203 research outputs found
Static BPS-conditions in N=2 harmonic superspace
We analyze superfield representations of BPS-conditions for the self-dual
static solutions of D=4, N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory.Comment: Latex file 4 pages, talk at the conference SUSY01, Dubna, June 11-17,
N=4 Multiplets in N=3 Harmonic Superspace
It is shown that the N=3 harmonic-superfield equations of motion are
invariant with respect to the 4-th supersymmetry. The SU(3) harmonics are also
used to analyze a more flexible form of superfield constraints for the Abelian
N=4 vector multiplet and its N=3 decomposition. An alternative unusual
representation of the N=4 supersymmetry is realized on infinite multiplets of
analytic superfields in the N=3 harmonic superspace. U(1) charges of
superfields in these multiplets are parametrized by an integer- valued
parameter which plays the role of the discrete coordinate. Each superfield term
of the N=3 Yang-Mills action has the infinite-dimensional N=4 generalization.
The gauge group of this model contains an infinite number of superfield
parameters.Comment: Latex file, 16 page
Three-dimensional N=4 supersymmetry in harmonic N=3 superspace
We consider the map of three-dimensional N=4 superfields to N=3 harmonic
superspace. The left and right representations of the N=4 superconformal group
are constructed on N=3 analytic superfields. These representations are
convenient for the description of N=4 superconformal couplings of the Abelian
gauge superfields with hypermultiplets. We analyze the N=4 invariance in the
non-Abelian N=3 Yang-Mills theory.Comment: Latex file, 22 pages; v2 two references adde
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