22 research outputs found

    Review of the Tuberous Sclerosis Renal Guidelines from the 2012 Consensus Conference: Current Data and Future Study.

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    Renal-related disease is the most common cause of tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC)-related death in adults, and renal angiomyolipomas can lead to complications that include chronic kidney disease (CKD) and hemorrhage. International TSC guidelines recommend mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors as first-line therapy for management of asymptomatic, growing angiomyolipomas >3 cm in diameter. This review discusses data regarding patient outcomes that were used to develop current guidelines for embolization of renal angiomyolipomas and presents recent data on 2 available mTOR inhibitors - sirolimus and everolimus - in the treatment of angiomyolipoma. TSC-associated renal angiomyolipomas can recur after embolization. Both sirolimus and everolimus have shown effectiveness in reduction of angiomyolipoma volume, with an acceptable safety profile that includes preservation of renal function with long-term therapy. The authors propose a hypothesis for mTORC1 haploinsufficiency as an additional mechanism for CKD and propose that preventive therapy with mTOR inhibitors might have a role in reducing the number of angiomyolipoma-related deaths. Because mTOR inhibitors target the underlying pathophysiology of TSC, patients might benefit from treatment of multiple manifestations with one systemic therapy. Based on recent evidence, new guidelines should be considered that support the earlier initiation of mTOR inhibitor therapy for the management of renal angiomyolipomas to prevent future serious complications, rather than try to rescue patients after the complications have occurred

    Imatinib induces hypothyroidism in patients receiving levothyroxinc

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    Interactions of imatinib with other drugs have been scarcely reported. We report a previously unknown effect of imatinib on levothyroxine therapy. Eleven patients (1 with gastrointestinal stromal tumor and 10 with medullary thyroid carcinoma) received imatinib. Eight had undergone thyroidectomy and used levothyroxine, and 3 had the thyroid in situ. Thyroid function was measured before, during, and within 2 weeks after any change in either imatinib or levothyroxine dosage. We observed symptoms of hypothyroidism in all patients who had undergone thyroidectomy, whereas patients with the thyroid in situ remained clinically and biochemically euthyroid. On average, thyrotropin (INN, thyrotrophin) levels increased to 384% +/- 228% of the upper limit in patients after thyroidectomy, whereas free thyroxine (fT4) and free tri-iodothyronine (fT3) values remained within the reference range (59% +/- 17% of the upper limit for fT4 and 63% +/- 4% of the upper limit for fT3). Clinicians should be aware that hypothyroid subjects receiving imatinib have a high likelihood for increased levothyroxine replacement and should be closely monitored for elevations in thyrotropin indicating worsening hypothyroidism

    IDH1 mutations in low-grade astrocytomas predict survival but not response to temozolomide

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    Background: Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 (IDH1 and IDH2) have been implicated in tumorigenesis of gliomas. Patients with high-grade astrocytomas with IDH1 or IDH2 mutations were reported to have a better survival, but it is unknown if this improved survival also holds for low-grade astrocytoma and whether these mutations predict outcome to specific treatment. Methods: We retrospectively investigated the correlation of IDH1 and IDH2 mutations with overall survival and response to temozolomide in a cohort of patients with dedifferentiated low-grade astrocytomas treated with temozolomide at the time of progression after radiotherapy. Results: IDH1 mutations were present in 86% of the 49 progressive astrocytomas. No mutations in IDH2 were found. Presence of IDH1 mutations were early events and significantly improved overall survival (median survival 48 vs 98 months), but did not affect outcome of temozolomide treatment. Conclusion: These results indicate that IDH1 mutations identify a subgroup of gliomas with an improved survival, but are unrelated to the temozolomide response. Neurology (R) 2009; 73: 1792-179

    Radioembolization-induced liver disease : a systematic review

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    Radioembolization (RE) is a relatively novel treatment modality for primary and secondary hepatic malignancies. Microspheres embedded with a β-emitting radioisotope are injected into the hepatic artery, resulting in microsphere deposition in the tumor arterioles and normal portal triads. Microsphere deposition in nontumorous parenchyma can result in radiation-induced liver injury, with lethal RE-induced liver disease (REILD) at the outer end of the spectrum. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate RE-related hepatotoxicity and present an overview of the currently applied definitions and clinically relevant characteristics of REILD. A systematic literature search on REILD was performed. Studies after the introduction of the term REILD (2008) were screened for definitions of REILD. Hepatotoxicity and applied definitions of REILD were compared. Liver biochemistry test abnormalities occur in up to 100% of patients after RE, mostly self-limiting. The incidence of symptomatic REILD varied between 0 and 31%, although in most reports, the incidence was 0-8%, with a lethal outcome in 0-5%. With the exception of bilirubin, the presentation of hepatotoxicity and REILD was similar for cirrhotic and noncirrhotic patients. No uniform definition of REILD was established in the current literature. Here, we propose a unifying definition and grading system for REILD. RE-related hepatotoxicity is a common phenomenon; symptomatic REILD, however, is rare. Currently, reporting of REILD is highly variable, precluding reliable comparison between studies, identification of risk factors, and treatment developments

    First-line temozolomide chemotherapy in progressive low-grade astrocytomas after radiotherapy: molecular characteristics in relation to response

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    Only a few studies examined the effect of temozolomidc (TMZ) in recurrent low-grade astrocytoma (LGA) after surgery, none of which included a homogeneous and sufficiently sized group of patients with progression after radiotherapy (RT). We evaluated a cohort of 58 patients treated with TMZ for progression after RT of a previous LGA and investigated the relation between outcome and mutations in the IDH1, IDH2, and TPS3 genes, O-6-methylguanine-methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter methylation, trisomy of chromosome 7, and loss of chromosomes 1 p and 19q. All patients received first-line TMZ 200 mg/m(2)/day on days 1-5 every 4 weeks for a progressive LGA with a contrast-enhancing lesion on MRI after RT. Six months progression-free survival (PFS) was 67%, and the median overall survival was 14 months. An objective response was obtained in 54%. TP53 mutations and loss of chromosome 19q showed a borderline association with PFS, but none of the other molecular characteristics were correlated with the outcome to TMZ. Both a methylated MGMT promoter gene and IDH1 mutations were found in 86% of the tumor samples. A correlation was found between IDH1 mutations and MGMT promoter methylation (P < .001). Neither MGMT promoter methylation nor IDHI mutations correlated with PFS, but the interval between the very first symptom of the LGA and the start of the TMZ was significantly longer in the patients with IDH1 mutations (P = .01) and a methylated MGMT promoter (P = .02). We conclude that MGMT promoter methylation and IDH1 mutations seem to predict survival from the time of diagnosis, but not PFS to TMZ

    Cognitive impairment in tuberous sclerosis complex is a multifactorial condition

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    Objective: In patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), associations between tuber number, infantile spasms, and cognitive impairment have been proposed. We hypothesized that the tuber/brain proportion (TBP), the proportion of the total brain volume occupied by tubers, would be a better determinant of seizures and cognitive function than the number of tubers. We investigated tuber load, seizures, and cognitive function and their relationships. Methods: Tuber number and TBP were characterized on three-dimensional fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MRI with an automated tuber segmentation program. Seizure histories and EEG recordings were obtained. Intelligence equivalents were determined and an individual cognition index (a marker of cognition that incorporated multiple cognitive domains) was calculated. Results: In our sample of 61 patients with TSC, TBP was inversely related to the age at seizure onset and to the intelligence equivalent and tended to be inversely related to the cognition index. Further, a younger age at seizure onset or a history of infantile spasms was related to lower intelligence and lower cognition index. In a multivariable analysis, only age at seizure onset and cognition index were related. Conclusions: Our systematic analysis confirms proposed relationships between tuber load, epilepsy and cognitive function in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), but also indicates that tuber/brain proportion is a better predictor of cognitive function than tuber number and that age at seizure onset is the only independent determinant of cognitive function. Seizure control should be the principal neurointervention in patients with TSC