6 research outputs found

    Impact of translational error-induced and error-free misfolding on the rate of protein evolution

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    Theoretical calculations suggest that, in addition to translational error-induced protein misfolding, a non-negligible fraction of misfolded proteins are error free.We propose that the anticorrelation between the expression level of a protein and its rate of sequence evolution be explained by an overarching protein-misfolding-avoidance hypothesis that includes selection against both error-induced and error-free protein misfolding, and verify this model by a molecular-level evolutionary simulation.We provide strong empirical evidence for the protein-misfolding-avoidance hypothesis, including a positive correlation between protein expression level and stability, enrichment of misfolding-minimizing codons and amino acids in highly expressed genes, and stronger evolutionary conservation of residues in which nonsynonymous changes are more likely to increase protein misfolding