69 research outputs found
Foreign direct investments and economic trends in Serbia
The suspension of economic sanctions and the liberalization of Serbian economic system after the year 2000 led to free space for foreign direct investment. The delay, caused by economic sanctions, in opening the country towards the environment for more than ten years have a great impact to modest growth of foreign direct investment in the period 2001-2007. The presence of financial and global economic crisis in mid-2008 was decelerating, and particularly in future would influence on, the poor intensity of investment inflow in Serbian economy. The total foreign investments were dominantly realized through buying off state-owned and social companies. Therefore, the investment growth effects were not noticed considerately in export growth, employment rate increase, and trade deficit decrease. The expectations that the privatization economic policy, as one of the key economic policy factors, together with deregulation and liberalization, will assure the overall economic prosperity were unreal
Ecologic and economic aspects of integration of Serbia in the EU
In the pre-accession period of perspective accession of Serbia to the EU, in Serbia, especially during 2008 and 2009, legislative activities, directed to adjust its own legislation in the field of environmental protection, recommendations and directives, applied in EU countries were intensified. The amendments were made in the Law on Environment Protection, Nature Conservation, Regulations referring to Waste Management, Use of Natural Resources. In recent years, the investments from the budget for the protection and preservation of the environment ranged from 0.3% of GDP, which represents a low level of investment. The sources of funds for investment are the fees and charges for the use of natural resources and compensation for environmental pollution. An important source of funds for environment protection was realized from international grants and loan debts. The original revenues for the use of natural values, goods and capital in Serbia, as well as revenues from fees for polluting the environment are distributed by applicable laws, defined percentage of the central budget and the budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the budgets of municipalities and towns in Serbia. In Serbia, the Fund for Environment Protection was established in accordance with the recommendations of the UN and practices developed in EU in 2005, which goal is to raise funds and systematic realization of investments for environment protection. Finally, the paper presents a short view and some of the paradoxes that follow the pattern of trading pollution rights
āObiteljski lijeÄnik ā Neandertalca i lijeÄenje prijeloma kostiju
2006.godine je obilježena 150. godina otkriÄa praÄovjeka u dolini Neander kod Diseldofa (Neandertalca) i tom prilikom želim naznaÄiti uspjeÅ”na lijeÄenja prijeloma kostiju na Krapinskom praÄovjeku stare oko 130.000 godina. Prema pregledu kostiju sa Rentgenom može se zakljuÄiti da je Krapinski praÄovjek uspjeÅ”no rjeÅ”avao kraniocerebralne ozljede, viÅ”estruke prijelome i amputacije te da je preživio lijeÄenje od tih bolesti. Iz fosilnih ostataka iÅ”Äitavamo svoju povijest i povijest lijeÄenja u Hrvatskoj. Radi se o najstarijim prijelomima koji su do sada naÄeni i uspjeÅ”no izlijeÄeni (KljuÄna kost; Radijus i Parijetalna kost lubanje .)
Infrastructure and service providing companies business activities
In general, the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21 century is marked by the growing role of services and service organizations. The new technology development and changes in life style increase the importance of services and service organizations dependence on infrastructure development level. The impact of infrastructure is becoming more and more important for service companies development. The infrastructure-growing role is especially emphasized in service sector, because it has a great influence on scope and quality of entrance (spent factors) and exit in service making process and service organizations business activities. The research results, presented in this paper, indicate that various intensity of infrastructure impact service organizations productivity. The infrastructure impact intensity on service organizations productivity depends on many factors such as: main characteristics of services, local and regional characteristics, technical progress level, economic structure, prevailing demand etc. The modern technologies development enlarges the services dependence on infrastructure
Veliki trgovinski lanci u svetu i promena konkurentskih odnosa
U radu je prezentiran pregled osnovnih razvojnih tendencija kada su u pitanju najveÄi trgovinski lanci u svetu, kao i analiza atraktivnost pojedinih tržiÅ”ta zemalja u razvoju. Na osnovu toga, analizirajuÄi osnovne karakteristike trgovine na malo u Srbiji, ukazano je na znaÄaj, ali i otvorene probleme koje ulazak velikih trgovina sa stranim kapitalom unosi kada je u pitanju promena konkurentskih odnosa
Policy of small farms subsidizing in the function of economic and social development of villages in Serbia
Before the subsequent process of economic transition from a socialist to a market economy, over 80% of arable agricultural land in Serbia has been in private hands. State and social ownership, before privatization, existed in large agricultural complexes. The right of private ownership of agricultural land was limited to 10 ha in the plains and 20 ha in mountainous areas. The economic reforms over the past 10 years have led to a process of enlarging properties. Small and medium-sized farms and 10 ha of land present the factor that absorbs a part of rising unemployment caused by privatization and restructuring of social and state-owned enterprises in Serbia. The state economic policy is focused on the subventions of small farms through incentives for the purchase of equipment, seeds, energy, and protection of resources. The increase of economic efficiency of small farms is an important factor of development. The maintaining the level of economic survival of small farms has an important demographic and social function. The demographic is reflected in the sustainable density of population in certain areas of the country. The social function is important from the standpoint of the struggle against poverty and unemployment
āGreenā adsorbents in the wastewater treatment service
In this study, the adsorption of acetic acid on the so-called "green" adsorbents
was studied. Waste materials, i.e. eggshells and coffee grounds were used as
adsorbents. In addition, activated carbon was used to compare the adsorption
efficiency with "green" adsorbents. The obtained results showed that the
equilibrium time of all studied adsorbents is achieved in 30 minutes. By
comparing the adsorption efficiency of acetic acid on the tested adsorbents, it
was shown that their use as cheap adsorbents under the tested conditions is
possible. The coffee grounds showed a relatively high adsorption efficiency,
very similar to the adsorption efficiency obtained when using the commercial
and most commonly used adsorbent, i.e. activated carbon
Proizvodnja i izvoz voÄa kao faktor ruralnog razvoja
Tokom tranzicije koja u Srbiji traje veÄ dve poslednje decenije, odvijao se proces deindustrijalizacije Å”to je dovelo do porasta broja nezaposlenih od kojih je jedan deo naÅ”ao alternativno zaposlenje u poljoprivredi. Proizvodnja voÄa se pokazala kao moguÄnost osnovnog ili dodatnog izvora prihoda, tim pre Å”to se mogla zasnovati na manjem poljoprivrednom posedu u svojini ili uzetom u zakup. Pritom, neke voÄarske kulture kao Å”to su npr. malina, viÅ”nja, kupina i borovnica su radno intenzivne. Profitabilnost proizvodnje voÄa zavisi ne samo od primenjene tehnologije i klimatskih uslova, veÄ i od vrlo promenljivih tržiÅ”nih cena kako u otkupu tako i u izvozu. Podsticaji poljoprivredi su koncentrisani u najveÄem delu na proizvodnju ratarskih kultura. Mere podsticaja u proizvodnji malina, kao vodeÄe voÄarske kulture u izvozu, praktiÄno ne postoje. Proizvodnja voÄa angažuje i sezonsku radnu snagu, a zbog svoje ekonomske isplativosti utiÄe delom i na zadržavanje stanovniÅ”tva u ruralnim odruÄjima, te usled tih koristi zahteva promenu dosadaÅ”nje poljoprivredne politike države na ovom sektoru
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