7 research outputs found

    Menangani Krisis Alam Sekitar : Pendekatan Falsafah Seyyed Hossein Nasr

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    In our contemporary society, it is generally accepted that to have a developed society and a stable economy, environmental pollution is inevitable. Subsequently, the environmental crisis is viewed as a natural outcome in order to achieve ‘development’ and ‘progress’ in all aspects of human life. Masyarakat masa kini mempunyai kelaziman pemahaman bahawa untuk mendapatkan sebuah masyarakat yang maju dan ekonomi yang mantap, pencemaran alam sekitar tidak dapat dielakkan. Pendek kata, ia telah dipersepsikan bahawa krisis alam sekitar adalah kesan lumrah kehidupan manusia yang inginkan ‘pembangunan’ dan ‘kemajuan’ dalam semua aspek kehidupan mereka

    Fethullah Gülen : interfaith dialogue as a way to the global peace

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    Fethullah Gülen is an authoritative mainstream Turkish Muslim scholar, thinker, and educational activist who supports interfaith and intercultural dialogue. He is opposed to violence and to turning religion into a political ideology. In Turkey, he has been credited for bringing about positive atmospheres between the Muslim population and the various religious minorities such as the Christian and Jewish communities. Outside Turkey, his ideas on interfaith dialogue have inspired many to establish organizations engaging in dialogue with the same objectives of mutual understanding, empathetic acceptance, peaceful coexistence, and cooperation. He has outlined four main foundations in his dialogue, namely, love, compassion, tolerance, and forgiveness, as a form of a religious order which is known as the universal values. He has introduced two types of practical dialogue, which are the dialogue through mass media and the dialogue through educational institutions, which aim to create a better understanding between the Muslims and non-Muslims among the Golden Generations. Over the years, Gülen is a champion of interfaith dialogue who has been committed to bringing global peace beyond the boundary of religion, race, and region

    The concept of gender equality and equity: an Islamic view

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    Equality, equity and justice are the most frequently discussed concepts that have received much attention in modern times. However, equality is emphasised regardless of gender differences, and it remains a theory. Meanwhile, equity is a practical way to achieve equality that considers human nature. In this sense, justice is the closest term to equity. Although it is used in legal areas, all Islamic doctrines are built upon justice. Hence, justice is a more general concept. These concepts have not been clearly defined, and some people view them as one. Therefore, this study conducts qualitative-based research to illuminate the differences between these terms. This undertaking attempts to indicate the connection between the concepts of justice from an Islamic point of view. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. The Quran is used as a primary source, and written materials, including journal articles, books and web articles, are used as secondary sources. Findings show that gender equality, equity and justice are different concepts. Nevertheless, the objective of equality and equity is to promote justice among the people. The study also finds that gender equality is not acceptable in all matters. Islam considers gender equity more important than equality because it is more closely related to the doctrine of justice

    Falsafah alam dalam konteks falsafah ketuhanan menurut Hamka

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    Islam via al-Quran strongly stresses the significant existence of nature. The creation of universal nature is considered as ultimate proof of the existence of God, the Creator. Islamic philosophers or religious thinkers tend to relate the significance of nature with living an appreciative life. Hamka on his philosophy of nature relates the creation to philosophy of God without distinguishing sharply between philosophy of nature and philosophy of God, calling his position ‘philosophy of life’. He was a prolific Muslim scholar whose influence persists throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Southern Thailand. Although Hamka passed away 31 years ago, his philosophy still remained strong in Malay Archipelago because of his greatness. Thus, the aim of this article is to analyze Hamka’s philosophy on nature and its relation to philosophy of God as portrayed in his book Filsafat Ketuhanan (Philosophy of God) and Falsafah Hidup (Philosophy of Life)

    Hak asasi manusia (human rights) dalam menangani krisis alam sekitar: perspektif Seyyed Hossein Nasr

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    Human rights’ are the basic rights and fundamental freedoms. Today’s human rights movements also concern on nature in resolving the environmental crisis. Within the freedom of thought and expression, this trend has extended dramatically in recent years, as many people have been surrounded by massive pollutions such as global warming and water crisis. Many environments have been greatly altered by human activities. On the right track, scholars and scientists have taken risks to test so many ideas and approaches that could lead to exponential changes to improve or even preserve the natural environment. Although ‘human rights’ has been used popularly in recent decades, Seyyed Hossein Nasr argues that the term should be blamed for the environmental crisis we are presently facing. As one of the most important and foremost Muslim philosophers in the world today, Nasr emphasizes that the environmental crisis is created by the crisis of human value in their philosophy of human rights based on human ‘freedom’. Nasr’s writings on human rights can be observed in his Islam and the Environmental Crisis (1990), Islam and the Challenge of the 21st Century (1993) and Religion and the Order of Nature (1996). This semantic study is to show that human rights’ philosophy is too dangerous to nature, tracking on the unconditional absolute rights. Through semantic analysis, the study finds that ‘human rights’ are related to secular philosophy which enthrones the unlimited human freedom, and at the same time against the order of nature as Divine Order

    Merangka semula falsafah keamanan sejagat dalam konteks Malaysia

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    Malaysia masih kekal aman sejak kemerdekaan sebagai hasil daripada pelaksanaan ideologi dan dasar yang mengutamakan kepentingan semua rakyat di negara ini. Ideologi dan dasarnya yang sederhana digubal untuk menjanjikan keamanan dan kestabilan yang berterusan, dan rakyat sentiasa merasa selamat serta dapat menikmati manfaat pembangunan yang disediakan oleh kerajaan. Selain aktiviti pembinaan keamanan yang dianjurkan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu yang bertujuan untuk membantu negara-negara yang mengalami konflik, Malaysia kelihatan terselamat daripada cabaran tersebut. Walau bagaimanapun, di abad ke dua puluh satu ini, Malaysia sebenarnya menghadapi masalah yang lebih mencabar iaitu berkaitan perlanggaran etika, politik, ekologi dan rohani. Cabaran-cabaran ini mesti ditangani untuk mencapai keamanan sejagat. Kajian kualitatif ini menganalisis rangka kerja Malaysia berdasarkan falsafah dan cabarannya yang tersendiri, melalui penekanan kepada isu-isu tersebut. Jelas sekali, krisis sedemikian perlu ditangani menerusi prinsip realiti metafizik, yang terdapat dalam Falsafah Ketuhanan

    The concept of gender equality and equity: an Islamic view

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    Equality, equity and justice are the most frequently discussed concepts that have received much attention in modern times. However, equality is emphasised regardless of gender differences, and it remains a theory. Meanwhile, equity is a practical way to achieve equality that considers human nature. In this sense, justice is the closest term to equity. Although it is used in legal areas, all Islamic doctrines are built upon justice. Hence, justice is a more general concept. These concepts have not been clearly defined, and some people view them as one. Therefore, this study conducts qualitative-based research to illuminate the differences between these terms. This undertaking attempts to indicate the connection between the concepts of justice from an Islamic point of view. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. The Quran is used as a primary source, and written materials, including journal articles, books and web articles, are used as secondary sources. Findings show that gender equality, equity and justice are different concepts. Nevertheless, the objective of equality and equity is to promote justice among the people. The study also finds that gender equality is not acceptable in all matters. Islam considers gender equity more important than equality because it is more closely related to the doctrine of justice