239 research outputs found
Political Institutions, Technology and Growth: a dynamic panel approach
This paper investigates whether the effect of political institutions on sectoral economic performance is determined by the level of technological development of industries. Building on previous studies on the linkages among political institutions, technology and economic growth, we employ the dynamic panel Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator for a sample of 4,134 country-industries from 61 industries and 89 countries over the 1990-2010 period. Our main findings suggest that changes of political institutions towards higher levels of democracy, political rights and civil liberties enhance economic growth in technologically developed industries. On the contrary, the same institutional changes
might retard economic growth of those industries that are below a technological development threshold. Overall, these results give evidence of a technologically conditioned nature of political institutions to be growth-promoting.I acknowledge nancial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness scholarship program Formacion del Personal Investigador (FPI) and the Research Project Game Theory and Social Choice (ECON2012-31346
Cultural Values, Family Decisions and Gender Segregation in Higher Education: Evidence from 26 OECD Economies
Texto completoThis paper examines the role of cultural values and family decision-making in the gender distribution
of higher education on a panel database of 9 elds of study in 26 OECD countries over 1998-2012.
The paper surmises an interplay between family-friendly policies and cultural values that might be associated with gender segregation. Using survey data from the World Value Survey, the results suggest
that gender-egalitarian attitudes of females are negatively associated with gender segregation.
However, attitudes of males are not associated with signi cant coe cients. Marriage market indicators,
such as the age at rst marriage, are positively associated with gender segregation. Finally, family-friendly policies are found to display a positive association with segregation in societies that are attached to traditional gender roles in the labor market. To the contrary, the same policies are negatively associated with segregation in gender-egalitarian societies. These ndings are robust to country and eld-speci c levels of segregation, and remain using alternative speci cations and estimation techniques.This research has received nancial support by the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) - Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) and twice by the Gender Studies Ph.D. Theses Grant of the Dirección de Igualdad (UPV/EHU)
The Volkswagen production system and its dissemination: the "Stabile produktion"
This report was commissioned to examine how the Volkswagen Group maintains its position in the automobile industry, a sector whose most remarkable feature is high competitiveness.
The research draws attention to the fact that despite its competitive environment, thanks to Government aids and continuous development of the sector, companies such as Volkswagen play an important role in developed countries’ economy. This is due to the fact that the car is the more technological and cheaper product of the market and the most desirable product for customers nowadays.
Further investigations reveal that different strategies, like decentralization or dismissing in quality are taken from different companies for staying in the market. However, in the Volkswagen case, quality and customer satisfaction are already targets, and standardize its procedures and operations in a Production system is its strategy.
The report evaluates the method for implementing this Production system based on a Len philosophy and its satisfactory results until the moment.
Besides, an important step for achieving this Lean manufacture in the factories is analyze; the ´´Stabile Produktion``Graduado o Graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Pública de NavarraEnpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
Cultural Values, Family Decisions and Gender Segregation in Higher Education: Evidence from 26 OECD Economies
Texto completoThis paper examines the role of cultural values and family decision-making in the gender distribution
of higher education on a panel database of 9 elds of study in 26 OECD countries over 1998-2012.
The paper surmises an interplay between family-friendly policies and cultural values that might be associated with gender segregation. Using survey data from the World Value Survey, the results suggest
that gender-egalitarian attitudes of females are negatively associated with gender segregation.
However, attitudes of males are not associated with signi cant coe cients. Marriage market indicators,
such as the age at rst marriage, are positively associated with gender segregation. Finally, family-friendly policies are found to display a positive association with segregation in societies that are attached to traditional gender roles in the labor market. To the contrary, the same policies are negatively associated with segregation in gender-egalitarian societies. These ndings are robust to country and eld-speci c levels of segregation, and remain using alternative speci cations and estimation techniques.This research has received nancial support by the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) - Young Scholar Initiative (YSI) and twice by the Gender Studies Ph.D. Theses Grant of the Dirección de Igualdad (UPV/EHU)
Trabajar las emociones positivas a través del juego
En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se presenta un proyecto de investigación
acerca del juego y sus beneficios en el desarrollo integral de los infantes donde,
concretamente, nos centraremos en el trabajo de las competencias emocionales en el
marco escolar. Su fin es aportar una crítica a la cada vez más acusada pérdida de valor
del juego como ingrediente básico en las aulas actuales, para, finalmente, brindar una
propuesta de intervención lúdica dirigida a niños/as de 6, 7 y 8 años, que guíe a
replantear el uso del juego como una herramienta de aprendizaje.
Este trabajo se divide en dos partes fundamentales. La primera, se trata de una
revisión bibliográfica en torno al concepto de juego y emoción. Posteriormente, ambos
aspectos se integran en un programa de intervención lúdico, donde varias sugerencias
son mencionadas para un posible uso dentro de un aula real de Educación Primaria.The following end-of-degree project tries to present a research project on game and its
benefits in the child´s holistic development where, specifically, we will focus on the
emotional competences treatment within the framework of the school day. Its
purpose is to provide a critical perspective to the loss of value of the game as an
essential element in our current classrooms, to finally offer a playful proposal of
intervention aimed at students of 6, 7 and 8 years old, that guides us to reconsider the
use of play as a learning tool.
This work is splited up into two vital parts. The first one involves a bibliographical
review around the concept of game and emotions. Later, both aspects are integrated
into a playful proposal of intervention, where a number of suggestions are mentioned
for a possible future use at a real Primary Education classroom.Graduado o Graduada en Maestro en Educación Primaria por la Universidad Pública de NavarraLehen Hezkuntzako Irakasletzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa
Political Institutions, Technology and Growth: a dynamic panel approach *
Abstract This paper investigates whether the effect of political institutions on sectoral economic performance is determined by the level of technological development of industries. Building on previous studies on the linkages among political institutions, technology and economic growth, we employ the dynamic panel Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimator for a sample of 4,134 country-industries from 61 industries and 89 countries over the 1990-2010 period. Our main findings suggest that changes of political institutions towards higher levels of democracy, political rights and civil liberties enhance economic growth in technologically developed industries. On the contrary, the same institutional changes might retard economic growth of those industries that are below a technological development threshold. Overall, these results give evidence of a technologically conditioned nature of political institutions to be growth-promoting
Plan de negocio de una empresa de educación
A lo largo de este trabajo se describe el plan de negocio para llevar a cabo la instauración de un centro de apoyo escolar y una red de profesores particulares en Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid. El objetivo es analizar la viabilidad técnica, económica y comercial de un proyecto de inversión de este tipo mediante el estudio de todos los factores que intervienen en él, tanto a corto como a largo plazo. El objetivo es conocer si el proyecto resultará viable o no. Para ello se estudiarán todos los componentes que intervienen en la instauración del negocio. Una vez elegida la localización, se analizarán las circunstancias económicas, demográficas y comerciales del entorno, así como la demanda actual y potencial y los agentes competitivos en la zona.
El siguiente paso será definir las actividades que va a desarrollar la empresa. Primero se realizará un análisis interno para detectar cuáles son las fortalezas para potenciarlas y cuáles son las debilidades para fortalecerlas (empresa nueva desconocida por la población, etc.). Se definirán claramente las estrategias corporativa y de negocio, como por ejemplo la diferenciación del resto de centros.
Posteriormente se precisará el plan de marketing a llevar a cabo si la propuesta se hace real, el cual tendrá gran importancia ya que refuerza una de las grandes debilidades como es la ignorancia por parte la población del nuevo negocio. El plan de marketing además aportará datos sobre la viabilidad comercial de la empresa.
A continuación se desarrollará el plan de operaciones a tener en cuenta para la implantación de la academia. En él se describirán aspectos como los sistemas de información internos, la capacidad estimada necesaria (profesores, clases, horarios, etc.), costes operativos y un plan de contingencias. Tras el plan de operaciones se analizará la viabilidad económica del proyecto mediante un plan financiero que tenga en cuenta los costes y las inversiones a realizar y una estimación de los ingresos previsibles. Finalmente se definirán los términos jurídicos de la empresa y se detallarán a fondo las formalidades administrativas a llevar a cabo para la instauración del nuevo negocio.Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale
The economic aftermath of institutions
166 p.Esta tesis se compone de cuatro capítulos enmarcados dentro de la economía política y economíainstitucional. Las preguntas de investigación que estudia tratan en primer lugar sobre el efecto deinstituciones políticas, como son la democracia y las reglas electorales, en el crecmiento económico delas industrias. En segundo lugar, la tesis se centra en investigar la relación entre instituciones políticas dejure y de facto con la desigualdad económica dentro de los países. La última línea de investigación deesta tesis se centra en el potencial efecto de instituciones informales, como son los valores culturales enrelación a los roles de género, en la distribución de género de los campos de estudio de la educaciónterciaria.La principal metodología científica de esta tesis es la econometría, en concreto, la econometría de datosde panel. Para la correcta elaboración de esta tesis, he constriudo bases de datos que recogen informaciónpara un numero alto de países, actividades económicas y campos de estudio de la educación, a lo largo deun periodo determinado en el tiempo. Estas bases de datos han permitido computar modeloseconométricos que proponen relaciones determinadas en el contexto de la economía política (democracia¿ crecimiento económico) así como dentro de la economía de la educación y de género (normas sociales¿ elección de hombres y mujeres de una carrera terciaria)
Che genere di laurea
In Italia le donne scelgono più spesso di studiare materie sociali e umanistiche all'università. E anche se sono di più a biologia, matematica e statistica, le informatiche e le fisiche sono ancora troppo poche. Ecco perché è importante un'inversione di rotta nelle politiche educativ
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