1,592 research outputs found

    Topic Maps For Improving Services In Disaster Operations Management

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    Disaster operations management is an increasingly important application area for the developing techniques of service science. This paper examines the use of topic maps, a semantic technology, within this environment, and provides a preliminary discussion of the benefits that its implementation can provide in the capture and exchange of contextual information. The discussion is motivated by a look at the different phases of disaster operations management in a services context, and focuses on the need for effective and relevant information exchange as an important part of the services process. As the amount and complexity of information increases within such processes, semantic technologies are becoming increasingly important as a means representing and managing contextual information. This paper seeks to help further the understanding of the relevance of such tools as part of the study of service science


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    Agronomists and breeders frequently collect yield data for a number of genotypes in a number of environments (site-years), resulting in a two-way data table. The Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model combines regular analysis of variance (ANOVA) for additive main effects with principal components analysis (PCA) for multiplicative structure within the interaction (that is, within the residual from ANOVA). AMMI is effective for (1) understanding genotype-environment interaction, (2) improving the accuracy of yield estimates, (3) increasing the probability of successfully selecting genotypes with the highest yields, (4) imputing missing data, and (5) increasing the flexibility and efficiency of experimental designs. Ultimately these advantages imply larger selection gains in breeding research and more reliable recommendations in agronomy research. AMMI is ordinarily the statistical method of choice when main effects and interaction are both important

    Proximity Full-Text Search with a Response Time Guarantee by Means of Additional Indexes

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    Full-text search engines are important tools for information retrieval. Term proximity is an important factor in relevance score measurement. In a proximity full-text search, we assume that a relevant document contains query terms near each other, especially if the query terms are frequently occurring words. A methodology for high-performance full-text query execution is discussed. We build additional indexes to achieve better efficiency. For a word that occurs in the text, we include in the indexes some information about nearby words. What types of additional indexes do we use? How do we use them? These questions are discussed in this work. We present the results of experiments showing that the average time of search query execution is 44-45 times less than that required when using ordinary inverted indexes. This is a pre-print of a contribution "Veretennikov A.B. Proximity Full-Text Search with a Response Time Guarantee by Means of Additional Indexes" published in "Arai K., Kapoor S., Bhatia R. (eds) Intelligent Systems and Applications. IntelliSys 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 868" published by Springer, Cham. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-01054-6_66. The work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract no 02.A03.21.0006.Comment: Alexander B. Veretennikov. Chair of Calculation Mathematics and Computer Science, INSM. Ural Federal Universit

    Inhaled nitric oxide in infants and children with ARDS

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    Transient PP2A inhibition alleviates normal tissue stem cell susceptibility to cell death during radiotherapy

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    Abstract Unintended outcomes of cancer therapy include ionizing radiation (IR)-induced stem cell depletion, diminished regenerative capacity, and accelerated aging. Stem cells exhibit attenuated DNA damage response (DDR) and are hypersensitive to IR, as compared to differentiated non-stem cells. We performed genomic discovery research to compare stem cells to differentiated cells, which revealed Phosphoprotein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) as a potential contributor to susceptibility in stem cells. PP2A dephosphorylates pATM, γH2AX, pAkt etc. and is believed to play dual role in regulating DDR and apoptosis. Although studied widely in cancer cells, the role of PP2A in normal stem cell radiosensitivity is unknown. Here we demonstrate that constitutively high expression and radiation induction of PP2A in stem cells plays a role in promoting susceptibility to irradiation. Transient inhibition of PP2A markedly restores DNA repair, inhibits apoptosis, and enhances survival of stem cells, without affecting differentiated non-stem and cancer cells. PP2Ai-mediated stem cell radioprotection was demonstrated in murine embryonic, adult neural, intestinal, and hematopoietic stem cells

    Thermal Conductivity, Thermopower, and Figure of Merit of La_{1-x}Sr_xCoO_3

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    We present a study of the thermal conductivity k and the thermopower S of single crystals of La_{1-x}Sr_xCoO_3 with 0<= x <= 0.3. For all Sr concentrations La_{1-x}Sr_xCoO_3 has rather low k values, whereas S strongly changes as a function of x. We discuss the influence of the temperature- and the doping-induced spin-state transitions of the Co ions on both, S and k. From S, k, and the electrical resistivity rho we derive the thermoelectric figure of merit Z=S^2/(k*rho). For intermediate Sr concentrations we find notably large values of Z indicating that Co-based materials could be promising candidates for thermoelectric cooling.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Lateral Control by Spoilers at the DVL

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    The present report describes the development of spoiler control at the DVL from the end of 1936 until the beginning of 1939. The authors are fully aware that the present report also forms only a contribution to the problem of spoiler control and offers at best a possibility of extrapolation regarding the behavior of the control in modern airplanes. A modern airplane (Me 109) is being reconstructed for conversion to spoiler control. Experience has shown, however, that the construction and testing of such a model requires at least a year. Thus it seems appropriate to report summarily now in order to keep the understanding and cooperation of the interested departments aroused. The following reports are only a section of a long development partly evolved abroad