23 research outputs found

    The impact of lameness on milk yield of Simmental cows

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    Sisteme smeštaja i držanja životinja u intenzivnoj proizvodnji karakteriše visoka upotreba mehanizacije, velika gustina životinja i veliko opterećenje organizma. U takvim sistemima nije uvek moguće zadovoljiti osnovne potrebe životinja i one se tada teško prilagođavaju životnoj sredini. U sistemu zatvorenog stajskog držanja (staje sa sistemom vezanog držanja ili staje sa boksevima u kojima se sprovodi slobodan sistem držanja krava) posebno je važno voditi računa o zdravstvenom stanju papaka. . Zdravi ekstremiteti i dobra pokretljivost su od suštinske važnosti za dobrobit i dobru produktivnost goveda, posebno muznih krava. Ako se papci ne neguju na odgovarajući način nastaju brojna oboljenja lokomotornog aparata. Imajući u vidu učestalost pojave, ekonomski gubici uslovljeni raznolikom patologijom lokomotornog aparata su veoma značajni. Oni se ogledaju u preranom isključivanju krava iz proizvodnje, smanjenju proizvodnje mleka i troškovima lečenja. Problem šepavosti mlečnih krava može se izjednačiti sa problemom bolesti papaka, jer su upravo bolesti papaka najznačajniji uzrok šepavosti u intenzivnom držanju ovih životinja. Danas se smatra da bolesti papaka obuhvataju infektivne bolesti, bolesti interdigitalnog prostora i rožine papka i, kao poseban problem, pojavu laminitisa. U naučnoj literaturi u svetu postoje brojni podaci koji ukazuju da kod šepavosti nastaje znatno smanjenje količine mleka. Međutim, podaci koji se odnose na sastav mleka kod šepavosti, zastupljeni su u znatno manjem obimu. U našoj zemlji nema dovoljno novijih naučnih saznanja o učestalosti pojave šepavosti i njenom uticaju na osobine mlečnosti krava, kao i o najznačajnijim uzrocima i predisponirajućim faktorima šepavosti na našim farmama. Pri koncipiranju programa i postavljanju ciljeva istraživanja ove doktorske disertacije pošlo se od osnovne hipoteze da pojava šepavosti može znatno uticati na proizvodnju mleka, kao i da je izraženost šepavosti krava u korelaciji sa smanjenom količinom mleka krava simentalske rase...The systems of keeping and housing of animals in an intensive production are characterized by a high use of mechanization, a high density of animals and a great strain on the body of the animals. In such systems, it is not always possible to satisfy the basic needs of the animals so they can have a difficult time adapting to the living environment. In a closed livestock rearing system (stables that use a system where the cattle is tied up or stables with holding pens which use the free system of rearing it is especially important to take into account the health condition of the hooves Lameness is directly related to the system of cattle rearing and is influenced by environmental conditions. The problems of the increased incidence of lameness are a result of increased restrictions of movement and the increase of the herd size. Healthy limbs and good mobility are essential for the well-being and good productivity of cattle, especially dairy cows. If the hooves are not given the proper care it can lead to the development of a number of locomotor system diseases. Taking into account the frequency of occurrence, the economic losses which are conditioned by the diverse pathology of the locomotor apparatus, are very important. They are reflected in the premature exclusion of cattle from production, reduction in production and costs of treatment. The problem of lameness of dairy cows can be equated with the problem of hoof diseases because hoof diseases are the most important lameness problem in the intensive keeping of these animals. Today it is considered that the hoof diseases include infectious hoof diseases, diseases of the interdigital space and hoof horn, and as a special problem laminitis. In the scientific literature of the world there is a lot of data that indicates that lameness causes a significant reduction in milk production. However, the data relating to the composition of milk in lameness is represented on a much smaller scale. In our country, there is no recent data in the scientific literature on the incidence of lameness and its impact on milk traits of cows and on the most important causes and predisposing factors for lameness in dairy cows on our farms. When designing the program and setting the goals and objectives of the study, it was started from the basic hypothesis that the occurrence of lameness can significantly affect the amount of milk produced, and that the severity of lameness in cows is in correlation with the reduced amount of milk..


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    High nutritional and biological values, as well as excellent sensory properties make peppers (lat. name) indispensable in the daily diet. The home-made spread Ajvar [1], as a national specialty, is prepared from thermally processed, chopped or ground peppers, with or without additives. Traditional preparation of ajvar implies heat treatments, which inflence the nutritional values. The aim of this scientific work is to examine the energy values of the home-made Ajvar.  The energy value of Ajvar is calculated on the basis of the content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, in accordance with the Regulations concerning the quality of fruit and vegetables, Official Bulletin of RS, no 128/2020, 130/2021. The results of these studies indicated that the home-made Ajvar is a good source of energy, fats and carbohydrates. In order to examine the frequency of yeasts and molds, microbiological methods were implied in accordance with SRPS EN ISO 21527-2: 2011 standard. The results showed a complete absence of yeast and mold.   &nbsp

    Planovi biosigurnosti na farmama goveda i svinja

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    In this paper biosecurity plans for dairy and swine farms were scrutinized. These plans were defined on detail insight and relevance analysis of all biosecurity indicators. Great importance was given to possibility and significance of biosecurity plans introduction on farms of different capacity, rearing conditions and technology, while biosecurity plan existence and design, farm isolation issues, recently acquired animals introduction into herd policy, herd health status, staff attitude towards equipment, traffic control, visitors policy, feeding and watering control, manure management, carcasses disposal, other species on farm policy, birds and rodents control on farm and sanitation were analyzed. Obtained results indicate that there is problem in understanding, but also purposed negligence of wide and systematic application of biosecurity measures, and absence of any kind of written biosecurity plans, even farm technology elaborates, as well. Situation of almost all aspect of isolation would be much better if basic professional principles were consistently applied. There are problems in way of isolation and disposition of barns, recently acquired animals introduction into herd, foot bath maintaining, as well as manner of performing of repeating technological operations, such as feeding or milking. Also, disposal of used medical material makes serious problem, as well as carcass disposal. Sanitation procedures are often not followed or performed unsystematically, and data collecting concerning biosecurity issues on farm is not consistent and continuous.Planovi biosigurnosti na farmama goveda i svinja različitih kapaciteta, uslova gajenja i tehnologije proizvodnje su definisani na osnovu detaljnog sagledavanja i analize relevantnosti svih indikatora biosigurnosti proizvodnje: pisani plan biosigurnosti proizvodnje na farmi, izolacija farme i pojedinačnih proizvodnih segmenata i operacija, uvođenje novonabavljenih životinja u zapat, zdravstveni status zapata, odnos osoblja prema opremi, kontrola kretanja i prometa, odnos prema posetiocima, kontrola ishrane i vodosnabdevanja, izđubravanje, uklanjanje leševa životinja, odnos prema drugim životinjama na farmi, kontrola populacija glodara i ptica i sanitacija. Postoji problem u shvatanju ili svesnom zanemarivanju značaja sistematske primene biosigurnosnih mera od strane zaposlenih, što se ogleda u apsolutnom nedostatku pisanih planova biosigurnosti, pa čak i tehnoloških elaborata za funkcionisanje stočarske proizvodnje. Problem predstavlja način izolovanja i raspored pojedinačnih objekata, uvođenje novonabavljenih grla u zapat, funkcionisanje dezobarijera, kao i način obavljanja tehnoloških operacija koje se ponavljaju, poput hranjenja ili muže, upotrebe medicinskog materijala, uklanjanja leševa. Procedure sanitacije objekata, sredstava i životinja se često ne poštuju, što važi i za vođenje podataka koji se odnose na predviđene i primenjene biosigurnosne mere

    Uslovi držanja, zdravlje i dobrobit muznih krava

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    This paper provides an overview of recent developments in rearing conditions, health and welfare issues of dairy cows. The last approximately 30 years has witnessed worldwide increasing scientific research, consumer activity, and political response towards housing condition, health and welfare issues of dairy cattle. All buildings and housing systems for dairy cattle should be designed, constructed, maintained and managed to assist in the achievement of the Five Freedoms: freedom from hunger and thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury and disease, freedom to express normal behavior and freedom from fear and distress. Whether dairy cows are housed in cubicles, straw yards or cow sheds, in order to maximize their performance and to ensure satisfactory standards of welfare, the accommodation must provide the most basic behavioral and physiological needs. As an absolute minimum, the housing must provide a comfortable, clean, well drained and dry lying area together with shelter from adverse weather. Also, it must allow the cow to move freely around without risk of injury and certain diseases. If the housing system does not provide for these basic needs, then not only will health, welfare and production of dairy cattle be compromised, but it is likely that failure to comply with the welfare codes and the law relating to animal welfare will occur.Ovaj rad daje pregled dosadašnjeg napretka po pitanju uslova smeštaja, zdravlja i dobrobiti mlečnih goveda. Poslednjih 30 godina je došlo do povećanja obima istraživanja, aktivnosti kupaca uz politički odgovor kada su u pitanju uslovi smeštaja, zdravlja životinja i dobrobiti.. Svi objekti i sistemi za smeštaj moraju biti projektovani, izgrađeni i održavani da omoguće postizanje pet sloboda, koje predstavljaju logičnu osnovu ostvarenja dobrobiti životinja unutar sistema držanja čine: sloboda od gladi i žeđi, sloboda od neudobnosti, sloboda od bola, povreda i bolesti, sloboda ispoljavanja normalnog ponašanja i sloboda od straha i uznemiravanja. Bilo da se krave nalaze u boksovima, ležištima sa slamom (duboka prostirka) ili pod nastrešnicama, u cilju ispoljavanja maksimuma u proizvodnji i postizanja standarda dobrobiti, smeštaj mora zadovoljiti najosnovnije potrebe krava. Kao apsolutni minimum, smeštajem se mora obezbediti udoban, čist, ocedit i suv prostor za ležanje sa skloništem od lošeg vremena. Pored toga, mora svakoj životinji biti omogućeno da se slobodno kreće, bez rizika od povrede i određenih bolesti. Ako sistem držanja ne obezbeđuje ove osnovne potrebe, ne samo da će zdravlje, dobrobit i proizvodnja biti ugroženi, već će i zakonski propisi u pogledu dobrobiti ostati neispunjeni

    Influence of claw disorders on milk production in Simmental dairy cows

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    A study on claw disorders’ infl uence on milk production was performed during one year on 226 Simmental loose-reared cows. The first trial group included 42, the second 37, and the third 34 cows, with claw changes observed in the first hundred days of lactation, between days 101 and 200, between days 201 and 305, respectively. The control group included 113 cows with no observed changes. Lameness intensity was assessed once a week. Milk yield data were collected three weeks before, in the week of treatment of claws and three weeks afterwards. There were significantly more cows with lameness in the third group than in the other two groups, as well as the most cows with one aff ected limb in the first hundred days of the lactation (P<0.05). Significantly fewer cows with two aff ected limbs were present in the first group. In the second group, more cows were observed with two aff ected limbs than in the first group (P<0.05). In the third group, more cows with three or four aff ected limbs were noticed than in the other groups. The most common claw disorders were: solar ulcer, laminitis, dermatitis digitalis and overgrown claws. Cows whose claws were aff ected between days 101 and 200 of lactation period produced 231 kg less milk than those of the control group; cows whose claws were aff ected in the last third of lactation produced 26 kg less milk. Nevertheless, no significant diff erences were found between milk yields of the control and trial groups (P>0.05). Cows aff ected in the first third of lactation produced less milk (324 kg) than both healthy and cows with claw changes manifested in later stages of lactation. Obtained data confirm that claw disorders may aff ect dairy production

    Influence of rearing conditions and birth season on calf welfare in the first month of life

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of farm conditions and season of birth on body mass, respiratory system diseases and diarrhea occurrence, and mortality during the first month of calves' life. The study was conducted on two tie-stall-system farms with intensive milk production and similar nutrition of dairy cows, but with differences in rearing conditions of calves in the first week of life. The calves were tied on lying area with straw as bedding material (farm A) or free in individual boxes with straw bedding (farm B). In the first consumption, they take 1-2 L of colostrum produced by their mother or by another cow (farm A), or 2.5-3 L of colostrum produced by their mother or by another cow or frozen colostrum (farm B). According to the results, average body mass of calves was significantly higher on farm B than of those on farm A at all ages (on birth, at 8 days, and 30 days). Mortality rate and diarrhea occurrence in calves were higher on farm B, while respiratory system diseases incidence was higher on farm A. All observed welfare indicators were very significantly (P lt 0.01) influenced by farm conditions and birth season

    The relationship between rearing system, animal needs index and dairy cows milk traits

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    This study was conducted in five dairy farms with different capacity (farms A with 47, B 12, C 10, D 14 and E 24 Simmental cows, aged between 4 and 5 years and body weight about 600 kg) in order to determine a relationship between rearing system, Animal Needs Index (ANI) and milk traits. Loose system of cow rearing was used in open stalls in farms A and C, while in other farms cows were tied in closed stalls. In two farms, there were outdoor pens, permanently available to cows on farm A, and during daytime on farm D. Rations for dairy cows were equal in all five farms and suitable for daily milk production about 20 kg with 4.0 % milk fat and 3.5 % milk protein. It was established that total ANI scores for farms were A 35.5, B 9.5, C 24.5, D 26.5 and E 10.5. The welfare levels in farms B and E were not sufficient, in farms C and D were very good, while in farm A it was excellent. A very significant influence of rearing system on cow welfare was found (p lt 0.001). A significant influence of rearing system (p lt 0.01) on average daily milk yield, milk yield in standard lactation, milk fat (kg), yield of 4 % fat corrected milk and yield of proteins (kg) were noticed. The influence of the rearing system on milk fat content (%), dry matter (%), protein (%) and lactose (%) was not statistically significant. Differences between ANI score, daily and standard lactation milk yield were very significant (p lt 0.001), as well as differences between ANI and the amount of milk fat (kg), protein (kg) and amount of 4 % fat corrected milk

    Najčešći zdravstveni poremećaji i dobrobit muznih krava i teladi

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    Three farms of dairy cows (A, B and C) were observed for health disorders of dairy cows and suckling calves. Farm A is farm with tied system of rearing, with 1100 cows, while farms B and C have 400 and 600 cows kept loose with outdoor pens, respectively. Data regarding welfare criteria of dairy cows (health, feeding, housing and behaviour) were collected and analysed through Protocol of Welfare Quality (2009). Health disorders of dairy cows and suckling calves were collected and statistically analysed by chi-square test (X2 test). Welfare of all of three dairy farms were assessed as acceptable, meaning that provided welfare conditions meet the minimum requirements of animals. Principle of provision of good health was rated as acceptable (≥20 points) on farm A, while on farms with loose system (B and C) overall health rated as excellent (≥80 points). Occurrence rate of reproductive, locomotor, skin and claws disorders and digestive and systemic disorders of dairy cows and calves up to 4 months old were very different between three farms (A, B, C) with X2-values of 2901.71, 252.02, 204.08, 1152.31 and 184.23 respectively; α lt 0.01). According presented data, it is obvious that the majority health problems were observed in tied system of rearing, on farm A, such as reproductive disorders and mastitis, as well as injuries and bad body score and lame cows. The most serious health problems of the calves were diarrhea and bronchopneumonia of different etiology.Tri farme muznih krava (A, B i C) su analizirane u pogledu zdravstvenih poremećaja i dobrobiti krava i teladi. Na farmi A je zastupljen vezani sistem držanja sa 1100 krava, dok se na farmama B i C sa 400 odnosno 600 grla, krave drže slobodno. Podaci o dobrobiti mlečnih krava (zdravlje, ishrana, smeštaj i ponašanje) su prikupljeni i analizirani primenom protokola za ocenu kvaliteta dobrobiti (Anon, 2009). Poremećaji zdravlja krava u laktaciji i teladi su prikupljeni i statistički analizirani hi-kvadrat testom (X2 test). Dobrobit na sve tri mlečnih farmi je ocenjena kao prihvatljiva jer zadovoljava minimalne zahteve životinja. Princip obezbeđenja dobrog zdravlja je ocenjen kao prihvatljiv (≥20 bodova) na farmi A, dok je na farmama sa slobodnim sistemom (B i C) ocenjen kao odlično (≥80 poena). Pojava reproduktivnih, lokomotornih, digestivnih i sistemskih poremećaja mlečnih krava i teladi do 4 meseca starosti se veoma razlikovala između tri farme različite veličine i sistema uzgoja, sa x2-vrednostima 2901,71, 252.02, 204.08 , 1152,31 i 184,23, redom (α lt 0,01). Prema iznetim podacima, češća pojava zdravstvenih problema je uočena u vezanom sistemu uzgoja, na farmi A, u pogledu reproduktivnih poremećaja, mastitisa, povreda, loše telesne kondicije i hromosti krava, kao i proliva i bronhopneumonija teladi različite etiologije

    Najznačajniji stresori ovaca u intenzivnim uslovima proizvodnje

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    In this paper are described the most important stressors in intensive sheep production on farms and pastures. Stressors on farms and pastures mostly originate from adverse housing conditions, improper zootechnical procedures, veterinary procedures (treatment, vaccinations, blood tests, surgery), animal husbandry procedures (labeling, weaning, grouping, shearing, shortening the tail, hoof care), unsuitable weather conditions (extreme heat and cold) and insufficient nutrition. The paper puts out special emphasis on the consideration of period of life in which sheep were subjected to additional loads and susceptible to effects of these stressors, such as birth, juvenile period, puberty, oestrus, advanced pregnancy, parturition and the puerperal period.U radu su opisani najznačajniji stresori ovaca u intenzivnim uslovima proizvodnje na farmama i pašnjacima. Stresori na farmama i pašnjacima najčešće potiču od nepovoljnih uslova smeštaja i držanja, nepravilnih postupaka odgajivača, veterinarskih postupaka (lečenja, vakcinacije, vađenja krvi, hirurške intervencije), zootehničkih postupaka (obeležavanje, odbijanje, grupisanje, šišanje, skraćivanje repa, obrada papaka), neodgovarajućih klimatskih uslova (ekstremna toplota i hladnoća) i neodgovarajuće ishrane. U radu se poseban akcenat stavlja na razmatranje perioda života u kojima su ovce podvrgnute delovanju dodatnih opterećenja i podložnije delovanju ovih stresora, kao što su rođenje, juvenilni period, pubertet, estrus, visoki graviditet, porođaj i puerperalni period

    Procena dobrobiti krava na osnovu sistema ponašanja

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    The aim of this paper was to determine the level of cows behavioral welfare protection on farms with different rearing systems. Research of cows behavioral welfare protection was carried out on 5 farms (farms A, B, C, D, E) of various capacities with a total of 192 animals. The smallest farm was with 18 (farm B), and the biggest with 80 cows (farm A). On farm C were 22, D 27 and farm E 35 cows. Two farms (farms A and C) represented the free system of rearing inside open stables, while the three farms (farms B, D and E) have tied system of cows rearing in enclosed stables. The two farms have outlets (farms A and D), from which outlet on farm A is always available to animals, while the outlet on farm D is used only during the day. Cows were 3 to 5 years old with an average lactation between 4000 and 5000 liters/year. To assess behavior, rating scales from 0 to 5 (0 - unsatisfactory, there are no resources to improve, 1 - unsatisfactory, there are resources to improve, 2 - sufficient, 3 - good, 4 - very good, 5 - excellent) were used. The appraisal is comprised of nine complex behavioral systems such as: reactivity, ingestion, explorative behavior, movement, social behavior, body hygiene, territoriality, reproduction, and rest and sleep of animals. On farms with free rearing system of behavioral care benefit was evaluated as 'good' (Farm A 3.44, farm B 3.22). Insufficient protection of behavioral welfare was found on farms associated with the breeding system without outlet (farm B 1.56 and farm E 1.44). Cow's behavioral welfare of farm D with tied system of rearing and use of outlet was rated as scale score 'good' on the average.Cilj ovog rada je utvrđivanje nivoa zaštite bihejvioralne dobrobiti na farmama krava sa različitim sistemom gajenja. Istraživanje zaštite bihejvioralne dobrobiti izvršeno je na 5 farmi (farme A, B, C, D, E) različitog kapaciteta sa ukupno 192 grla. U najmanjoj farmi bilo je 18 (farma B), a u najvećoj 80 krava (farma A). Na farmi C bilo je 22, farmi D 27 i farmi E 35 krava. Na dve farme (farme A i C) zastupljen je slobodan sistem držanja u otvorenim stajama, dok se na tri farme krave drže vezano u zatvorenim stajama. Na dve farme postoje ispusti (farme A i D), na jednoj farmi je stalno dostupan (farma A), dok se na drugoj koristi samo preko dana (farma D). Farme B, D i E imaju vezani način držanja krava i zatvoreni tip staje. Na farmi D se krave drže vezane, ali su preko dana u ispustu. Krave su stare između 3 i 5 godina, sa prosečnom laktacijom između 4000 i 5000 litara mleka. Za procenu bihejvioralnih sistema ponašanja korišćene su skale ocena od 0 do 5 (5 - odličan, 4 - vrlo dobar, 3 - dobar, 2 - dovoljan, 1 - nedovoljan ima resursa za poboljšanje, 0 nedovoljan nema resursa za poboljšanje). Procena je obuhvatila devet složenih bihejvioralnih sistema, i to: reaktivnost, ingestiju, eksplorativno ponašanje, kretanje, socijalno ponašanje, higijena tela, teritorijalnost, reprodukciju i bihejvioralni sistem odmora i sna životinja. Na farmama sa slobodnim sistemom gajenja zaštita bihejvioralne dobrobiti ocenjena je kao dobra (farma A 3,44, farma B 3,22). Nedovoljna zaštita bihejvioralne dobrobiti utvrđena je na farmama sa vezanim sistemom gajenja bez ispusta (farma B 1,56 i farma E 1,44). Skalom ocena dobar na donjoj granici ocenjena je bihejvioralna dobrobit na farmi D sa vezanim sistemom gajenja i ispustom