7 research outputs found

    Developing ESP based-digital learning materials support students’ needs at Indonesian vocational schools: Perceived quality

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    The purpose of incorporating digital learning materials into vocational school English instruction is to assist students in acquiring specific competencies. Additionally, prepared digital learning materials are intended to assist teachers in developing instructional materials that follow the principles of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in vocational high schools (SMK). The research used the qualitative research and development (R&D) method. The stages of developing this teaching material model are adapted from Thiagarajan, Semmel, and Semmel's 4Ds model (1974), which consists of four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate. As data sources, the participants were two teachers from two different vocational schools with a combined enrolment of 115 students. This research's results are a model for developing digital-based teaching materials (prepared digital learning materials). Furthermore, it was discovered that using the prepared digital learning materials greatly aided teachers in teaching English to achieve specific competencies. From the students' perspective, they admitted that it was also exciting because they perceived learning as distinct from traditional   learning materials due to digital materials usage


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    Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan citra diri produk ekonomi kreatif wilayah Kota Langsa melalui sistim e-commerce. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan edukatif dan transfer teknologi melalui serangkaian tahapan kegiatan seperti koordinasi, sosialisasi, pelaksanaan kegiatan, pendampingan serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Seluruh tahapan kegiatan yang tergambarkan melalui lembar monitoring yang dilakukan sewaktu sosialisasi memperlihatkan sebanyak 28 peserta sangat memahami materi pencatatan produk berbasis digital, 43 pelaku ekonomi kreatif memahami dengan baik materi jenis-jenis marketplace pada sistim e-commerce dan 51 pelaku ekonomi kreatif cukup memahami materi pengenalan tentang google my business.Hasil pendampingan memperlihatkan 16 pelaku ekonomi sangat paham dengan materi pengenalan potensi eksport dan 33 pelaku ekonomi kreatif cukup memahami materi sosial media copywriting. Disimpulkan bahwa penciptaan brand image ekonomi kreatif melalui sistim e-commerce diharapkan mampu menjadikan Kota Langsa sebagai smart city dalam usaha ekonomi kreatif.Abstract: This community service (PKM) aims to create a self-image of creative economy products at Langsa City through the e-commerce system. The method used is an educational approach and technology transfer through a series of activity stages such as coordination, socialization, implementation of activities, mentoring and monitoring and evaluation. All stages of activities described through the monitoring sheet during socialization shown that as many as 28 participants really understand the material for recording digital-based products, 43 creative economy actors understand well the material on the types of marketplaces in the e-commerce system and 51 creative economy actors understand quite well the introduction material about google my business. The results of the mentoring show that 16 economic actors are very familiar with the introduction of export potential materials and 33 creative economic actors are quite familiar with copywriting social media materials. It is concluded that the creation of a creative economy brand image through an e-commerce system is expected to be able to make Langsa City a smart city in creative economy efforts

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Cuka Apel Sebagai Media Sterilisasi Buah dan Sayur Untuk Pencegahan Penyebaran Covid-19

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    Keep clean of environment and food were our resposibily that could be start from small scope that was family. Pay attention for  the quality of food that would be consume was one of way could be done to make body alwasy health and spared from deployment of covid 19. Training to make apple cider vinegar as sterilization for fruit and vegetables that done by community service team with PKK team at Matang Cincin, Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, Aceh, in intends to increase knowledge about ways of making apple cider vinegar and used it. Techniques that used in this activity were counseling, accompaniment, and training. The output of this activity were vinegar product and increasing the creativity of participants in making vinegar


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    Kemampuan dalam menghasilkan karya ilmiah sangat dibutuhkan guru dan kepala sekolah. Konsekuensi sulit untuk naik pangkat menjadi salah satu pertimbangan utama saat ini kenapa guru dan seluruh tenaga kependidikan lainnya harus terus belajar menulis artikel ilmiah untuk dipublikasikan. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan mayoritas guru belum mampu menghasilkan dan melakukan publikasi ilmiah, sehingga membutuhkan pendampingan khusus dan terstruktur. Maka dari itu, tujuan kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah melaksanakan pendampingan kepada guru, kepala sekolah dan tenaga kependidikan lainnya serta berusaha menjadikan para tenaga pendidik agar termotivasi untuk mampu menulis dan menyusun artikel ilmiah. Pada akhirnya nanti artikel dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu dokumen yang disyaratkan dalam pengajuan kenaikan pangkat sehingga berdampak atau berpengaruh positif juga terhadap profesionalitas guru. Pertemuan pertama mencakup pelatihan penulisan laporan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) menggunakan metode ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi dan simulasi. Kemudian peserta pelatihan diberikan tugas untuk menulis karya ilmiah berupa laporan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK), dilanjutkan dengan konsultasi dengan tim PKM tentang masalah yang ditemukan pada proses penulisan karya ilmiah. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan untuk mensubmit karya ilmiah dari laporan PTK ke jurnal ilmiah terakreditasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini memberikan manfaat bagi para peserta pelatihan dengan bertambahnya pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam menulis artikel ilmiah


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    This study aimed to analyze the English subject in two vocational schools in Kota Langsa based on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) approach and how it was implemented in the classroom. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. The two vocational schools involved in the research are Hotel Hospitality Management and Maritime Fishing Vessel Engineering. The data were gained from the teachers and students by conducting observation, interview, Focus Group Discusssion (FGD), and document analysis of syllabus and teaching materials. The data were analyzed by comparing the real condition of teaching-learning process and the ideal condition based on ESP approach. The finding showed that the two schools used General English (GE) frequently rather than ESP on English subject. Despite the common use of GE in these two schools, they had the option to adjust their English subject into ESP standard. One school had the ESP subject called English for Maritime and another school chose Mandarin subject as the option. As a result, the school only had GE for English subject. Thus, the English subject was taught and designed as English for General Purposes rather than English for Specific Purposes


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    This research aims to find out the levels and the factors of code mixing that appear on Analisa’s video YouTube channel. A qualitative method was used in this researchby employingadocument analysiswhich focused on analyzing the levels of code mixing defined by Suwito (1988) and the factors of code mixing argued by Suandi (2014). The data were collected from 5 session videos in Analisa’s video YouTube channel. Through data analysis, the results show that there are some levels of code mixing appear on Analisa’s video YouTube channel. They are word level, phrase level, clause level, baster level, and repetition word level. Then, there are some factors of code mixing appear on Analisa’s video YouTube channel. They are popular term factor, the speaker and speaker character factor, function and aim factor,main topic factor, and prestigious factor.It is hoped that the result of this study is useful to everyone who wants to conduct the study about code mixing


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    The problem of this research is what types of colloquial expression found in Boris Pasternaks’ Novel and what are the dominant of colloquial expression found in Boris Pasternaks’ Novel. The purpose of this research are to identify colloquial expression in the novel. The research is accomplished by the researcher by reading the novel. The data are classified according to types of colloquial expression and the patterns of the colloquial expression are found after the classification. This research used qualitative research to analyze the data. Data source of this study is Boris Pasternaks’ Novel.  Its title was Dr. Zhivago. It was published by the New American Library, Inc on 1957 years. Its was 909 pages. After the researcher read and analyzed the novel, the researcher found colloquial expression in the novel especially single words, clipped words, constraction and verb adverb combination. The researcher found 314 colloquial expression in the novel. There are single words totally 127, clipped words totally 1, constractions totally 40 and verb adverb combination totally 146. It can be said single words is more dominant of constraction, constractions is more dominant of clipped words. Verb adverb combination is the most dominant of all types. It can be concluded that the novel also uses colloquial expression in the sentence to find out the change in the language used. The researchers hopes for other researchers can develop the subject of this study better. &nbsp