8 research outputs found

    Alkali and acid polysaccharides blend nanofibrous membranes prepared by electrospinning

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    Poster apresentado no "Smart and functional coatings conference", Torino, Italy, 2013Electrospinning allows the production of polymer fibres with diameters in the sub-micron size range, through the application of an external electric field, keeping intact the bulk properties of the polymers. Electrospun membranes possess some unique structural features, such as a high surface to volume ratio and very good mechanical performance, properties that are determinant to their use in several applications such as air and liquid filtration, tissue engineering, optical and chemical sensors [1]. In this work, alkali and acid biopolysaccharides blended with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were electrospinned into a polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) basal microfiltration membrane, with the goal of developing a mid-layer nanofibrous porous support for exploitable thin-film composite (TFC) membranes for water filtration. The alkali and acid biopolysaccharides chosen were, respectively, chitosan (CS), a cationic polyelectrolyte (in this case with deacetylation degree around 85), and cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), an acidic polysaccharide isolated from Cyanothece sp.CCY 0110 [2]. The electrospun blended nanofibrous membranes were fully characterized in order to investigate their morphology, diameter, structure, mechanical and thermal properties. The results showed that these membranes have great potential for filtration purposes [3].This work was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Programme – COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022718 (PEst-C/SAU/LA0002/2011), FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009389 (PTDC/CTM/100627/2008) and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009697 (PTDC/EBB-EBI/099662/2008), and the grants SFRH/BPD/37045/2007 and SFRH/BPD/72400/2010. The authors also thank to the project INVISIBLE NETWORK nº. 13857 * SI I&DT Mobilizador

    Thin-layer nanofiltration membranes using engineered biopolymers for seawater desalination pre-treatment processes

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    Nowadays water demand already exceeds supply and water scarcity is a global problem. So it is necessary to develop novel technologies to be able to use poorer quality source waters for drinking water production. Once considered as an expensive, ultimate solution for water supply, desalination is becoming affordable. The two most commonly used seawater desalination methods are Multi-stage Flash Distillation (MSF) and Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO). SWRO is less energy demanding compared to MSF, which makes it economically attractive. However there is no backpulsing of the expensive and delicate reverse osmosis (RO) membranes with air or water, so they are susceptible to fouling, causing the loss of their performance. Therefore cleaning the feed water to the highest level possible by nanofiltration, before it reaches the RO membranes would highly increase the efficiency of the process. Nanofiltration (NF) as a feed pre-treatment step is a pressure driven membrane separation process that takes place on a selective layer formed by a semipermeable membrane with properties between RO and ultrafiltration. The objective of this project is the developement of highly efficient thin-film composite (TFC) membranes for SWRO pre-treatment processes based on low-fouling cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). TFC membranes combine high flux and mechanical strenght, and they are expected to be the key components of any water purification technology in the future. Cyanobacterial EPS are complex heteropolysaccharides with putative antimicrobial and antiviral properties and a particular affinity to bind metal ions [1,2].Within this work, the unicellular N2-fixing marine cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. CCY 0110 was chosen for RPS production, since it is among the most efficient released polysaccharide (RPS) producers and the polymer has been previously extensively characterised [3]. RPS was produced by growing Cyanothece CCY 0110 in 10L bioreactors, in conditions previously defined and the polymer was isolated following the standard methodology [3]. A polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) / cyanobacterial EPS blend nanofibrous membranes were fabricated by electrospinning using polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) as a basal membrane, in order to obtain thin-layer composite nanofiltration membranes. The production of the nanofibers using EPS and PVA as plasticizer in different ratios was produced in a NF-103 MECC Nanon electrospinning equipment with an applied electric field between 15 and 25 kV and a flow of 0,2 mL/h. Morphological, mechanical, chemical and thermal characterization of the electrospun fibers deposited on the basal membranes, were evaluated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), dynamical and mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The AFM and SEM results show the presence of fibers with dimensions between 54 and 121 nm with low bead formation. In the EDS analysis presence of sulfur elements was observed confirming the inclusion of EPS in the nanofibers. The morphology and diameter of the nanofibers were mainly affected by the concentration of the blend solution and the weight ratio of the blend, respectively. The best PVA/EPS nanofibers were achieved in a ratio of 12 % PVA and 0.4 % EPS. The solution conductivity was ranging 1500 to 3500 μS/cm with a viscosity of about 100 to 500 cP. The DMA results confirmed the miscibility of PVA/EPS blends. The elastic modulus of the nanocomposite mats increased significantly as a consequence of the reinforcing effect of EPS. Thermal and mechanical analysis demonstrated that there were strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the molecules EPS-PVA in the blends. The heat-treated electrospun blended membranes showed better tensile mechanical properties when compared with PVA alone, and resisted more against disintegration. A lab-scale nanofiltration was performed in a bench stainless steel Sterlitech tangential flow stirred cell (200 mL) connected to an air pressure system that allow pressure driven filtration up to 10 BAR. Bactericidal activity and biofilm formation were tested using Escherichia coli and Sthaphylococcus aureus as pathogenic microorganisms

    Fabrication and characterization of PVA, PVA/chitosan, and PVA/cyanobacterial exopolysaccharide nanofibrous composite nanofiltration membranes prepared by electrospinning

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    A series of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), PVA/chitosan (CS) and PVA/cyanobacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS) blend nanofibrous membranes were fabricated by electrospinning using a microfiltration poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) as a basal membrane, in order to obtain thin-layer composite (TFC) nanofiltration membranes. The morphology, diameter, structure, mechanical and thermal characteristics of electrospun nanofibers were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), dynamical and mechanical analysis (DMA), thermogravimetry (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The morphology and diameter of the nanofibers were mainly affected by concentration of the blend solution and weight ratio of the blend, respectively. Thermal and mechanical analysis demonstrated that there were strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds between the molecules of CS-PVA and EPS-PVA in the blends. The heat-treated electrospun blended membranes showed better tensile mechanical properties when compared with PVA alone, and resisted more against disintegration. Nanofiltration was successfully performed in a high pressure cell

    Preparation and characterization of polysaccharides/PVA blend nanofibrous membranes by electrospinning method

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    A series of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), PVA/chitosan (CS) and PVA/cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) blended nanofibrous membranes were produced by electrospinning using a microfiltration poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) basal membrane, for potential applications in water filtration. Nanofibres were obtained from solutions of 20% (w/w) PVA with 1% (w/w) CS or EPS, using a weight ratio of 60/40. Blended nanofibres have shown a smooth morphology, no beads formation and diameters between 50 and 130 nm. Thermo-mechanical analysis demonstrated that there were inter and/or intramolecular hydrogen bonds between the molecules of PVA/CS and PVA/EPS in the blends. The electrospun blended PVA/EPS membrane showed better tensile mechanical properties when compared with PVA and PVA/CS, and resisted more against disintegration in the temperature range between 10 and 50 °C. Finally, the blended membranes have shown an increase in chromium binding capacity of 5%. This is the first successful report of a blended membrane of electrospinned cyanobacterial polysaccharide with PVA.This work was funded by FEDER funds through the Operational Competitiveness Programme - COMPETE and by National Funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia under the projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-022718 (PEst-C/SAU/LA0002/2011), FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009389 (PTDC/CTM/100627/2008) and FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-009697 (PTDC/EBB-EBI/099662/2008), and Grants SFRH/BPD/37045/2007 and SFRH/BPD/72400/2010

    The versatile TolC-like Slr1270 in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803

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    Here we report on the functional characterization of the hypothetical protein Slr1270, a TolC homologue in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Analysis of a slr1270 insertion deletion mutant and respective wild-type revealed that the mutant presents increased susceptibility to antibiotics. In addition, a detailed study of the exoproteome showed that Slr1270 mediates protein secretion. Among the protein substrates dependent on Slr1270 function, we found the S-layer structural component. Electron microscopy studies of the slr1270 mutant showed that the S-layer is indeed absent. The requirement of functional Slr1270 for protein secretion and drug resistance mechanisms suggests that Slr1270 plays a role similar to that described for TolC in other bacteria. Additional phenotypic traits could also be observed, including slower growth rates at low temperature, impairment in biofilm formation and increased activity of enzymes detoxifying reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, an increased capacity of outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) formation and release was also found in the slr1270 mutant, a feature that has not yet been observed in bacteria lacking TolC. This work highlights the marked physiological fitness that the TolC-like Slr1270 bestows to the photosynthetic model Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and presents a valuable model for studying OMVs formation and release.SCOPUS: ar.jFLWINinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Production and characterization of extracellular carbohydrate polymer from Cyanothece sp. CCY 0110

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    Cyanobacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are heteropolysaccharides that possess characteristics suitable for industrial applications, notably a high number of different monomers, strong anionic nature and high hydrophobicity. However, systematic studies that unveil the conditions influencing EPS synthesis and/or its characteristics are mandatory. In this work, Cyanothece sp. CCY 0110 was used as model organism. Our results revealed that this strain is among the most efficient EPS producers, and that the amount of RPS (released polysaccharides) is mainly related to the number of cells, rather than to the amount produced by each cell. Light was the key parameter, with high light intensity enhancing significantly RPS production (reaching 1.8 g L−1), especially in the presence of combined nitrogen. The data showed that RPS are composed by nine different monosaccharides (including two uronic acids), the presence of sulfate groups and peptides, and that the polymer is remarkably thermostable and amorphous in nature

    The role of the tyrosine kinase Wzc (Sll0923) and the phosphatase Wzb (Slr0328) in the production of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) by Synechocystis PCC 6803

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    Many cyanobacteria produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) mainly composed of heteropolysaccharides with unique characteristics that make them suitable for biotechnological applications. However, manipulation/optimization of EPS biosynthesis/characteristics is hindered by a poor understanding of the production pathways and the differences between bacterial species. In this work, genes putatively related to different pathways of cyanobacterial EPS polymerization, assembly, and export were targeted for deletion or truncation in the unicellular Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. No evident phenotypic changes were observed for some mutants in genes occurring in multiple copies in Synechocystis genome, namely ∆wzy (∆sll0737), ∆wzx (∆sll5049), ∆kpsM (∆slr2107), and ∆kpsM∆wzy (∆slr2107∆sll0737), strongly suggesting functional redundancy. In contrast, Δwzc (Δsll0923) and Δwzb (Δslr0328) influenced both the amount and composition of the EPS, establishing that Wzc participates in the production of capsular (CPS) and released (RPS) polysaccharides, and Wzb affects RPS production. The structure of Wzb was solved (2.28 Å), revealing structural differences relative to other phosphatases involved in EPS production and suggesting a different substrate recognition mechanism. In addition, Wzc showed the ATPase and autokinase activities typical of bacterial tyrosine kinases. Most importantly, Wzb was able to dephosphorylate Wzc in vitro, suggesting that tyrosine phosphorylation/dephosphorylation plays a role in cyanobacterial EPS production.Sanitary Engineerin