238 research outputs found

    Projections of the population size of Russia and the world

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    The article presents forecasts of the population of Russia and the world in General. Highlighting three variants of the forecast of a demographic situation in Russia before 2050 yr. The article presents a forecast change in population by category (male, female, able-bodied population). It is concluded that the main growth of the population to 2050 yr. will be at the expense of labour migration, primarily from CIS countries. The analysis of trends in population to 2050 yr. in different countries and continents as a whole. Presents the forecasted share of elderly population of the continents of the world in 2050 yr. conclusions about the population decline of the highly developed European countries, and the increase in the number of developing

    Projections of the population size of Russia and the world

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    The article presents forecasts of the population of Russia and the world in General. Highlighting three variants of the forecast of a demographic situation in Russia before 2050 yr. The article presents a forecast change in population by category (male, female, able-bodied population). It is concluded that the main growth of the population to 2050 yr. will be at the expense of labour migration, primarily from CIS countries. The analysis of trends in population to 2050 yr. in different countries and continents as a whole. Presents the forecasted share of elderly population of the continents of the world in 2050 yr. conclusions about the population decline of the highly developed European countries, and the increase in the number of developing

    Atomic population distribution in the output ports of cold-atom interferometers with optical splitting and recombination

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    Cold-atom interferometers with optical splitting and recombination use off-resonant laser beams to split a cloud of Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) into two clouds that travel along different paths and are then recombined again using optical beams. After the recombination, the BEC in general populates both the cloud at rest and the moving clouds. Measuring relative number of atoms in each of these clouds yields information about the relative phase shift accumulated by the atoms in the two moving clouds during the interferometric cycle. We derive the expression for the probability of finding any given number of atoms in each of the clouds, discuss features of the probability density distribution, analyze its dependence on the relative accumulated phase shift as a function of the strength of the interatomic interactions, and compare our results with experiment.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Particle Number Fluctuations in the Microcanonical Ensemble

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    Particle number fluctuations are studied in the microcanonical ensemble. For the Boltzmann statistics we deduce exact analytical formulae for the microcanonical partition functions in the case of non-interacting massless neutral particles and charged particles with zero net charge. The particle number fluctuations are calculated and we find that in the microcanonical ensemble they are suppressed in comparison to the fluctuations in the canonical and grand canonical ensembles. This remains valid in the thermodynamic limit too, so that the well-known equivalence of all statistical ensembles refers to average quantities, but does not apply to fluctuations. In the thermodynamic limit we are able to calculate the particle number fluctuations in the system of massive bosons and fermions when the exact conservation laws of both the energy and charge are taken into account.Comment: REVTeX, 17 pages, 9 figures, v3: misprints a correcte

    Theoretical analysis of a single and double reflection atom interferometer in a weakly-confining magnetic trap

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    The operation of a BEC based atom interferometer, where the atoms are held in a weakly-confining magnetic trap and manipulated with counter-propagating laser beams, is analyzed. A simple analytic model is developed to describe the dynamics of the interferometer. It is used to find the regions of parameter space with high and low contrast of the interference fringes for both single and double reflection interferometers. We demonstrate that for a double reflection interferometer the coherence time can be increased by shifting the recombination time. The theory is compared with recent experimental realizations of these interferometers.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Particle Number Fluctuations in Statistical Model with Exact Charge Conservation Laws

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    Even though the first momenta i.e. the ensemble average quantities in canonical ensemble (CE) give the grand canonical (GC) results in large multiplicity limit, the fluctuations involving second moments do not respect this asymptotic behaviour. Instead, the asymptotics are strikingly different, giving a new handle in study of statistical particle number fluctuations in relativistic nuclear reactions. Here we study the analytical large volume asymptotics to general case of multispecies hadron gas carrying fixed baryon number, strangeness and electric charge. By means of Monte Carlo simulations we have also studied the general multiplicity probability distributions taking into account the decay chains of resonance states.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. The report of the talk given in Strangeness in Quark Matter 2004, Cape Town. Submitted to J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phy

    Multiplicity Fluctuations in Hadron-Resonance Gas

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    The charged hadron multiplicity fluctuations are considered in the canonical ensemble. The microscopic correlator method is extended to include three conserved charges: baryon number, electric charge and strangeness. The analytical formulae are presented that allow to include resonance decay contributions to correlations and fluctuations. We make the predictions for the scaled variances of negative, positive and all charged hadrons in the most central Pb+Pb (Au+Au) collisions for different collision energies from SIS and AGS to SPS and RHIC.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Entanglement Entropy in the Calogero-Sutherland Model

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    We investigate the entanglement entropy between two subsets of particles in the ground state of the Calogero-Sutherland model. By using the duality relations of the Jack symmetric polynomials, we obtain exact expressions for both the reduced density matrix and the entanglement entropy in the limit of an infinite number of particles traced out. From these results, we obtain an upper bound value of the entanglement entropy. This upper bound has a clear interpretation in terms of fractional exclusion statistics.Comment: 14 pages, 3figures, references adde
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