435 research outputs found

    Optimal design of dilution experiments under volume constraints

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    The paper develops methods to construct a one-stage optimal design of dilution experiments under the total available volume constraint typical for bio-medical applications. We consider various design criteria based on the Fisher information both is Bayesian and non-Bayasian settings and show that the optimal design is typically one-atomic meaning that all the dilutions should be of the same size. The main tool is variational analysis of functions of a measure and the corresponding steepest descent type numerical methods. Our approach is generic in the sense that it allows for inclusion of additional constraints and cost components, like the cost of materials and of the experiment itself.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figure

    Aḥwāl, božanska jednostavnost i trutmejkeri

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    This paper is a comparative study between Brower’s solution to the problem of divine simplicity and that of Abū Hāšim al-Ǧubbāī (d. 933). First, I argue that the theory of aḥwāl is a semantic theory rather than a metaphysical one. Then, I present a reconstruction of Abū Hāšim al-Ǧubbāī’s theory of aḥwāl, based on Brower’s truthmaker theory of predication. Then, I show how Abū Hāšim would reply to some of the objections that Saenz raised against Brower’s truthmaker theory of divine simplicity. Later on, I discuss Abū Hāšim’s explanation of the similarities between the properties that God and creatures share.Ovaj rad predstavlja komparativnu studiju Browerovog rješenja problema božanske jednostavnosti i rješenja Abū Hāšima al-Ǧubbāīja (u. 933.). Prvo, tvrdim da je teorija aḥwāla semantička teorija, a ne metafizička. Zatim predstavljam rekonstrukciju Abū Hāšima al-Ǧubbāījeve teorije o aḥwālu, temeljenu na Browerovoj teoriji predikacije tvorca istine. Zatim pokazujem kako bi Abū Hāšim odgovorio na neke od prigovora koje je Saenz iznio protiv Browerove trutmejker teorije o božanskoj jednostavnosti. Nakon toga, raspravljam o Abū Hāšimovom objašnjenju sličnosti između svojstava koja dijele Bog i stvorenja

    Being and Nothingness

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    Graham Priest’s Theory of Gluons concerns the problem of unity, i.e. what makes an object into a unity? Based on his theory of Gluons, Priest gives his accounts of being and nothingness. In this paper, I will explore the relationship between nothingness and the being of the totality of every object, and then, I will try to demonstrate that, according to Gluon Theory, these two have the same properties, or in other words, nothingness is the being of the totality of every object

    A multi-set charged system search for truss optimization with variables of different natures; element grouping

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    Optimization problems may include variables of different natures. In structural optimization for example different variables representing cross-sectional, geometrical, topological and grouping properties of the structure may be present. Having different interpretations, the effects of these variables on the objective function are not alike and their search spaces may represent different characteristics. Thus, it is helpful to take these variables apart and to control each set separately. Based on the above considerations, in this paper a multi set charged system search (MSCSS) is introduced for the element grouping of truss structures in a weight optimization process. The results are compared to those obtained through predefined grouping by different algorithms. The comparisons show the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Although this paper only considers size optimization of truss structures where sizing and grouping variables are present and regarded as variables of different natures, the algorithm can be extended to cover the simultaneous shape and size optimization and topology optimization of different types of structures