8 research outputs found

    A mutation in the kringle domain of human factor XII that causes autoinflammation, disturbs zymogen quiescence, and accelerates activation

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    Coagulation factor XII (FXII) drives production of the inflammatory peptide bradykinin. Pathological mutations in the F12 gene, which encodes FXII, provoke acute tissue swelling in hereditary angioedema (HAE). Interestingly, a recently identified F12 mutation, causing a W268R substitution, is not associated with HAE. Instead, FXII-W268R carriers experience cold-inducible urticarial rash, arthralgia, fever, and fatigue. Here, we aimed to investigate the molecular characteristics of the FXII-W268R variant. We expressed wild type FXII (FXII-WT), FXII-W268R, and FXII-T309R (which causes HAE), as well as other FXII variants in HEK293 freestyle cells. Using chromogenic substrate assays, immunoblotting, and ELISA, we analyzed expression media, cell lysates, and purified proteins for FXII activation. Recombinant FXII-W268R forms increased amounts of intracellular cleavage products that are also present in expression medium and display enzymatic activity. The active site-incapacitated variant FXII-W268R/S544A reveals that intracellular fragmentation is largely dependent on autoactivation. Purified FXII-W268R is highly sensitive to activation by plasma kallikrein and plasmin, compared with FXII-WT or FXII-T309R. Furthermore, binding studies indicated that the FXII-W268R variant leads to the exposure of a plasminogen-binding site that is cryptic in FXII-WT. In plasma, recombinant FXII-W268R spontaneously triggers high-molecular-weight kininogen cleavage. Our findings suggest that the W268R substitution influences FXII protein conformation and exposure of the activation loop, which is concealed in FXII-WT. This results in intracellular autoactivation and constitutive low-grade secretion of activated FXII. These findings help to explain the chronically increased contact activation in carriers of the FXII-W268R variant

    Hereditary Angioedema Attacks : Local Swelling at Multiple Sites

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) patients experience recurrent local swelling in various parts of the body including painful swelling of the intestine and life-threatening laryngeal oedema. Most HAE literature is about attacks located in one anatomical site, though it is mentioned that HAE attacks may also involve multiple anatomical sites simultaneously. A detailed description of such multi-location attacks is currently lacking. This study investigated the occurrence, severity and clinical course of HAE attacks with multiple anatomical locations. HAE patients included in a clinical database of recombinant human C1-inhibitor (rhC1INH) studies were evaluated. Visual analog scale scores filled out by the patients for various symptoms at various locations and investigator symptoms scores during the attack were analysed. Data of 219 eligible attacks in 119 patients was analysed. Thirty-three patients (28 %) had symptoms at multiple locations in anatomically unrelated regions at the same time during their first attack. Up to five simultaneously affected locations were reported. The observation that severe HAE attacks often affect multiple sites in the body suggests that HAE symptoms result from a systemic rather than from a local process as is currently believed

    Hereditary Angioedema Attacks : Local Swelling at Multiple Sites

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) patients experience recurrent local swelling in various parts of the body including painful swelling of the intestine and life-threatening laryngeal oedema. Most HAE literature is about attacks located in one anatomical site, though it is mentioned that HAE attacks may also involve multiple anatomical sites simultaneously. A detailed description of such multi-location attacks is currently lacking. This study investigated the occurrence, severity and clinical course of HAE attacks with multiple anatomical locations. HAE patients included in a clinical database of recombinant human C1-inhibitor (rhC1INH) studies were evaluated. Visual analog scale scores filled out by the patients for various symptoms at various locations and investigator symptoms scores during the attack were analysed. Data of 219 eligible attacks in 119 patients was analysed. Thirty-three patients (28 %) had symptoms at multiple locations in anatomically unrelated regions at the same time during their first attack. Up to five simultaneously affected locations were reported. The observation that severe HAE attacks often affect multiple sites in the body suggests that HAE symptoms result from a systemic rather than from a local process as is currently believed

    Angioedema attacks in patients with hereditary angioedema : Local manifestations of a systemic activation process

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) caused by a deficiency of functional C1-inhibitor (C1INH) becomes clinically manifest as attacks of angioedema. C1INH is the main inhibitor of the contact system. Poor control of a local activation process of this system at the site of the attack is believed to lead to the formation of bradykinin (BK), which increases local vasopermeability and mediates angioedema on interaction with BK receptor 2 on the endothelium. However, several observations in patients with HAE are difficult to explain from a pathogenic model claiming a local activation process at the site of the angioedema attack. Therefore we postulate an alternative model for angioedema attacks in patients with HAE, which assumes a systemic, fluid-phase activation of the contact system to generate BK and its breakdown products. Interaction of these peptides with endothelial receptors that are locally expressed in the affected tissues rather than with receptors constitutively expressed by the endothelium throughout the whole body explains that such a systemic activation process results in local manifestations of an attack. In particular, BK receptor 1, which is induced on the endothelium by inflammatory stimuli, such as kinins and cytokines, meets the specifications of the involved receptor. The pathogenic model discussed here also provides an explanation for why angioedema can occur at multiple sites during an attack and why HAE attacks respond well to modest increases of circulating C1INH activity levels because inhibition of fluid-phase Factor XIIa and kallikrein requires lower C1INH levels than inhibition of activator-bound factors

    Angioedema attacks in patients with hereditary angioedema : Local manifestations of a systemic activation process

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) caused by a deficiency of functional C1-inhibitor (C1INH) becomes clinically manifest as attacks of angioedema. C1INH is the main inhibitor of the contact system. Poor control of a local activation process of this system at the site of the attack is believed to lead to the formation of bradykinin (BK), which increases local vasopermeability and mediates angioedema on interaction with BK receptor 2 on the endothelium. However, several observations in patients with HAE are difficult to explain from a pathogenic model claiming a local activation process at the site of the angioedema attack. Therefore we postulate an alternative model for angioedema attacks in patients with HAE, which assumes a systemic, fluid-phase activation of the contact system to generate BK and its breakdown products. Interaction of these peptides with endothelial receptors that are locally expressed in the affected tissues rather than with receptors constitutively expressed by the endothelium throughout the whole body explains that such a systemic activation process results in local manifestations of an attack. In particular, BK receptor 1, which is induced on the endothelium by inflammatory stimuli, such as kinins and cytokines, meets the specifications of the involved receptor. The pathogenic model discussed here also provides an explanation for why angioedema can occur at multiple sites during an attack and why HAE attacks respond well to modest increases of circulating C1INH activity levels because inhibition of fluid-phase Factor XIIa and kallikrein requires lower C1INH levels than inhibition of activator-bound factors

    High occurrence of antihistamine resistance in patients with recurrent idiopathic angioedema

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    Abstract Antihistamines are the most prescribed therapy in recurrent idiopathic angioedema, yet little is known about their efficacy. Herein, we report on clinical improvement with antihistamine therapy in 120 patients evaluating angioedema attack frequency. A high incidence (36%) of antihistamine refractory cases was observed. Forty percent of patients on antihistamine prophylaxis suffered from 1 or more angioedema attacks per month. Our findings stress the need for additional treatment options for recurrent idiopathic angioedema