2,054 research outputs found

    Exact solutions for equilibrium configurations of charged conducting liquid jets

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    A wide class of exact solutions is obtained for the problem of finding the equilibrium configurations of charged jets of a conducting liquid; these configurations correspond to the finite-amplitude azimuthal deformations of the surface of a round jet. A critical value of the linear electric charge density is determined, for which the jet surface becomes self-intersecting, and the jet splits into two. It exceeds the density value required for the excitation of the linear azimuthal instability of the round jet. Hence, there exists a range of linear charge density values, where our solutions may be stable with respect to small azimuthal perturbations.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    A Green's function decoupling scheme for the Edwards fermion-boson model

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    Holes in a Mott insulator are represented by spinless fermions in the fermion-boson model introduced by Edwards. Although the physically interesting regime is for low to moderate fermion density the model has interesting properties over the whole density range. It has previously been studied at half-filling in the one-dimensional (1D) case by numerical methods, in particular exact diagonalization and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). In the present study the one-particle Green's function is calculated analytically by means of a decoupling scheme for the equations of motion, valid for arbitrary density in 1D, 2D and 3D with fairly large boson energy and zero boson relaxation parameter. The Green's function is used to compute some ground state properties, and the one-fermion spectral function, for fermion densities n=0.1, 0.5 and 0.9 in the 1D case. The results are generally in good agreement with numerical results obtained by DMRG and dynamical DMRG and new light is shed on the nature of the ground state at different fillings. The Green's function approximation is sufficiently successful in 1D to justify future application to the 2D and 3D cases.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, final version with updated reference

    Hydrodynamic Modes in a Trapped Strongly Interacting Fermi Gases of Atoms

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    The zero-temperature properties of a dilute two-component Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover are investigated. On the basis of a generalization of the variational Schwinger method, we construct approximate semi-analytical formulae for collective frequencies of the radial and the axial breathing modes of the Fermi gas under harmonic confinement in the framework of the hydrodynamic theory. It is shown that the method gives nearly exact solutions.Comment: 11 page

    Tuning the Non-local Spin-Spin Interaction between Quantum Dots with a Magnetic Field

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    We describe a device where the non-local spin-spin interaction between two quantum dots can be turned on and off and even changed sign with a very small magnetic field. The setup consists of two quantum dots at the edge of two two-dimensional electron gases (2DEGs). The quantum dots' spins are coupled through a RKKY-like interaction mediated by the electrons in the 2DEGs. A small magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the 2DEG is used as a tuning parameter. When the cyclotron radius is commensurate with the interdot distance, the spin-spin interaction is amplified by a few orders of magnitude. The sign of the interaction is controlled by finely tuning the magnetic field. Our setup allows for several dots to be coupled in a linear arrangement and it is not restricted to nearest-neighbors interaction.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Published versio

    An expression for stationary distribution in nonequilibrium steady state

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    We study the nonequilibrium steady state realized in a general stochastic system attached to multiple heat baths and/or driven by an external force. Starting from the detailed fluctuation theorem we derive concise and suggestive expressions for the corresponding stationary distribution which are correct up to the second order in thermodynamic forces. The probability of a microstate η\eta is proportional to exp[Φ(η)]\exp[{\Phi}(\eta)] where Φ(η)=kβkEk(η){\Phi}(\eta)=-\sum_k\beta_k\mathcal{E}_k(\eta) is the excess entropy change. Here Ek(η)\mathcal{E}_k(\eta) is the difference between two kinds of conditioned path ensemble averages of excess heat transfer from the kk-th heat bath whose inverse temperature is βk\beta_k. Our expression may be verified experimentally in nonequilibrium states realized, for example, in mesoscopic systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Imaginary-time formulation of steady-state nonequilibrium: application to strongly correlated transport

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    We extend the imaginary-time formulation of the equilibrium quantum many-body theory to steady-state nonequilibrium with an application to strongly correlated transport. By introducing Matsubara voltage, we keep the finite chemical potential shifts in the Fermi-Dirac function, in agreement with the Keldysh formulation. The formulation is applied to strongly correlated transport in the Kondo regime using the quantum Monte Carlo method.Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    Calculation of shear viscosity using Green-Kubo relations within a parton cascade

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    The shear viscosity of a gluon gas is calculated using the Green-Kubo relation. Time correlations of the energy-momentum tensor in thermal equilibrium are extracted from microscopic simulations using a parton cascade solving various Boltzmann collision processes. We find that the pQCD based gluon bremsstrahlung described by Gunion-Bertsch processes significantly lowers the shear viscosity by a factor of 3-8 compared to elastic scatterings. The shear viscosity scales with the coupling as 1/(alpha_s^2\log(1/alpha_s)). For a constant coupling constant the shear viscosity to entropy density ratio has no dependence on temperature. Replacing the pQCD-based collision angle distribution of binary scatterings by an isotropic form decreases the shear viscosity by a factor of 3.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Statistical Description of Hydrodynamic Processes in Ionic Melts with taking into account Polarization Effects

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    Statistical description of hydrodynamic processes for ionic melts is proposed with taking into account polarization effects caused by the deformation of external ionic shells. This description is carried out by means of the Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator method, appropriate for investigations of both strong and weak nonequilibrium processes. The nonequilibrium statistical operator and the generalized hydrodynamic equations that take into account polarization processes are received for ionic-polarization model of ionic molten salts when the nonequilibrium averaged values of densities of ions number, their momentum, dipole momentum and total energy are chosen for the reduced description parameters. A spectrum of collective excitations is investigated within the viscoelastic approximation for ion-polarization model of ionic melts.Comment: 24 pages, RevTex4.1-format, no figure

    The influence of local field corrections on Thomson scattering in non-ideal two-component plasmas

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    Thomson scattering in non-ideal (collision-dominated) two-component plasmas is calculated accounting for electron-ion collisions as well as electron-electron correlations. This is achieved by using a novel interpolation scheme for the electron-electron response function generalizing the traditional Mermin approach. Also, ions are treated as randomly distributed inert scattering centers. The collision frequency is taken as a dynamic and complex quantity and is calculated from a microscopic quantum-statistical approach. Implications due to different approximations for the electron-electron correlation, i.e. different forms of the OCP local field correction, are discussed

    A systematic study of non-ideal contacts in integer quantum Hall systems

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    In the present article we investigate the influence of the contact region on the distribution of the chemical potential in integer quantum Hall samples, as well as the longitudinal and Hall resistance as a function of the magnetic field. First we use a standard quantum Hall sample geometry and analyse the influence of the length of the leads where current enters/leaves the sample and the ratio of the contact width to the width of these leads. Furthermore we investigate potential barriers in the current injecting leads and the measurement arms in order to simulate non-ideal contacts. Second we simulate nonlocal quantum Hall samples with applied gating voltage at the metallic contacts. For such samples it has been found experimentally that both the longitudinal and Hall resistance as a function of the magnetic field can change significantly. Using the nonequilibrium network model we are able to reproduce most qualitative features of the experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 16 Figure