47 research outputs found

    Numerical study of inflow equivalence ratio inhomogeneity on oblique detonation formation in hydrogen-air mixtures

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    In this study, numerical simulations using Euler equations with detailed chemistry are performed to investigate the effect of fuel-air composition inhomogeneity on the oblique detonation wave (ODW) initiation in hydrogen-air mixtures. This study aims for a better understanding of oblique detonation wave engine performance under practical operating conditions, among those is the inhomogeneous mixing of fuel and air giving rise to a variation of the equivalence ratio (ER) in the incoming combustible flow. This work focuses primarily on how a variable equivalence ratio in the inflow mixture affects both the formation and characteristic parameters of the oblique detonation wave. In this regard, the present simulation imposes initially a lateral linear distribution of the mixture equivalence ratio within the initiation region. The variation is either from fuel-lean or fuel-rich to the uniform stoichiometric mixture condition above the oblique shock wave. The obtained numerical results illustrate that the reaction surface is distorted in the cases of low mixture equivalence ratio. The so-called “V-shaped” flame is observed but differed from previous results that it is not coupled with any compression or shock wave. Analyzing the temperature and species density evolution also shows that the fuel-lean and fuel-rich inhomogeneity have different effects on the combustion features in the initiation region behind the oblique shock wave. Two characteristic quantities, namely the initiation length and the ODW surface position, are defined to describe quantitatively the effects of mixture equivalence ratio inhomogeneity. The results show that the initiation length is mainly determined by the mixture equivalence ratio in the initiation region. Additional computations are performed by reversing ER distribution, i.e., with the linear variation above the initiation region of uniform stoichiometric condition and results also demonstrate that the ODW position is effectively determined by the ER variation before the ODW, which has in turn only negligible effect on the initiation length

    Diagnosis and functional prediction of microbial markers in tumor tissues of sporadic colorectal cancer patients associated with the MLH1 protein phenotype

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    ObjectiveMost patients with sporadic colorectal cancer (SCRC) develop microsatellite instability because of defects in mismatch repair (MMR). Moreover, the gut microbiome plays a vital role in the pathogenesis of SCRC. In this study, we assessed the microbial composition and diversity of SCRC tumors with varying MutL protein homolog 1 (MLH1) status, and the effects of functional genes related to bacterial markers and clinical diagnostic prediction.MethodsThe tumor microbial diversity and composition were profiled using high-throughput sequencing of the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene V4 region. Phylogenetic Investigation of Communities by Reconstruction of Unobserved States (PICRUSt2) software and BugBase tool were used to predict the functional roles of the microbiome. We aimed to construct a high-accuracy model to detect and evaluate the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve with candidate biomarkers.ResultsThe study included 23 patients with negative/defective MLH1 (DM group) and 22 patients with positive/intact MLH1 (IM group). Estimation of alpha diversity indices showed that the Shannon index (p = 0.049) was significantly higher in the DM group than in the controls, while the Simpson index (p = 0.025) was significantly lower. At the genus level, we observed a significant difference in beta diversity in the DM group versus the IM group. Moreover, the abundance of Lachnoclostridium spp. and Coprococcus spp. was significantly more enriched in the DM group than in the IM group (q < 0.01 vs. q < 0.001). When predicting metagenomes, there were 18 Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes pathways and one BugBase function difference in both groups (all q < 0.05). On the basis of the model of diagnostic prediction, we built a simplified optimal model through stepwise selection, consisting of the top two bacterial candidate markers (area under the curve = 0.93).ConclusionIn conclusion, the genera Lachnoclostridium and Coprococcus as key species may be crucial biomarkers for non-invasive diagnostic prediction of DM in patients with SCRC in the future

    Concurrent Asian monsoon strengthening and early modern human dispersal to East Asia during the last interglacial

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    The relationship between initial Homo sapiens dispersal from Africa to East Asia and the orbitally paced evolution of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM)-currently the largest monsoon system-remains underexplored due to lack of coordinated synthesis of both Asian paleoanthropological and paleoclimatic data. Here, we investigate orbital-scale ASM dynamics during the last 280 thousand years (kyr) and their likely influences on early H. sapiens dispersal to East Asia, through a unique integration of i) new centennial-resolution ASM records from the Chinese Loess Plateau, ii) model-based East Asian hydroclimatic reconstructions, iii) paleoanthropological data compilations, and iv) global H. sapiens habitat suitability simulations. Our combined proxy-and model-based reconstructions suggest that ASM precipitation responded to a combination of Northern Hemisphere ice volume, greenhouse gas, and regional summer insolation forcing, with cooccurring primary orbital cycles of ∼100-kyr, 41-kyr, and ∼20-kyr. Between ∼125 and 70 kyr ago, summer monsoon rains and temperatures increased in vast areas across Asia. This episode coincides with the earliest H. sapiens fossil occurrence at multiple localities in East Asia. Following the transcontinental increase in simulated habitat suitability, we suggest that ASM strengthening together with Southeast African climate deterioration may have promoted the initial H. sapiens dispersal from their African homeland to remote East Asia during the last interglacial

    A theoretical and computational study of the vibration excitation on the transition criteria of shock wave reflections

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    In this paper, we study the vibration excitation on the reflection of shock waves in hypersonic flows by using analytical and computational approaches. First, a theoretical approach is established to solve the shock relations which are further applied to develop the shock polar analytical method for high-temperature air. Then, a comparative investigation using calorically perfect gas model and thermally perfect gas model considering vibration excitation indicates an obvious change to the overall profile of the shock polar. The post-shock pressure increases within the strong branch of the shock polar while decreases within the weak branch due to vibration excitation of air molecules. A more notable phenomenon is the increase in the maximum deflection angle of the shock polar which can significantly influence the detachment criterion of shock reflection transition in high-temperature air flows. The shock polar analysis of shock reflection shows that the vibration excitation result in an obvious increase to the detachment criterion while a slight increase to the von Neumann criterion. A series of computations are conducted to confirm the above analytical findings on the shock reflection considering the vibration excitation. A slight difference of transition criterion between the theory and computations is found to be caused by the existence of the expansion fan which is an inherent flow structure. The proposed shock polar analytical method is proved to be an effective but simple approach for the study of shock wave reflections in hypersonic flows. (C) 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Advances in critical technologies for hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnel

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    Hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnels and their measurement techniques are the cornerstone of the hypersonic flight era that is a dream for human beings to fly faster, higher and further. The great progress has been achieved during the recent years and their critical technologies are still in an urgent need for further development. There are at least four kinds of hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnels that are widely applied over the world and can be classified according to their operation modes. These wind tunnels are named as air-directly-heated hypersonic wind tunnel, light-gas-heated shock tunnel, free-piston-driven shock tunnel and detonation-driven shock tunnel, respectively. The critical technologies for developing the wind tunnels are introduced in this paper, and their merits and weakness are discussed based on wind tunnel performance evaluation. Measurement techniques especially developed for high-enthalpy flows are a part of the hypersonic wind tunnel technology because the flow is a chemically reacting gas motion and its diagnosis needs specially designed instruments. Three kinds of the measurement techniques considered to be of primary importance are introduced here, including the heat flux sensor, the aerodynamic balance, and optical diagnosis techniques. The techniques are developed usually for conventional wind tunnels, but further improved for hypersonic and high-enthalpy tunnels. The hypersonic ground test facilities have provided us with most of valuable experimental data on high-enthalpy flows and will play a more important role in hypersonic research area in the future. Therefore, several prospects for developing hypersonic and high-enthalpy wind tunnels are presented from our point of view. (c) 2020 Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Relative contribution ratio: A quantitative metrics for multi-parameter analysis

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    In many applications, the objective function is determined by several parameters simultaneously. Properly assessing the relative contribution of each parameter can give the decision maker a better understanding of the problem. However, widely used assessing methods are qualitative or semi-quantitative. In this paper, a new concept, relative contribution ratio (RCR), is proposed. The concept follows the idea of proof by contradiction, and estimates the impact of absence of each parameter, based on the fact that the absence of a parameter with more contribution will bring more divergence. Based on surrogate models, a statistical method for calculating RCR is also presented. Numerical results indicate that RCR is capable of analyzing multi-parameter problems, regardless of whether they are linear or nonlinear

    Numerical investigations of the lateral heat transfer in coaxial thermocouples

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    Coaxial thermocouples have been widely used for transient heat transfer measurements in high-enthalpy shock tunnels. The one-dimensional semi-infinite heat conduction theory is typically used for temperature data processing. However, due to the material difference between the two electrodes and the junction, lateral heat transfer occurs, causing a deviation in the heat flux measurement from the prediction results of the one-dimensional semi-infinite heat conduction theory. Thus, the lateral heat transfer effect has to be investigated to improve the accuracy and reliability of heat flux measurements. In this article, the heat transfer in E-type (chromel-constantan) coaxial thermocouples was analyzed by numerically solving the two-dimensional axisymmetric heat conduction equation with the Du Fort-Frankel scheme. During the heating process, the maximum temperature point on the surface of the coaxial thermocouples moved to the positive electrode over time. The numerical simulation indicated that the surface temperature of the coaxial thermocouples and the derived heat flux were larger than the theoretical value. The heat flux measurement error of the coaxial thermocouples can be reduced by increasing the width of the positive electrode. The results of this study can provide a reference for the design and manufacture of coaxial thermocouples