72 research outputs found


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    It is time. It is time. It is almost day Almost day and, God knows why, There are so many ways to whirl the snow, The snow that whirls and stays, All day. It finds a vein within your arm, Then creeps away. That snow..

    Burial Mounds

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    As mourning, moist shrouds cover faceless hours, And yesterday slips mutely by the mind, One more gear is silently ground off The disintegrating cog of time. Despite precautions, the tottering legs of age Crumble, fastened as they are to earth, Break off their brief disengagement from the soil..

    To Go

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    Sunglassed, sliding to a jet, she practices A face, lets no one touch her lips or press In on her privacy. One intrusion Was enough to let her know, and so She pulls the purse tight to her, full of pain, Of promises in envelopes..

    A Poem

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    So fast, so fine It must be made of butterflies, Not they, themselves, but the thing they do: A sleight, a silence, susurration: Nothing, in a word, but something in that naughtSomething there that tries to say itself. (Ah, to sing, and so be hidden in the song; The song comes to our ears, but says it not.) And sometimes, I too, try to say it, (To try is to despair). Whatever I may do To catch it, name it, know it, I miss it As I christen it. It does not stop for me..

    Premature Elegy for an Imaginary Friend

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    Beef Outlook - Growing Consumer Demand Points to Increased Production

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    Here\u27s what\u27s ahead in the beef industry. The long-range outlook is good, but periods of over-production and low profits will still occur

    Plain or Choice Cattle?

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    Two ISU feeding tests show profit advantage for lower grade feeders when feeder price spread is wide. Lower grade feeders showed good growing ability, feedlot performance and high cutability

    Calm Fires

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    Upon the turning, tern-shouldered shore Huddled, crackling, driftwood-dying Spoutfires, tiny spots of light Spit little fires for warming hands. More dark than dazzling, these divided sparks That welcome, specks that promise heat. Something is spiritual in these flames; It is there with the wave\u27s purling, the anemone, And the floating of the sand, the sandpiper\u27s flight, The silent, unseen shifting of the tide.

    Your Stake In Producing Better Pork

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    Lard once sold higher than live hog prices, but it\u27s doubtful if lard ever again will regain this favorable relationship. There already are too many strikes against it. At the same time, consumers seem to want leaner meat