83 research outputs found

    L’impact de l’aménagement hydro-agricole sur la santé des populations au Burkina : le cas de Bagré

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    De nombreux travaux de recherche ont montré l'apparition ou la recrudescence de certaines maladies liées à l'eau, notamment le paludisme et les schistosomiases, à la suite de la modification du milieu par les hydro-aménagements. Une comparaison de la fréquentation de deux formations sanitaires dans la zone du barrage de Bagré, dont l'une dans les périmètres rizicoles et l'autre en dehors, a mis en évidence une opposition nette entre, d'une part, la structure du registre des maladies et, d'autre part, l'engagement des populations dans l'effort de prévention et de soin. Par ailleurs, l'évolution des cas de paludisme présentés au dispensaire appelle des études approfondies sur les causes d'une diminution du recours au soin : la diversification des itinéraires thérapeutiques, la fréquentation d'autres centres de soins, l'amélioration de l'immunité des riverains immédiats seront des hypothèses à privilégier. En attendant, il est indispensable d'intégrer les aspects sanitaires dans les aménagements hydro-agricoles.Extensive research showed the appearance or the recrudescence of certain diseases related to water, in particular malaria and schistosomiases, following the modification of the sector by hydro-installations. A comparison of patient visits of two medical formations in the zone of the dam Bagré, one in the rice perimeters and the other outside, highlighted a clear opposition between the structure of the documentation of the diseases on the one hand, and the commitment of the population in the effort of prevention and care on the other hand. In addition, the evolution of the cases of malaria presented to the community clinic demands in-depth studies on the causes of a reduction in the recourse to care: the diversification of therapeutic routes, patient visits of other care facilities, the improvement of the immunity of the immediate residents will be assumptions to be given greater importance. While waiting, it is essential to consider health issues in hydro-agricultural installations

    Facteurs de variation du poids vif et de l’état corporel du zébu Arabe en zone soudanienne du Tchad

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    L’objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer les effets saisonniers sur l’évolution du poids et de la note d’état corporel (NEC) des zébus arabes du Tchad. Durant les cinq saisons liées au calendrier fourrager, des mensurations et des notations d’état corporel ont été effectuées sur des bovins mâles et femelles. Les mesures barymétriques ont concerné le périmètre thoracique. La NEC a été déterminée par palpation de la région lombaire de l’animal. L’alternance saisonnière a provoqué de grandes variations de poids et de l’état corporel des animaux qui ont été notées selon le sexe et l’âge. La variabilité des performances pondérales (2,2 ± 16 kg à 64 ±24 kg) et d’état corporel des animaux, obtenue à partir des facteurs individuels (sexe ou âge) et saisonniers (disponibilité fourragère), a montré que ce sont les animaux d’âge supérieur à 6 ans qui ont perdu plus de poids en saison sèche. Les femelles de 3-6 ans (64 ± 44,8 kg) et les mâles de 2-3 ans (54 ± 43 kg) ont montré les fluctuations pondérales les plus significatives en saison des pluies. Afin de minimiser les risques et maximiser la production en élevage extensif, des améliorations dans la conduite des animaux ont été proposées.Mots clés : Variations fourragères - Poids - Etat corporel - Zébu arabe - Tcha

    Strong gametocytocidal effect of methylene blue-based combination therapy against falciparum malaria

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    With the availability of new preventive and curative interventions, global malaria control has been strengthened significantly in recent years. Drugs effective in reducing malaria gametocytaemia might contribute to local elimination and possible long-term eradication. We here report on the effects of methylene blue (MB)-based malaria combination therapy on gametocytaemia during a randomised-controlled trial in Burkina Faso. An open-label randomised controlled phase II study in 180 children aged 6-10 years with uncomplicated falciparum malaria was conducted in Nouna, north-western Burkina Faso. Children were randomised to MB-artesunate (AS), MB-amodiaquine (AQ), and AS-AQ (local standard of care). Overall follow-up was for 28 days, follow-up for gametocytaemia was for 14 days. The treatment groups were similar in baseline characteristics and there was only one loss to follow-up. Compared to AS-AQ, both MB-containing regimens were associated with significantly reduced gametocyte carrier rates during follow-up days 3, 7, and 14. This effect was seen both in patients with and without P. falciparum gametocytaemia at baseline. MB reveals pronounced gametocytocidal activity which appears to act against both existing and developing P. falciparum gametocytes. MB-based combination therapy thus has the potential to reduce transmission of P. falciparum malaria in endemic regions, which has important implications for future elimination and eradication strategies

    Finding new points of influence: Building partnerships between research and policy “worlds” in Burkina Faso

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    Safety and efficacy of methylene blue combined with artesunate or amodiaquine for uncomplicated falciparum malaria

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    Besides existing artemisinin-based combination therapies, alternative safe, effective and affordable drug combinations against falciparum malaria are needed. Methylene blue (MB) was the first synthetic antimalarial drug ever used, and recent studies have been promising with regard to its revival in malaria therapy. The objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of two MB-based malaria combination therapies, MB-artesunate (AS) and MB-amodiaquine (AQ), compared to the local standard of care, AS-AQ, in Burkina Faso. Open-label randomised controlled phase II study in 180 children aged 6-10 years with uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Nouna, north-western Burkina Faso. Follow-up was for 28 days and analysis by intention-to-treat. The treatment groups were similar in baseline characteristics and there was only one loss to follow-up. No drug-related serious adverse events and no deaths occurred. MB-containing regimens were associated with mild vomiting and dysuria. No early treatment failures were observed. Parasite clearance time differed significantly among groups and was the shortest with MB-AS. By day 14, the rates of adequate clinical and parasitological response after PCR-based correction for recrudescence were 87% for MB-AS, 100% for MB-AQ (p = 0.004), and 100% for AS-AQ (p = 0.003). By day 28, the respective figure was lowest for MB-AS (62%), intermediate for the standard treatment AS-AQ (82%; p = 0.015), and highest for MB-AQ (95%; p<0.001; p = 0.03). MB-AQ is a promising alternative drug combination against malaria in Africa. Moreover, MB has the potential to further accelerate the rapid parasite clearance of artemisinin-based combination therapies. More than a century after the antimalarial properties of MB had been described, its role in malaria control deserves closer attention. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00354380

    Strong Gametocytocidal Effect of Methylene Blue-Based Combination Therapy against Falciparum Malaria: A Randomised Controlled Trial

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    With the availability of new preventive and curative interventions, global malaria control has been strengthened significantly in recent years. Drugs effective in reducing malaria gametocytaemia might contribute to local elimination and possible long-term eradication. We here report on the effects of methylene blue (MB)-based malaria combination therapy on gametocytaemia during a randomised-controlled trial in Burkina Faso.An open-label randomised controlled phase II study in 180 children aged 6-10 years with uncomplicated falciparum malaria was conducted in Nouna, north-western Burkina Faso. Children were randomised to MB-artesunate (AS), MB-amodiaquine (AQ), and AS-AQ (local standard of care). Overall follow-up was for 28 days, follow-up for gametocytaemia was for 14 days.The treatment groups were similar in baseline characteristics and there was only one loss to follow-up. Compared to AS-AQ, both MB-containing regimens were associated with significantly reduced gametocyte carrier rates during follow-up days 3, 7, and 14. This effect was seen both in patients with and without P. falciparum gametocytaemia at baseline.MB reveals pronounced gametocytocidal activity which appears to act against both existing and developing P. falciparum gametocytes. MB-based combination therapy thus has the potential to reduce transmission of P. falciparum malaria in endemic regions, which has important implications for future elimination and eradication strategies.(ClinicalTrials.gov) NCT00354380

    Dynamique du couvert végétal à la périphérie du Parc W du Burkina Faso

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    L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser la dynamique du couvert végétal du Parc W du Burkina Faso et sa périphérie à travers les images Landsat et NDVI. Les données utilisées sont des images Landsat de 1984, 1999 et 2015 de résolution 30 mètres et une série temporelle d’images MODIS NDVI-250 mètres de la période 2001-2015. Des données de références collectées à l’aide d’un GPS et des connaissances locales ont permis une classification supervisée des images Landsat à l’aide de l’algorithme de maximum de vraisemblance. Le test de Mann-Kendall a été appliqué à la série d’images NDVI pour évaluer la tendance évolutive de la végétation.Les résultats montrent que dans la zone hors parc, le couvert végétal a connu une nette régression. Cette régression s’est faite au profit des champs dont les superficies ont plus que doublé, passant de 20,2 % à 46,4 % entre 1984 et 2015. Ainsi, 88,1 %, 48,3 % et 52,2 % des superficies respectives de Botou, Diapaga et Tansarga sont affectées par la dégradation du couvert végétal. Selon le test de Mann-Kendal, 16,82 % de la zone d’étude ont une tendance négative significative de la végétation. Cette tendance est principalement localisée dans les zones à emprise agropastorale, puisque 7,88 % de ces superficies sont localisées dans des champs.The objective of this study is to analyse the dynamics of the vegetation cover of Burkina Faso’s W Park and its periphery through Landsat and NDVI images. The data used are Landsat images from 1984, 1999 and 2015 with a resolution of 30 meters and a time series of MODIS NDVI-250 meters images from the period 2001-2015. Reference data collected using GPS and local knowledge allowed a supervised classification of the Landsat images with the maximum likelihood algorithm. The Mann-Kendall test was applied to the NDVI time series to assess the vegetation trend.The results showed that in the area outside the park, the vegetation cover has clearly regressed. This regression was in favour of croplands whose area has more than doubled from 20.2% to 46.4% between 1984 and 2015. Thus, vegetation cover declined in 88.1%, 48.3% and 52.2% of the areas of Botou, Diapaga and Tansarga respectively. According to the Mann-Kendal test, 16.82% of the study area has a significant negative vegetation trend. This trend is mainly localized in the agropastoral zones, since 7.88% of these areas are located in fields

    Safety and Efficacy of Methylene Blue Combined with Artesunate or Amodiaquine for Uncomplicated Falciparum Malaria: A Randomized Controlled Trial from Burkina Faso

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    Besides existing artemisinin-based combination therapies, alternative safe, effective and affordable drug combinations against falciparum malaria are needed. Methylene blue (MB) was the first synthetic antimalarial drug ever used, and recent studies have been promising with regard to its revival in malaria therapy. The objective of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of two MB-based malaria combination therapies, MB-artesunate (AS) and MB-amodiaquine (AQ), compared to the local standard of care, AS-AQ, in Burkina Faso.Open-label randomised controlled phase II study in 180 children aged 6-10 years with uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Nouna, north-western Burkina Faso. Follow-up was for 28 days and analysis by intention-to-treat. The treatment groups were similar in baseline characteristics and there was only one loss to follow-up. No drug-related serious adverse events and no deaths occurred. MB-containing regimens were associated with mild vomiting and dysuria. No early treatment failures were observed. Parasite clearance time differed significantly among groups and was the shortest with MB-AS. By day 14, the rates of adequate clinical and parasitological response after PCR-based correction for recrudescence were 87% for MB-AS, 100% for MB-AQ (p = 0.004), and 100% for AS-AQ (p = 0.003). By day 28, the respective figure was lowest for MB-AS (62%), intermediate for the standard treatment AS-AQ (82%; p = 0.015), and highest for MB-AQ (95%; p<0.001; p = 0.03).MB-AQ is a promising alternative drug combination against malaria in Africa. Moreover, MB has the potential to further accelerate the rapid parasite clearance of artemisinin-based combination therapies. More than a century after the antimalarial properties of MB had been described, its role in malaria control deserves closer attention.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00354380