1,054 research outputs found

    Bloch inductance in small-capacitance Josephson junctions

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    We show that the electrical impedance of a small-capacitance Josephson junction includes besides the capacitive term −i/ωCB-i/\omega C_B also an inductive term iωLBi\omega L_B. Similar to the known Bloch capacitance CB(q)C_B(q), the Bloch inductance LB(q)L_B(q) also depends periodically on the quasicharge qq, and its maximum value achieved at q=e(mod2e)q=e (\textrm{mod} 2e) always exceeds the value of the Josephson inductance of this junction LJ(ϕ)L_J(\phi) at fixed ϕ=0\phi=0. The effect of the Bloch inductance on the dynamics of a single junction and a one-dimensional array is described.Comment: 5 pages incl. 3 fig

    Assessing T cell clonal size distribution: a non-parametric approach

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    Clonal structure of the human peripheral T-cell repertoire is shaped by a number of homeostatic mechanisms, including antigen presentation, cytokine and cell regulation. Its accurate tuning leads to a remarkable ability to combat pathogens in all their variety, while systemic failures may lead to severe consequences like autoimmune diseases. Here we develop and make use of a non-parametric statistical approach to assess T cell clonal size distributions from recent next generation sequencing data. For 41 healthy individuals and a patient with ankylosing spondylitis, who undergone treatment, we invariably find power law scaling over several decades and for the first time calculate quantitatively meaningful values of decay exponent. It has proved to be much the same among healthy donors, significantly different for an autoimmune patient before the therapy, and converging towards a typical value afterwards. We discuss implications of the findings for theoretical understanding and mathematical modeling of adaptive immunity.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Josephson tunnel junctions with nonlinear damping for RSFQ-qubit circuit applications

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    We demonstrate that shunting of Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor Josephson junctions by Superconductor-Insulator-Normal metal (S-I-N) structures having pronounced non-linear I-V characteristics can remarkably modify the Josephson dynamics. In the regime of Josephson generation the phase behaves as an overdamped coordinate, while in the superconducting state the damping and current noise are strikingly small, that is vitally important for application of such junctions for readout and control of Josephson qubits. Superconducting Nb/AlOx{_x}/Nb junction shunted by Nb/AlOx{_x}/AuPd junction of S-I-N type was fabricated and, in agreement with our model, exhibited non-hysteretic I-V characteristics at temperatures down to at least 1.4 K.Comment: 4 pages incl. 3 figure

    Josephson charge-phase qubit with radio frequency readout: coupling and decoherence

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    The charge-phase Josephson qubit based on a superconducting single charge transistor inserted in a low-inductance superconducting loop is considered. The loop is inductively coupled to a radio-frequency driven tank circuit enabling the readout of the qubit states by measuring the effective Josephson inductance of the transistor. The effect of qubit dephasing and relaxation due to electric and magnetic control lines as well as the measuring system is evaluated. Recommendations for operation of the qubit in magic points producing minimum decoherence are given.Comment: 11 pages incl. 6 fig

    Dynamics of Josephson junctions and single-flux-quantum networks with superconductor-insulator-normal metal junction shunts

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    Within the framework of the microscopic model of tunneling, we modelled the behavior of the Josephson junction shunted by the Superconductor-Insulator-Normal metal (SIN) tunnel junction. We found that the electromagnetic impedance of the SIN junction yields both the frequency-dependent damping and dynamic reactance which leads to an increase in the effective capacitance of the circuit. We calculated the dc I-V curves and transient characteristics of these circuits and explained their quantitative differences to the curves obtained within the resistively shunted junction model. The correct operation of the basic single-flux-quanta circuits with such SIN-shunted junctions, i.e. the Josephson transmission line and the toggle flip-flop, have also been modelled.Comment: 8 pages incl. 7 figure

    Radio-frequency Bloch-transistor electrometer

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    A quantum-limited electrometer based on charge modulation of the Josephson supercurrent in the Bloch transistor inserted into a superconducting ring is proposed. As this ring is inductive coupled to a high-Q resonance tank circuit, the variations of the charge on the transistor island (input signal) are converted into variations of amplitude and phase of radio-frequency oscillations in the tank. These variations are amplified and then detected. The output noise, the back-action fluctuations and their cross-correlation are computed. It is shown that our device enables measurements of the charge with a sensitivity which is determined by the energy resolution of its amplifier, that can be reduced down to the standard quantum limit of \hbar/2. On the basis of this setup a "back-action-evading" scheme of the charge measurements is proposed.Comment: 5 pages incl. 2 figure
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