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    SAŽETAK: Otpadne vode zagađuju rijeke, mora, jezera i podzemlje – podzemne vode. Samim time ugrožen je opstanak života na Zemlji. Otpadne vode pospješuju razvoj mikroorganizama. Mikroorganizmi troše kisik što dovodi do uginuća riba, a i do razvoja patogenih mikroba. U članku se želi staviti težište na problem zaštite okoliša od nastalih otpadnih voda u Pamučnoj industriji Duga Resa. Tekstilna industrija stvara otpadne vode u procesnoj proizvodnji. Takve zagađene otpadne vode treba pročistiti prije ispuštanja u vodotokove. Način predtretmana - pročišćavanja otpadnih voda u tekstilnoj industriji može biti neutralizacijski, oksidacijski ili redukcijski postupak (kemijska razgradnja). Uz to postoje fizikalna razgradnja (taloženje, filtracija, adsorpcija, itd.), fizikalno-kemijska razgradnja (koagulacija/flokulacija, aeracija, ekstrakcija, spaljivanje, osmoza, elektroliza, itd.) i biološka razgradnja (aerobna, anaerobna). Odabir vrste pročišćavanja ovisi o sastavu i vrsti otpadnih voda. Tek nakon pročišćavanja otpadne vode mogu se ispuštati u kanalizacijski sustav. Zakon propisuje kvalitetu otpadnih voda. Time se pridonosi kvaliteti zaštite ljudi i okoliša.Waste waters pollute rivers, lakes, seas and ground waters. This threatens the existence of life on Earth. Waste waters facilitate the growth of micro-organisms that consume oxygen, causing fish perishing and the growth of pathogenic microbes. This paper puts emphasis on the problem of environmental protection against waste waters generated by ‘Duga Resa Cotton Industry’. The textile industry generates waste waters in the production process. Such polluted waste waters should be purified before discharging into watercourses. The method of pre-treatment or purification of waste waters in the textile industry can be a neutralization, oxidation or reduction procedure. Moreover, there are physical degradation methods (depositing, filtration, absorption, etc.), physical and chemical degradation methods (coagulation/flocculation, aeration, extraction, combustion, osmosis, electrolysis, etc.) and biological degradation methods (aerobic, anaerobic, by means of activated carbon and fungi). The selection of the purification method depends on the composition and type of waste waters. Only after purification can waste waters be discharged into the sewerage. The law prescribes the quality of waste waters, thus raising the quality of people and environmental protection


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    Sažetak:Iz dosadašnjih istraživanja vidljivo je da neprestano iscrpljivanje fosilnih goriva utječe na okoliš, a postojeće rezerve nafte dostatne su za pedesetak godina. Kako je potreba za energentima sve veća, tako se i energetska politika Europske unije okrećerazvoju i istraživanju obnovljivih izvora energije, među koje spada i biodizel.U radu su istražene mogućnosti optimiranja proizvodnje biodizela iz različitih mješavina otpadnih jestivih i biljnih ulja uz zadovoljenje zahtjeva kvalitete. U uvodnom dijelu prikazani su problematika energetskog razvoja, počeci upotrebe biogoriva, te biljna ulja kao zamjena za dizel goriva.Summary:An overview of the previous research shows that continuous depletion of fossil fuels affects the environment, and existing oil reserves are sufficient for next 50 years. As the demand for energy increases, the energy policy of the European Union turns to research and development of renewable energy sources, which biodiesel is part of.The dissertation explores the possibilities of optimizing the production of biodiesel from various blends of waste vegetable and edible oil to meet quality demands. The introductory part deals with the problems of energy development, the beginnings of the use of biofuels, vegetable oils as a substitute for diesel fuels