68 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui proses model Problem Based Learning dalam meningkatkan oral activities dan hasil belajar kognitif IPA siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Salam, Kabupaten Magelang, (2) mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan oral activities dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa pada tema materi pencemaran air.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan menggunakan model Problem Based Learning. Subjek penelitian yang diteliti adalah kelas VII C semester 2 SMP Negeri 1 Salam, Kabupaten Magelang tahun ajaran 2016/2017 yang terdiri dari 34 siswa. Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak dua siklus. Pada siklus I dilaksanakan satu pertemuan dan siklus II satu pertemuan. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, tes hasil belajar kognitif, dan lembar observasi oral activities siswa. Kemampuan oral activities dianalisis menggunakan teknik persentase sedangkan hasil belajar kognitif IPA menggunakan gain score. Indikator keberhasilan berupa peningkatan oral activities dicapai oleh 60% siswa dengan kategori baik yaitu antara 60-80% dan KKM yang menjadi standar SMPN 1 Salam sebesar 80, sehingga siswa diharapkan 60% memperoleh nilai minimal 80 serta perolehan gain score dalam kategori sedang.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model PBL dapat meningkatkan oral activities dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Terdapat lima sintak dalam pembelajaran model PBL yaitu memberikan orientasi tentang permasalahannya kepada siswa, mengorganisasikan siswa untuk meneliti, membantu investigasi mandiri dan kelompok, mengembangkan dan mempresentasikan artefak dan exhibit, menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses mengatasi-masalah. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan teknik persentase diperoleh kenaikan oral activities siswa dengan kategori baik pada siklus I sebesar 26,47% (9 siswa), menjadi 61,76% (21 siswa) di siklus II. Besarnya peningkatan persentase oral activities siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II yaitu 35,29%. Pada analisis gain score untuk hasil belajar kognitif IPA siswa diperoleh hasil gain score siklus I sebesar 0.55 dan siklus II yaitu 0.62. Peningkatan gain score hasil belajar kognitif dari siklus I ke siklus II sebesar 0.07. Persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar kognitif IPA pada siklus I sebesar 82,36% (28 siswa) dan siklus II sebesar 85,29% (29 siswa).
Keyword : Hasil Belajar Kognitif IPA, Model Problem Based Learning, Oral Activities
This research aims to (1) know the process of the model of the Problem Based Learning in improving the oral activities and the results of cognitive learning science the students of class VII SMP 1 Salam, Magelang Regency, (2) know how big improvement of oral activities and the results of cognitive learning students on the theme of the material water pollution.
The research method used is the Class Action Research (CAR) using the model of the Problem Based Learning. The subject of the research examined is of class VII C semester 2 SMP 1 Salam, Magelang Regency 2016/2017 school year consisting of 34 students. The research done by two cycles of. At cycle I held a meeting and the cycle II of the meeting. Instrument used in the form of observation sheet of learning implementation, test results of cognitive learning and observation sheet oral activities students. Oral ability activities were analyzed using the technique of percentage while the results of the cognitive learning science using gain score. Indicators of success in the form of oral improvement activities achieved by 60 percent students with good categories namely between 60-80% and KKM that became the standard of SMPN 1 Salam 80, so that the students are expected to 60 percent gain minimum value 80 and earnings gain score in the category of being.
The results of the study showed that the PBL model can improve the oral activities and the results of cognitive learning students. There are five steps in PBL teaching models that is giving the orientation about the problem to the students, organising students to examine, help independent investigation and groups to develop and present their artifact and exhibit, analyze and evaluate the process to resolve the issue. From the results of the analysis using the technique of the percentage obtained oral increase student activities with good category at cycle I of 26,47% (9 students), become 61,76% (21 students) in the cycle II. An increase in the percentage of oral activities students from I cycle to the cycle II namely 35,29%. On the analysis of the gain score for the results of cognitive learning science students obtained the results of score gains I cycle of 0.55 and the cycle II namely 0.62. Increased gain score results of cognitive learning from I cycle to the cycle II of 0.07. The percentage of learning in line with the results of the cognitive learning science at cycle I of 82,36% (28 students) and the cycle II of 85,29% (29 students)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan dan mendiskripsikan tradisi berinai masyarakat melayu yang berada di Jambi. Propesi-propesi memnjelang perkawinan sangat lah amat bnayak salah satu nya ialah berinai. Tradisi ini dilakukan sebelum hari pernikahan, tepat nya setelah sholat isya, di kediaman calon mempelai wanita. Calon mempelai perempuan akan diberi inai atau dikenal dengan pewarna kuku, kemudian ditepungtawari. Setelah itu,terdapat pertunjukan tari inai yang merupakan acara pokok dari upacara adat ini. Tari inai adalah tarian tradisional Jambi lebih tepatnya berasal dari Muaro Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah yang meliputi: 1. Heuristik, 2. Kritik Sumber, 3. Interpretasi, dan 4. Historiografi. Hasil peneliatan menyatakan bentuk struktur dalam tradisi kebudayaan berinai sebelum pernikahan di tengah masyarakat melayu Jambi
AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan merancang, mendesain, membuat dan menguji kelayakan sebuah produk yaitu berupa media pembelajaran yang layak digunakan untuk pembelajaran materi Tata surya. Media yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian berupa ”Media Maket Tata Surya Pada Anak Usia Dini”. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Research & Development (RnD) dengan model pendekatan ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) penelitian dilakukan sesuai prosedur pengembangan secara sistematis, tahap pertama pendahuluan pengumpulan data/informasi, tahap kedua perencanaan dan pengembangan pembuatan produk dengan mengrealisasikan konsep dari produk yang akan dibuat dan didesain, kemudian pengujian penilaian validasi ahli dan penilaian tanggapan pengguna media, tahap ketiga adalah revisi dan evaluasi yaitu perbaikan dan mengevaluasi dari setiap langkah kegiatan uji coba lapangan melalui uji coba lapangan awal dan uji coba lapangan produk utama, tahap keempat implementasi dan desiminasi yaitu sosialisasi dan penyebaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Media Maket Tata Surya memperoleh penilaian dari para ahli diantaranya ahli materi memperoleh kriteria”Layak”dengan persentase sebesar 76,9%, ahli media memperoleh kriteria “Sangat Layak” dengan persentase sebesar 83,5% dan hasil penilaian tanggapan pengguna media memperoleh kriteria”Sangat Layak” dengan persentase sebesar 95,3% sedangkan hasil uji coba lapangan awal dan uji coba produk utama melalui catatan lapangan menunjukan bahwa media ini memudahkan anak dalam mengenal nama dan urutan Planet dalam Tata Surya.Kata Kunci: media, maket tata surya, anak usia din
Risk Control of Moon Orchid Production Using FMEA Method and Fishbone Diagram
One type of orchid that is known to the public is the type of Phalaenopsis amabilis or the moon orchid. Orchid cultivation is inseparable from production risks that are influenced by internal and external factors. This risk allows the occurrence of an event that may cause losses. This study aims to identify sources of risk, analyze sources of risk priority management, and propose actions to control the production of Orchid Bulan. This research was conducted by Salsa Orchid, located in Cihideung Village, Parongpong District, West Bandung Regency, West Java Province. Identification and analysis of the impact of the risks posed are analyzed using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) method, while to analyze the source of risk that is a priority for treatment is analyzed using a Fishbone Diagram. The study results show that critical values that must be addressed immediately are insufficient sunlight, too close spacing, low level of labor discipline, and less strategic production locations. The proposed handling of the risk of lack of sunlight is carried out by adjusting the intensity of light from the existing shade according to the needs of the moon orchids. Spacing that is too close is overcome by rearranging the position of the spacing so that the orchid leaves do not cover one another. The low level of labor discipline is overcome by intensive supervision of the work and employee work results. Production locations that are not strategic are overcome by using air conditioners and blowers to regulate air circulation, temperature, and humidity in the greenhouseSalah satu jenis anggrek yang dikenal masyarakat adalah jenis Phalaenopsis amabilis atau anggrek bulan. Budidaya anggrek bulan tidak terlepas dari risiko produksi yang dipengaruhi oleh factor internal maupun eksternal. Risiko tersebut memungkinkan terjadinya suatu kejadian yang mungkin dapat menimbulkan kerugian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi sumber risiko, menganalisis sumber penangan prioritas risiko dan tindakan usulan pengendalian risiko produksi anggrek bulan. Penelitian ini dilakukan Salsa Anggrek yang berlokasi di Desa Cihideung, Kecamatan Parongpong, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Identifikasi dan analisis dampak resiko yang ditimbulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), sedangkan untuk menganalisis sumber risiko yang menjadi prioritas penanganan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Fishbone Diagram. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa berdasarkan nilai kritis yang harus segera ditangani adalah penyinaran matahari kurang, jarak tanam terlalu dekat, tingkat kedisiplinan tenaga kerja rendah, dan lokasi produksi kurang trategis. Usulan penanganan risiko kurangnya penyinaran matahari dilakukan dengan mengatur intensitas cahaya dari naungan yang ada sesuai dengan kebutuhan anggrek bulan. Jarak tanam yang terlalu dekat diatasi dengan mengatur ulang posisi jarak tanam agar daun anggrek satu dengan yang lainnya tidak saling menutupi. Tingkat kedisplinan tenaga kerja yang rendah di atasi dengan melakukan pengawasan secara intensif terhadap kerja dan hasil kerja karyawan. Lokasi produksi yang tidak strategis diatasi dengan menggunakan pendingin ruangan dan blower untuk mengatur sirkulasi udara, suhu dan kelembaban suhu pada greenhouse
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Modulator Therapies in Cystic Fibrosis: A Retrospective Evaluation of a Nationwide Specialty Pharmacy Database
Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a progressive, genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Patients with CF experience excessive mucus build up and infections leading to complications in the pancreas, lungs, and other organs. There has been a paradigm shift in the treatment of CF with the introduction of CFTR modulator therapies and given their high acquisition cost, assessing their economic burden along with the adherence rate of patients is imperative. Objective: (i) To assess the utilization of CFTR modulator therapies in a specialty pharmacy CF patient population and (ii) to calculate the economic burden of CFTR modulator therapies and medications utilized for other comorbidities in the CF population.
Methods: A retrospective data analysis was conducted using refill and patient assessment data for CF Patients using CFTR modulator therapies from AllianceRx Walgreens specialty pharmacy. The study was conducted in two phases. In Phase I adherence was calculated using Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) measurement and data from the specialty pharmacy patient assessments focusing on discontinuations, missed doses, and medication-related adverse events were extracted and analyzed. In Phase II economic burden was assessed by calculating the spending of the specialty pharmacy on CFTR modulator therapies, average co-pay of the patients for CFTR modulator therapies and the cost of other medications reported by the patients (except CFTR modulator therapies) related to symptom management of CF as well as unrelated to CF. All statistical analyses were conducted using Statistical Analysis System University Edition (SAS Institute; Cary, NC).
Result: A total of 4,444 patients contributed to 57,960 refills of CFTR modulator therapies from January 2015 to August 2018. The overall PDC calculated for the entire study period for all CFTR modulator therapies was 0.83. Based on the patient assessment data, majority of the patients reported not missing a dose (n=38,428, 93%), switching as the most common reason for discontinuing therapy (n=185, 74.9%), and no adverse events for all three CFTR modulator therapies (n=23,888, 85-95%). A non-linear trend was observed in patient co-pays with a high of 182.05 (2016). Patients on primary government insurance had a lower co-pay (40) compared to those on commercial insurance (310). The annual spending of the specialty pharmacy increased from 2015 to 2018 for all three CFTR modulator therapies. The most widely reported therapeutic classes for other medications included anti-infectives (n=2472, 22.81%), respiratory (n=2192, 20.23%), and electrolytes and dietary supplements (n=1701, 15.69%). The costs ranged from 98,175 for all the other medications reported by the patients.
Conclusion: Patients with CF demonstrated good adherence to CFTR modulator therapies. Additionally, patients reported low missing doses or adverse events, all of which could be attributed to the specialty CF pharmacy program. Also, there seems to be a substantial economic burden associated with CFTR modulator therapies and other medications
Transaction costs on corn farming can affect the income of corn farming. This research aimed to identify the transaction cost economics (TCE) structure and analyze the effect of TCE on the income of hybrid corn farming. The research method used is TCE analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. This research was conducted in Cihaur Village, Maja Subdistrict, Majalengka Regency, West Java, on 64 respondents. The research results showed that the transaction cost economics component on hybrid corn farming consists of (1) information cost; (2) negotiation cost; (3) coordination cost; (4) implementation cost; and (5) risk cost. The amount of the transaction cost that is formed on hybrid corn farming was Rp105,421.16. The percentage of transaction cost to total production cost was 2,78%. Coordination costs consisted of meeting cost, and farmer group fees have the highest transaction costs component, leading to 41,96%. On the other hand, risk cost has the lowest prices, merely 3,09%, in which there are avoiding risk cost and controlling risk cost. The results showed that the seven variables tested had significant effects on the income of corn farming. These variables included land area, fertilizer costs, seed costs, selling price, labor wages, productivity, and transaction cost.
Keywords: income, farming, hybrid corn, production cost, transaction cos
Analisis Pengetahuan Konsumen tentang Green Marketing pada Produk Kopi Work Coffee Indonesia
Responding to environmental problems that occur in all countries in the world, marketing management science responds by developing the concept of green marketing which is now starting to be applied by companies as a marketing strategy as well as corporate responsibility for environmental problems. The application of green marketing by greenpreneur may indirectly affect consumer behavior, ranging from awareness, knowledge, to purchasing decision behavior. Work Coffee Indonesia is one of the greenpreneur that implements green marketing in Bandung. This research aimed to examine and analyze consumer knowledge of the application of green marketing by Work Coffee Indonesia. The research respondents were 100, taken by the accidental sampling method, which are consumers of Work Coffee Indonesia. The results of the questionnaire were taken as primary data and analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The analytical tool used in this research was descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that consumers have good knowledge about green marketing through the dimensions of green products and green places, namely understanding of raw materials, packaging, and environmentally friendly production waste and understanding of green distribution channels identified through spatial design. Merespons kondisi permasalahan lingkungan yang melanda hampir seluruh negara di dunia, keilmuan manajemen pemasaran mengembangkan konsep green marketing yang saat ini mulai banyak diterapkan oleh perusahaan sebagai strategi pemasaran sekaligus bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap permasalahan lingkungan. Penerapan green marketing oleh pengusaha hijau atau greenpreneur secara tidak langsung dapat mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen, mulai dari kesadaran, pengetahuan, hingga perilaku keputusan pembelian. Work Coffee Indonesia merupakan salah satu greenpreneur yang menerapkan konsep green marketing di Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini ditujukan untukmengkaji dan menganalisis pengetahuan konsumen terkait pendekatan green marketing yang diterapkan oleh Work Coffee Indonesia di Kota Bandung. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 100 orang, diambil dengan metode penarikan sampel accidental sampling, yang mana merupakan konsumen Work Coffee Indonesia. Hasil kuesioner diambil sebagai data primer dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsumen memiliki pengetahuan baik terkait pendekatan green marketing yang dilakukan oleh Work Coffee Indonesia melalui dimensi green products dan green places, yakni pemahaman akan bahan baku, kemasan, serta limbah produksi ramah lingkungan dan pemahaman akan saluran distribusi hijau yang diidentifikasikan melalui desain tata ruang
Etika Pelajar Perspektif Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani dan Relevansinya dengan Tujuan Pendidikan Islam (Telaah Buku Pemikiran Pendidikan Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani Karya Maragustam)
AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui perspektif Syekh Nawawi Al- Bantani tentang etika pelajar didalam buku pemikiran pendidikan Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani karya Maragustam, (2) untuk mengetahui relevansi etika pelajar perspektif Syekh Nawawi didalam buku pemikiran pendidikan Syekh Nawawi Al- Bantani karya Maragustam dengan tujuan pendidikan islam. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh penulis adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif melalui library research (kajian studi kepustakaan), Dalam hal ini, peneliti menggunakan bukubuku pendidikan dan buku-buku pendamping lainya yang mendukung pemikiran Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani tentang Etika pelajar. Berdasarakan hasil penelitian ini, penulis memperoleh bahwa etika pelajar perspektif Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani didalam buku pemikiran pendidikan Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani karya Maragustam terbagi menjadi empat bagian, yakni: etika pelajar terhadap Allah Swt, etika pelajar terhadap orang lain,etika terhadap ilmu dan etika pelajar terhadap gurunya. Selanjutnya relevansinya dengan tujuan pendidikan Islam, yaitu etika dapat berperan aktif dalam melahirkan output yang baik sebagaimana tujuan dari pendidikan yang bukan hanya melahirkan output dengan ilmu pengetahuan yang baik tapi juga perilaku yang terpuji.Kata Kunci: Etika Pelajar, Syekh Nawawi Al-Bantani, buku pemikiran pendidikankarya Maragustam, Tujuan Pendidikan Islam
Proses Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Terhadap Daging Ayam Broiler di Pasar Tradisional Kiaracondong dan Griya Kiaracondong
The purchasing decision process is a consumer decision in prioritizing products that are in various sets of choices. This research uses a case study at Kiaracondong Traditional Market and Griya Kiaracondong. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of consumers of broiler chicken, the decision process of broiler meat and the relationship between the characteristics of consumers of broiler chicken and the process of purchasing broiler chicken meat by using descriptive analysis method and Chi-Square analysis. Based on the characteristics of consumers purchasing chicken meat, there are differences in the distribution of age, marital status and number of family members, where respondents to traditional kiaracondong markets tend to be older and more are married. Meanwhile, based on the purchasing decision process, the difference lies in information search, evaluation of alternatives and post-purchase. On the relationship between consumer characteristics and the buying decision process, age groups and activities where the Pearson chi-square value is smaller than alpha
Pengaruh Peran Penyuluh Pertanian terhadap Tingkat Produksi Usahatani Jagung
Agricultural extension agent’s have a strategic role in helping to increase maize farming production in Nunuk Baru Village, Maja District, Majalengka Regency. Agricultural extension play a role in guiding farmers in managing their farms effectively and efficiently to improve farmer welfare. Nunuk Baru Village is one of the corn-producing areas that has received more attention in agricultural extension activities. This study aims to identify the role of agricultural extension for maize farmers and to determine the effect of the role of agricultural extension on the level of maize farming production. The research design used is a quantitative approach with a survey method with 80 corn farmers as respondents. The method of data analysis in this study used descriptive analysis using a sematic differential scale and regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the role of agricultural extension agent’s in Nunuk Baru Village, Maja District, Majalengka Regency is categorized as very good in carrying out their duties as a catalyst, communicator, consultant and organizer while as a motivator, educator and facilitator are categorized as good. The role of agricultural extension agent’s has no effect on corn farming production in Nunuk Baru Village
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