3 research outputs found

    Stimulation tests in diagnostics of medular carcinoma of the thyroid gland

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    Izvršena je usporedba stimulacijskih testova s pentagastrinom i alkoholom na izlučivanje kalci tonina u 10 zdravih ispitanika i 5 ispitanika oboljelih od medularnog karcinoma štitnjače. Testovi stimulacije pentagastrinom i alkoholom u zdravih ispitanika nisu dali odgovor, dok je u ispitanika oboljelih od medularnog karcinoma štitnjače stimulacija pentagastrinom dala značajno veći odgovor kalcitonina od stimulacije alkoholom. Imunoreaktivni kalcitonin u serumu određen je komercijalnim kompletom. Na osnovu ovih ispitivanja zakjučeno je da se u dijagnostici medularnog karcinoma štitnjače kao screening test koristi test stimulacije alkoholom, a test stimulacije pentagastrinom za suspektne slučajeve.Stimulation tests with pentagastrine and alcohol on secretion of calcitonine were compared in 10 healthy individuals and 5 diseased people with a modular carcinoma of the thyroid gland. In healthy people the tests showed no results while in the patients with the modular carcinoma of the thyroid gland the stimulation with pentagastrine provoked remarkably more calcitonine than the stimulation with alcohol. The immunoreactive calcitonine in serum is defined by commercial set. These experiments advocate the application of the stimulation test with alcohol as a screening test in diagnosing the modular carcinoma of the thyroid gland and the stimulation test with pentagastrine in suspect cases

    Beta-2 microglobulinemia - glomerular filtration rate

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    U skupini od 94 ispitanika Ispitali smo korelaciju serumskog beta-2 mikroglobulina i serumskog kreatinina sa glomerularnom filtracijom (GF) procijenjenom klirensom 51Cr-EDTA. Odnos nivoa beta-2 mikroglobulina, a i kreatinina, u serumu s klirensom 51Cr-EDTA najbolje je opisan inverznom potencijalnom funkcijom. Koeficijent korelacije za beta-2-mikroglobulin iznosi —0,9427, a za kreatinin 0,9114. Razlika između dobivenih koeficijenata korelacije je statistički značajna na razini značajnosti od 1 % (t=2,68). Od veće praktične važnosti je značajna razlika utvrđenih koeficijenata regresije. U logaritamskoj skali koeficijent regresije za pravac koji opisuje odnos nivoa serumskog beta-2-mikroglobulina i GF iznosi —0,95122, a za odnos kreatinina i GF iznosi —0,79796. To potvrđuje da je beta-2 mikroglobulin po svojim karakteristikama bli­ži idealnoj endogenoj supstanci za procjenu GF i pokazuje bolju osjetljivost za detekciju umjereno reducirane GF.The correlation of serum beta-2-microglobulin was examined and serum creatinine with glomerular filtration rate (GF). GF was evaluated by clearence Cr5, -EDTA. The best description of correlation between serum beta-2-microglobulin (also and serum creatinin) and GF was by inversely potential function. The coefficient of correlation for the beta-2-microglobulin was —0.9427 and for the creatinin test —0.9114. The difference between obtained coefficients of correlations was statistically significant (p = 0.001 t = 2.68). More important is the significant difference between the obtained coefficients of regression. In the logaritmic scale the coefficient of regression of the straight line which described the relation of serum level of beta-2-microglobulin and GF was —0.9512 and —0.7979 for the relation of the serum level of creatinine and GF. It indicates that beta-2-microglobulin is more similar to the ideal endogenic substance for evaluation of GF and shows better sensitivity for the detection of moderately reduced GF