30 research outputs found

    Integration of status consumption and theory of planned behavior: a conceptual framework

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    The theory of planned behavior (TPB) is a popular theory to predict human behavior in many social science studies, consumer behaviour being no exception. The TPB in its simplest form postulates that human actions can be predicted by their intentions towards that action, and assumes that this is because humans are rational beings. Despite its popularity, TPB has been criticized in previous research on a number of grounds.TPB is essentially confined to rational behavior of humans. However, humans are not always rational in their behaviors. TPB misses out on personality, motivation, learning, lifestyles, and emotions related constructs. Thus, TPB’s utility in predicting intentions has been questioned by previous researchers. It has been empirically found to predict between 35% and 66% of the variance in intentions towards behavior. These findings indicate the presence of additional predictor constructs of purchase intentions either directly or indirectly. Furthermore, products that are perceived as status symbols do not just satisfy functional needs of the consumers but also their social and status needs. Therefore, the current study integrates status consumption with the three independent variables of TPB, namely attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control in to a single framework and proposes that addition of status consumption will increase the predictive power of TPB for products perceived as status symbols by consumers

    Entrepreneurial Orientation Among Malaysian Indian Ethnic Entrepreneurs: Some Preliminary Findings

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    Entrepreneurial orientation of ethnic minority small businesses has prompted thus study to explore entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of Malaysian Indian ethnic entrepreneurs. This paper, reveals an overview of profile of Malaysian Indian ethnic entrepreneurs’ and the level of entrepreneurial orientation. The paper reports and analyses the findings of 201 questionnaires which were collected from selected areas in Malaysia such as Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Perak, Penang and Kedah. The paper illustrates an overview entrepreneurial profile among Malaysian Indian ethnic entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the result also shows that the is no gender difference in term of entrepreneurial orientation level among Malaysian Indian ethnic entrepreneurs. Discussion and implication of this study introduced in the last section on this paper

    Employees brand citizenship behavior: Front-liner versus backstage employees' perspective

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    Brand citizenship behavior is a relatively new construct developed in brand literature specifically in internal branding.The main assumption is that employees’ readiness and willingness to engage in brand-consistent behavior could contribute to overall brand success.With a limited understanding of what constitutes brand-consistent behavior, this study attempts to identify possible brand-consistent behavior among hotel employees and compare both front-liner and backstage employees by extending the concept of organizational citizenship behavior.Using.Using 286 respondents from three- to five-star hotels, this study suggests a few theoretical and practical implications for the betterment of an organization’s sustainable brand competitive advantage

    The effect of brand leadership styles on employees’ brand citizenship behavior

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    Internal branding relatively new constructs in marketing literature.It is assumes adequate internal branding practices could enhance overall brand performance through employees’ brand consistent behavior.This study conceptualized employees’ brand consistent behavior as brand citizenship behavior.The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship between transactional and transformational brand leadership and brand citizenship behavior.Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to 286 respondents from 3-5 star rating hotels from northern states of Malaysia namely; Perlis, Kedah and Penang.The findings revealed that transactional and transformational brand leadership have a significant positive relationship on brand citizenship behavior. However, transformational brand leadership is more dominant in explaining brand citizenship behavior. Future research should focus on other internal branding practices as well as a new context mainly to enhance the superiority of the concept

    The influence of fairness on channel member relationship satisfaction: A case of Malaysian car dealers

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    Undeniably, buyer-supplier relationship has become an important issue in today’s business -to-business environment.In business-to-business, dealers or marketing channels are increasingly emphasising relationships they have with their suppliers.Consistent with the increasing interest in buyer-supplier relationships, relationship satisfaction has become an important factor in relationship marketing and channel theory.Despite the assumption that relationship satisfaction influences buyer-supplier relationship, the factors that contribute to relationship satisfaction has not received much research attention.Using a survey method, this study investigates the influence of fairness on relationship satisfaction among 107 Malaysian car dealers. The findings suggest that perceived fairness has significant associations with relationship satisfaction.The results of this study will be of particular interest of practicing suppliers for maintaining relationship with dealers

    Exploring the dimension of internal brand citizenship behavior in Malaysia: A case of northern Malaysia hotel

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    This study attempts to explore the dimension of internal brand citizenship behavior in Malaysia. As there is a dearth of research in understanding employees’ brand behavior and inconsistent terminology used in explaining employees’ brand consistent behavior, the study that attempt to explore the dimension of such behavior considered utmost important especially in facing this challenging business horizon.The random survey of 288 hotels’ employees of three to five star hotels from four major states in the northern region of Malaysia revealed that brand citizenship behavior is best explained by multidimensional concept.The study revealed that, brand citizenship behavior consists of helping behavior, sportsmanship, self-brand-development and brand endorsement. Contribution, limitation and future research also were addressed at the end of the discussion

    Kegagalan perkhidmatan: Implikasi kepada usahawan dalam industri perkhidmatan

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    Kualiti perkhidntatan telah menjadi pembolehubah yang sangat strategic dalam usaha organisasi untuk memuaskan dan mengekalkan pelanggan. la juga telah menjadi tonggak kepuasan pengguna, lantaran firma ingin menonjolkan ciri perkhidmatan mereka yang berbeza supaya dapat bersaing dalam pasaran kini. Walau bagaimana gigih sekali pun usaha yang dijalankan oleh firma perkhidmatan, kegagalan perkhidmatan kadang-kadang terjadi juga. Kegagalan tersebut dapat dilihat berlaku semasa proses perkhidmatan atau hasilnya, seperti: (a).kegagalan pemberian perkhidmatan, (b).tindakbalas pekerja terhadap keperluan dan permintaan pelanggan dan (c).tindakan pekerja pekhidmatan yang tidak diminta dan tidak diduga. Oleh kerana kualiti perkhidmatan adalah syarat kepada kepuasan pelanggan, kegagalan perkhidmatan mestilah ditangani untuk memuaskan dan mengekalkan pelanggan. Sekiranya kegagalan perkhidmatan tidak dipulihkan, ia menyebabkan pelanggan tidak puashati dan mereka beralih kepada pesaing. Disamping itu kebanyakan ketidakpuasan hati pelanggan adalah berpunca dari cara usaha pemulihan itu ditangani. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Peristiwa Kritikal, kajian ini cuba untuk mengenal pasti sebab, jenis dan tahap kerosakannya sesuatu kegagalan itu, implikasinya kepada usahawan pelancongun serta usaha-usaha untuk membentuk strategi pemulihan dariperspektif pemasaran. Kajian ini dijalankan dalam industri pengangkutan awam, restoran dan hotel di Malaysia. Data dikumpul dengan menemuduga para pelanggan perkhidmatan tersebut. Dari 26 temuduga, 5 pelanggan restoran berpuashati dengan servis yang diterima, manakala 21 lagi tidak puashati. Bagi perkhidmatan pengangkutan 51 pelanggan telah ditemuduga. Sembilan berpuashati dan 42 tidak berpuashati. Untuk hotel pula dari 136 pelanggan, hanya 57 sahaja yang berpuashati dan 76 pelanggan sangat tidak berpuashati dengan perkhidmatan yang diberikan.Implikasi kajian seterusnya dibincang dan langkah-langkah pemulihan kegagalan servis dicadangkan

    Employees brand citizenship behavior: front-liner versus backstage employees’ perspective

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    Brand citizenship behavior relatively new construct developed in brand literatures specifically in internal branding.The main assumption is that employees’ readiness and willingness to engage in brand-consistent behavior could contribute to overall brand success. With limit understanding of what is constitute of brand-consistent behavior, thus this study attempts to identify possible brand-consistent behavior among hotel’s employees and comparing both front-liner and backstage employees by extending the concept of organizational citizenship behavior.Using 286 respondents from three to five star hotels, this study suggests few theoretical and practical implications toward betterment of organization’s sustainable brand competitive advantage