14 research outputs found

    Determination of Calibration Characteristics of X-Ray Fluorescent Analysis of Rhenium

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    Extraction concentration of rhenium by a melt of tetraoctylammonium bromide in paraffin was used with the aim of preparation of calibration samples for roentgen fluorescent analysis. The calibration characteristics of the roentgen fluorescent analysis of rhenium is established, its linearity is evaluated, a limit of detection and a limit of quantification (determination) of rhenium are calculated. The maximal value of the relative total standard uncertainty of the calibration characteristic does not exceed 1.45%. ristic does not exceed 1.45%

    Thrombocyte aggregation activity in the conditions of intensive light deprivation

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    The aim of the research was to study the effect of photoperiodism disturbances on platelet aggregation activity. Material and methods. The experiment was conducted in two stages in 5 groups of male rats: the control group and four experimental groups. At the first stage, the animals were exposed to 24 h/day continuous light (24L:0D) for 10 and 21 days. In the second stage, animals after 10 and 21 days of round-the-clock lighting were returned to natural lighting for a period of 21 days to study the reversibility of changes. Animals were withdrawn from the experiment by intramuscular injection based on body weight of drugs for anesthesia (telazol, xylanite). Blood sampling was performed by puncture of the right heart. The functional activity of platelets was determined no later than 3 hours after the collection of blood. Results and discussion. The results of the experiment indicate a direct effect of light desynchronosis on the increase in platelet aggregation ability, while it was noted that the degree of increase in aggregation activity and reversibility of changes directly depend on the duration of round-the-clock lighting. So, a 10-day stay of animals in conditions of abnormal lighting leads to an increase in aggregation indices, which remain at a high level even when animals return to normal conditions. In animals that were under round-the-clock illumination for 21 days, a more pronounced increase in platelet aggregation values relative to animals on day 10 was noted. In this regard, it can be argued that circadian rhythm disturbances provoke the development of microvasculature disorders

    Анатомо-топографические критерии эффективности непроникающей глубокой склерэктомии

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    PURPOSE: To assess the anatomical and topographic features of the trabeculo-descemet membrane when forming the outflow pathways of the intraocular fluid after nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy, and also to substantiate the indications and timing of laser descemetopuncture. METHODS: The effectiveness of antihypertensive laser goniopuncture was analyzed in 500 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. Group 1 consisted of 250 patients (retrospective study), group 2 included 250 patients (prospective study). Clinical groups were comparable by gender, age, glaucoma stage and hypotensive therapy regimen. The follow-up period lasted for 3 years. All patients postoperatively underwent ultrasound biomicroscopy of internal fistula, intrascleral channel and filtering blebs by means of UBM-Hi (Opticon, Italy). The principal difference of the second clinical group was strict adherence to the technology of surgical stage of the operation (the height of the wave function was at least 0.8±0.09 mm), and to laser goniopuncture terms and technology. RESULTS: We determined optimal UBM-criteria of internal fistula: height — 0.8±0.09 mm, thickness — 0.09±0.004 mm. Performing laser goniopuncture 1-1.12 months after the surgery was justified in 100% of cases. In group 1 laser goniopuncture was conducted 3.4±1.9 months after the surgery. Intraocular fluid outflow pathways were functional in 59.6% 1 year after laser goniopuncture as compared to 24.8% after 3 years. In 2 group laser goniopuncture was conducted in 1.12±0.08 months. Absolute surgical success after 12 months amounted to 84.8%, and 60.4%after 3 years of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Regarding penetrating deep sclerectomy as a two-step procedure in all cases, strict implementation of the technology and time intervals between surgical and laser stages allows optimizing the morphogenesis of outflow pathways and increasing the hypotensive effect of the combined intervention. ЦЕЛЬ. Оценить анатомо-топографические особенности трабекуло-десцеметовой мембраны при формировании путей оттока внутриглазной жидкости после непроникающей глубокой склерэктомии (НГСЭ), а также обосновать показания и сроки проведения лазерной десцеметогониопунктуры (ЛДГП). МЕТОДЫ. Проанализирована гипотензивная эффективность НГСЭ у 500 пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой. 1-я группа включала 250 пациентов (ретроспективное исследование), 2-я группа — 250 пациентов (проспективное исследование). Клинические группы релевантны по полу, возрасту, стадиям глаукомы и режиму местной терапии. Сроки наблюдения — 3 года. Всем пациентам в послеоперационном периоде проводилась ультразвуковая биомикроскопия (УБМ) внутренней фистулы, интрасклерального канала и фильтрационной подушки с оценкой параметрических (высота) и морфометрических (степень эхогенности) показателей. Принципиальным отличием 2-й клинической группы явилось соблюдение технологии хирургического этапа операции (высота ВФ не менее 0,8±0,09 мм), а также сроков и технологии проведения ЛДГП. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Определены оптимальные УБМ-критерии внутренней фистулы после НГСЭ: высота 0,8±0,09 мм, толщина 0,09±0,004 мм и наличие в ней участка «прерывания» после ЛДГП. Обосновано выполнение ЛДГП в 100% случаев в сроки 1-1,12 месяца после хирургического этапа. В 1-й группе сроки ЛДГП составили 3,4±1,9 месяца, а состоятельные пути оттока ВГЖ определялись в 59,6% через 1 год, в 24,8% через 3 года после НГСЭ. Во 2-й группе сроки ЛДГП составили 1,12±0,08 месяца. Через 12 месяцев полный гипотензивный успех определялся в 84,8%, к 3 годам — в 60,4% случаев. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Позиционирование НГСЭ как двухэтапной процедуры в абсолютном количестве случаев, строгое соблюдение технологии и временного интервала между хирургическим и лазерным этапами позволяют оптимизировать морфогенез путей оттока и повысить полный гипотензивный эффект этих вмешательств.

    The Algorithm for Territorial Distribution of Public Emergency Rooms in Megapolis (by the Example of Moscow)

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    Background. The lack of a system for evaluating the feasibility of new trauma and orthopedic departments in outpatient clinics under construction creating is one of the main reasons for the imbalance in their territorial location. Therefore, one of the most urgent modern tasks in the megalopolis healthcare organization — is to develop a system for effective regulation of the trauma and orthopedic outpatient departments network construction. The purpose of the study is to improve the effectiveness of outpatient trauma and orthopedic care for megalopolis residents. Materials and Methods. In the research process, theoretical (formalization, synthesis, deduction) and empirical (observation, comparison, modeling, measurement) methods were used. A total of 67 emergency trauma outpatient departments in Moscow were sampled and data on their attendance for April 2019 were collected. Results. Creation of a mathematical model of the network of outpatient primary trauma care and a basic algorithm for estimating the average time from the moment a patient received injuries to the time of primary care in one of the emergency outpatient trauma units of the medical organizations of the capital, which can be used by the executive bodies of the healthcare organization cities in solving administrative and economic problems. Conclusion. The developed specialized mathematical algorithm for assessing the existing effectiveness of the already existing emergency outpatient trauma units network and the distribution of new units allows you to create an “ideal” model for the location of these deparments in a megapolis. In the future, this model can be developed taking into account the development of the transport network, the financing of emergency rooms, etc