1 research outputs found

    Participation in an Educational Module for Medical Students in Regards to Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Therapies

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    Background and Review of the Literature: In the United States, the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has increased. The term CAM refers to a variety of alternative therapies and techniques usually not part of standard medical care. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), more than thirty percent of adults and twelve percent of children use methods not typically considered conventional, or mainstream practice. Complementary medicine can be utilized with standard medical treatments for a more patient-centered collaborative approach, referred to as integrative medicine (IM). Although gaining popularity and driven by patients, many conventional healthcare providers lack the awareness and familiarity to discuss, recommend, or refer CAM therapies. Purpose: The purpose of this DNP project is to investigate medical students\u27 knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and future collaboration practices related to complementary therapies through the use of an online educational portal Method: This project implemented an educational intervention in order to improve the knowledge of students enrolled in a Doctor or Osteopathic Medicine Program in regards to Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Implementation Procedure: An internet based resource tool was developed as a resource guide, providing information about complimentary licensed practitioners, therapies, best practices, and protocols