Elternteils. Sport und körperliche Aktivitäten bieten ein sensibles Umfeld, in dem die Werte der Menschlichkeit, Menschenrechte, Empathie und des Fair Play in den Vordergrund rücken. Gleichzeitig stellen aber die Wettbewerbsnatur des Sports und das Interesse, um jeden Preis zu gewinnen, ein Schadensrisiko dar, namentlich für junge voradoleszente Sportler. Daher besteht die Notwendigkeit, die wichtigsten ethischen konzeptionellen und normativen Probleme des Spitzensports bei Jugendlichen zu identifizieren. Unsere kritische Überprüfung möglicher Risikofaktoren und der empirischen Befunde der halbstrukturierten Tiefeninterviews mit vier Spitzenturnen-Trainern zeigte, dass die Leistungen von Kindern im Sport das Ergebnis mehrerer Faktoren sind, die von der dahinter liegenden Hauptkraft der Ethik des Maximums getrieben werden. Die intrinsische Motivation der Turner, die Freude am Sport, die anhaltende harte Arbeit, der Start im frühen Alter und die Rolle der Eltern sind ausschlaggebend für den Erfolg. Die Moralität des Trainers als Spiegelbild gesellschaftlicher Werte sollte jedoch in Zukunft sorgfältig abgewogen werden

    Zdravstvene profesije i promocija zdravlja: izazovi za zdravlje i dobrobit vrhunskih sportaša

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    Background: promotion of health is the fundamental strategy for controlling risk factors of unhealthy lifestyle and consequently improving health of individuals and society. Health professions play a leading role in this process. Aim: the purpose of our empirical study was to gain an insight of the role of health professions in health and wellbeing of elite athletes. The research was based on the empirical qualitative phenomenological approach, wherein we examined life experiences of best female gymnasts and their participation in this elite sport. Methods: semi-structured interviews were carried out on a sample of 37 female gymnasts (26 active, 11 retired) and four of their coaches. Interview transcripts were analysed by the qualitative content analysis method. Results: results showed that the process of participating in elite female gymnastics has consequences on the gymnast’s physical and mental health, it affects the abuse of painkillers, lack of education, sacrifices, and negative behavioural patterns in adulthood after finishing a sports career. The stated consequences are generated by verbal and physical violence of coaches, interests of the society over the interests of the athlete, and no professional nor personal support during training and competition. These experience of gymnasts were confirmed by the opinions of their coaches. Conclusion: the study provided important insights in the possibility of new quality approaches to the development of talented children in elite sports, in order to avoid possible risk factors and to ensure safety, health and wellbeing of every child.Uvod: promocija zdravlja temeljna je strategija s pomoću koje se mogu kontrolirati faktori rizika za nezdravi način života, a time ujedno poboljšati zdravlje pojedinca i društva. U tom procesu zdravstvene profesije imaju vodeću ulogu. Cilj: svrha našeg empirijskog istraživanja bila je uvid u ulogu koju zdravstvene profesije imaju u očuvanju zdravlja i dobrobiti elitnih sportaša. Istraživanje se temeljilo na empirijskom fenomenološko-kvalitativnom pristupu, pri čemu smo ispitivali životna iskustva najboljih gimnastičarki i njihovo sudjelovanje u ovom elitnom sportu. Metode: polustrukturirani intervjui provedeni su na uzorku od 37 gimnastičarki (26 aktivnih, 11 umirovljenih gimnastičarki) i njihova četiri trenera. Transkripcije intervjua analizirane su metodom kvalitativne analize sadržaja. Rezultati: rezultati su pokazali da sudjelovanje u elitnoj ženskoj gimnastici ima posljedice na fizičko i mentalno zdravlje gimnastičarki te može uzrokovati zlouporabu lijekova protiv bolova, nedostatak obrazovanja, određene žrtve i negativne obrasce ponašanja u odrasloj dobi nakon završetka sportske karijere. Navedene posljedice također su uzrokovane verbalnim i fizičkim nasiljem trenera, interesom društva koje je važnije od interesa sportaša i nedostatkom stručne i osobne podrške za vrijeme treniranja i natjecanja. Takva iskustva gimnastičarki potvrdili su i sami treneri. Zaključak: istraživanje je omogućilo značajan uvid u mogućnost novih kvalitetnijih pristupa razvoju darovite djece u elitnim sportovima, kako bi se izbjegli mogući faktori rizika i kako bi se osigurala sigurnost, zdravlje i dobrobit svakog djeteta

    Dejavniki socialne integracije starostnika v domačem okolju

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    Odnos medicinskih sester do raziskovanja v zdravstveni negi

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    Background: Croatia and Slovenia are neighboring countries with marked differences in high school and undergraduate nursing curricula. The aim was to assess and compare attitudes toward the elderly among undergraduate nursing students in Croatia and Slovenia and identify factors associated with positive/negative attitudes. Subjects and methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted between September, 2017 and July, 2018 among undergraduate nursing students at five higher education institutions: three in Slovenia and two in Croatia. The following data were gathered: age, sex, year of study, previous education, employment status, previous education in gerontolgy, desired professional role after graduating, previous experience with the elderly. Kogan`s Attitude Towards Old People Scale (KATOPS) score was the primary outcome measure. Pairwise comparisons were conducted between Croatian and Slovenian students. KATOPS score was dichotomized with values above the 3rd quartile considered excellent - the dichotomized score was used as the dependent variable in a binary logistic regression model. Results: Overall, 825 students completed the questionnaire, 85.5% were women, 417 from Slovenia, 408 from Croatia, and 80% were under 22 years of age (80%). The average score on the KATOPS was 127.4, 95% CI 126.6-128.2. Variables associated with excellent scores on the KATOPS, based on the binary regression were: studying in Slovenia (OR=2.05, 95% CI 1.39-3.03), age group 28-32 years (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.53-9.98); previous education gerontic nursing (OR=2.45, 95% CI 1.34-4.47), and full-time study (OR=2.12, 95% CI 1.38-3.55). Variables not associated with excellent scores were: being married (OR=0.44, 95% CI 0.22- 0.92) and having previous experience in working with the elderly (OR=0.5, 95% CI 0.3-0.86). Conclusion: Attitudes toward old age are mildly positive in Slovenian and Croatian nursing students. Slovenian students have significantly more positive attitudes toward old age and these differences are most probably due to marked differences in undergraduate nursing curricula between the two countries


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    Background: Croatia and Slovenia are neighboring countries with marked differences in high school and undergraduate nursing curricula. The aim was to assess and compare attitudes toward the elderly among undergraduate nursing students in Croatia and Slovenia and identify factors associated with positive/negative attitudes. Subjects and methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted between September, 2017 and July, 2018 among undergraduate nursing students at five higher education institutions: three in Slovenia and two in Croatia. The following data were gathered: age, sex, year of study, previous education, employment status, previous education in gerontolgy, desired professional role after graduating, previous experience with the elderly. Kogan`s Attitude Towards Old People Scale (KATOPS) score was the primary outcome measure. Pairwise comparisons were conducted between Croatian and Slovenian students. KATOPS score was dichotomized with values above the 3rd quartile considered excellent - the dichotomized score was used as the dependent variable in a binary logistic regression model. Results: Overall, 825 students completed the questionnaire, 85.5% were women, 417 from Slovenia, 408 from Croatia, and 80% were under 22 years of age (80%). The average score on the KATOPS was 127.4, 95% CI 126.6-128.2. Variables associated with excellent scores on the KATOPS, based on the binary regression were: studying in Slovenia (OR=2.05, 95% CI 1.39-3.03), age group 28-32 years (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.53-9.98); previous education gerontic nursing (OR=2.45, 95% CI 1.34-4.47), and full-time study (OR=2.12, 95% CI 1.38-3.55). Variables not associated with excellent scores were: being married (OR=0.44, 95% CI 0.22- 0.92) and having previous experience in working with the elderly (OR=0.5, 95% CI 0.3-0.86). Conclusion: Attitudes toward old age are mildly positive in Slovenian and Croatian nursing students. Slovenian students have significantly more positive attitudes toward old age and these differences are most probably due to marked differences in undergraduate nursing curricula between the two countries

    Attitudes of nurses and student nurses towards working with older people and to gerontological nursing as a career in Germany, Scotland, Slovenia, Sweden, Japan and the United States.

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    The aim of this study was to describe attitudes towards caring for older people among nurses and student nurses in six participating countries. Working with older people has historically had a negative profile and, with a global rise in the numbers of older people and a global shortage of nurses, it is essential to recruit nurses into this area. This study gathered data from six countries to explore nurses' and student nurses' attitudes to nursing older people and to gerontological nursing as a career. A convenience sample of 1064 nursing students and 2585 nurses in six countries answered the Multifactorial Attitudes Questionnaire (MAQ), designed to elicit attitudes towards caring for older people and to the esteem that comes with working in this field. The MAQ consists of seven positive and thirteen negative statements, and uses a Likert scale. A higher total score indicates a more positive attitude. Differences in attitudes among the six counties was observed for both nursing students and for nurses ( < 0.001). Nursing students in Scotland and the USA had the highest mean scores, and Slovenia and Sweden were the countries with the lowest mean scores. The highest scores for nurses were reported in Scotland and Sweden, and the lowest scores in Germany and Japan. From the findings, it is suggested that formal nursing education to students between 18 and 29 years of age has high importance for positive attitudes towards working with older people