28 research outputs found

    Quality of chicken carcass and meat within the domestic market

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    U radu se prikazuje kakvoća trupova i miÅ”ićnog tkiva (prsa i zabataka) s posebnim osvrtom na sadržaj masnih kiselina (SFA, MUFA, PUFA n-6, PUFA n-3 i odnos PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3). Istraživanje je provedeno na trupovima pilića koji su kupljeni (n=20) u poznatom trgovačkom lancu od dva različita proizvođača (A i B), s ciljem da se ustanovi kakvoća pilećeg mesa u nas. Prosječne težine trupova koji su potjecali od proizvođača A i B bile su 1506,80Ā±193,00 i 1445,60Ā±97,45. Pilići od proizvođača B imali su statistički značajno veće (P<0,05) udjele prsa i miÅ”ića u trupu, a manji udio kostiju. Pilići od proizvođača A imali su povoljnije udjele bataka sa zabatcima i miÅ”ićnog tkiva, a manje udjele kostiju u trupovima (P<0,01). Od istraživanih pokazatelja tehnoloÅ”ke kakvoće miÅ”ićnog tkiva (pH, električna provodljivost, sp.v.v., boja), statističke razlike između proizvođača A i B utvrđene su samo u pH vrijednostima miÅ”ića prsa (P<0,05) i u električnoj provodljivosti miÅ”ića zabataka (P<0,001). Istraživanje profila masnih kiselina u lipidima miÅ”ićnog tkiva prsa i zabataka pokazuje da su u tovu pilića primijenjeni različiti hranidbeni tretmani, tako da su upotrijebljena krmiva i njihov sastav masnih kiselina utjecali na deponiranje masnih kiselina u lipide miÅ”ića. Kemijske analize pokazale su da su pilići proizvođača B imali statistički značajno veći (P<0,05) sadržaj SFA, MUFA i PUFA n-3 u lipidima prsa, od pilića proizvođača A. Identično odlaganje masnih kiselina dogodilo se u miÅ”ićima zabataka. Odnos PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 u lipidima miÅ”ića prsa i zabataka bio je povoljniji u pilećim trupovima podrijetlom od proizvođača B, nego od proizvođača A (9,07Ā±0,88 i 11,04Ā±0,64, odnosno 11,40Ā±2,27 i 15,55Ā±0,45). Rezultati naÅ”ih istraživanja pokazuju da je odnos PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 kod oba proizvođača pilećeg mesa bio nezadovoljavajući, s obzirom da se omjer 1-4,5 preporučuje kao optimalan u ljudskoj prehrani.The research into quality of carcass and muscle tissue (breast and thighs) focuses especially on the fatty acids content (SFA, MUFA, PUFA n-6, PUFA n-3 and PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 ratio). The research was carried out on chicken carcasses (n=20) of two different producers (A and B) that were bought in a store. The main objective was to determine the quality of chicken meat in our country. Average weights of carcasses of A and B producers were 1506.80Ā±193.00 and 1445.60Ā±97.45, respectively. Chickens of the B producer had statistically higher (P<0.05) portions of breast and muscle in carcass, and smaller portion of bones. Chickens of the A producer had more favorable portions of drumsticks with thighs and muscle tissue, and smaller portion of bones in carcass (P<0.01). Referring to the investigated traits of muscle tissue technological quality indicators (pH, electric conductivity, water holding capacity, color), statistical differences between A and B producers were determined only in pH values of breast muscles (P<0.05) and in electric conductivity of thigh muscles (P<0.001). Determination of fatty acid profile in the lipids of breast and thighs proved that different feeding regimes were applied in chicken production. Forages and composition of fatty acids in them affected deposition of fatty acids into muscle lipids. Chemical analyses proved that chickens of the B producer had statistically significantly higher (P<0.05) content of SFA, MUFA and PUFA n-3 in muscle lipids than the chickens of the A producer. Identical deposition of fatty acids occurred in thigh muscles. The ratio of PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 in lipids of thigh and breast muscles was more favorable in carcasses of the B producer than of the A producer (9.07Ā±0.88 and 11.04Ā±0.64, and 11.40Ā±2.27 and 15.55Ā±0.45, respectively). If taking the ratio 1-4.5 as being optimal in human nutrition, results of our research showed unsatisfactory ratio of PUFA n-6/PUFA n-3 in chicken meat of both producers

    Enrichment of eggs with PUFA n-3

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    Jaja su odličan izvor lako probavljivih bjelančevina za ljude. Međutim, visoki sadržaj kolesterola u žumanjku i povećana briga za zdravlje ljudi utjecali su na smanjenje potroÅ”nje jaja u ljusci u razvijenim zemljama. U budućnosti, povećanje potroÅ”nje jaja u ljusci bit će moguće ostvariti proizvodnjom tzv. Ā«nutraceutikaĀ» ili Ā«funkcionalne hraneĀ». KoriÅ”tenjem nesilica kao Ā«bioreaktoraĀ» moguće je dizajnirati jaja koja se po svom sastavu značajno razlikuju od konzumnih jaja dostupnih na tržiÅ”tu. Obogaćivanje jaja s PUFA n-3 postiže se koriÅ”tenjem krmiva biljnog i životinjskog podrijetla u hranidbi nesilica. Upotrebom proizvoda od uljane repice i lana u krmnim smjesama za nesilice značajno se povećava sadržaj Ī±-linolenske (LNA, C18:3n-3) kiseline. Nesilice imaju vrlo ograničenu mogućnost elongiranja i desaturacije LNA u eikozapentaensku (EPA, C20:5n-3) i dokozaheksensku (DHA, C22:6n-3) kiselinu. Krmiva podrijetlom od morskih organizama (alge, ribe) utječu na povećanje sadržaja poželjnih EPA i DHA u žumanjcima jaja. Prema većini organoleptičkih svojstava, jaja obogaćena s PUFA n-3 ne razlikuju se od jaja proizvedenih na konvencionalan način, iako je u nekim istraživanjima utvrđen nepoželjan miris po ribljem ulju.Eggs are an excellent resource of easily digestible protein in human nutrition. However, high cholesterol content in egg yolk and increased concerns for human health resulted in reduced consumption of eggs in developed countries. It is expected the consumption of eggs will increase in near future by creation of so called Ā«nutraceuticsĀ» or Ā«functional foodĀ». By exploitation of a Ā«bioreactorĀ», eggs can be designed that differ significantly in their composition from commercial eggs. Enrichment of eggs with PUFA n-3 is achieved by feeding hens with forages of plant and animal origin. Supplementation of rapeseed and linseed products to diets for hens affects significant increase of Ī±-linolenic acid (LNA, C18:3n-3). Laying hens have limited ability to elongate and desaturate LNA in eicosapentaenoic (EPA, C20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic (DHA, C22:6n-3) acid. Forages containing sea organisms (algae, fish) affect the increase of desirable EPA and DHA content in egg yolks. Referring to organoleptic traits, eggs enriched with PUFA n-3 do not differ from eggs produced in a conventional way, though, some researches have proved that enriched eggs have an unpleasant odor of fish oil

    Impact of bird influenza occurrence on consumption of poultry products

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    U Republici Hrvatskoj rado se konzumira meso peradi, 19,03 kg po stanovniku godiÅ”nje. Osim značajne potroÅ”nje mesa peradi, važno je napomenuti i potroÅ”nju jaja, koja je tijekom 2004. godine iznosila 8,15 kg po stanovniku. Uvažavajući te podatke, kao i činjenicu da se u nas pojavio virus H5N1, napravljeno je istraživanje o utjecaju pojave ptičje influence na konzumaciju peradskih proizvoda. Istraživanje je provedeno na 200 ispitanika u kontinentalnom dijelu naÅ”e zemlje, gdje je na domaćoj peradi izoliran virus H5N1. U provedenoj anketi potroÅ”ači se najčeŔće odlučuju na konzumaciju mesa tovnih pilića (70,51%), zatim mesa pura (23,93%), pataka (3,85%) i mesa gusaka (1,71%). Većina ispitanika informaciju o pojavi ptičje influence saznala je putem elektronskih (67%) i tiskanih medija (27,5%), dok je jedan manji dio istu informaciju doznao usmenom predajom (5,5%). Na pitanje o načinu prenoÅ”enja virusa H5N1 sa životinja na ljude, ispitanici su odgovorili da se virus prenosi kontaktom s peradi (58,59%), ali da nema straha od pojave pandemije, odnosno prenoÅ”enja virusa među ljudima (92%). Čak 87% ispitanika smatra da su veterinarske službe učinile sve potrebne mjere da se Å”irenje virusa ptičje gripe zaustavi. Upravo je to razlog da većina njih nije smanjila potroÅ”nju peradskih proizvoda (mesa 89,5% i jaja 86%), nakon saznanja o pojavi ptičje influence u nas. Veliki broj ispitanika, 97,5% izjasnio se da ne doživljava bojazan od zaraze ptičje gripe te da će i u buduće konzumirati peradske proizvode.In the Republic of Croatia, 19.03 kg of poultry meat is consumed per person yearly. Besides the significant consumption of poultry meat, it is important to mention egg consumption that amounted to 8.15 kg per person in 2004. Taking into consideration these data, as well as the fact that in our region the presence of H5N1 avian influenza virus was confirmed, the study was carried out to determine the impact of bird influenza occurrence on the consumption of poultry products. The study involved 200 examinees from continental Croatia, where cases of avian influenza in birds were reported. The questionnaire showed that consumers opted mostly for chicken meat (70.51%), then for turkey meat (23.93%), duck meat (3.85%) and lastly for geese meat (1.71%). The majority of examinees acquired information on bird influenza occurrence from electronic media (67%) and publications (27.5%), while a small percentage of them obtained the same information by verbal communication (5.5%). The question how the H5N1 virus was transmitted to humans, examinees answered that it was transmitted by a direct contact with birds (58.59%), but they did not fear pandemics, i.e. virus transmittance from person to person (92%). As many as 87% of examinees believed that veterinary service had undertaken all necessary measures to prevent the spread of bird influenza virus. Because of that, the majority of them did not reduce their consumption of poultry products (meat 89.5% and eggs 86%) after the bird influenza occurred in our country. Most examinees (97.5%) declared that they did not fear the bird influenza virus infection and that they would consume poultry products as before

    Comparative study on fattening and slaughtering characteristics of pigs kept in conventional and deep litter housing system

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je usporediti dva načina tova svinja, na dubokoj stelji i klasični (puni pod), s obzirom na proizvodne i klaoničke rezultate te učinke koje ovakvi načini tova svinja imaju na dobrobit, zdravlje i ponaÅ”anje svinja. Istraživanje je provedeno na 110 tovnih svinja oba spola, koje su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine: prva skupina držana je na dubokoj stelji, a druga skupina u oborima na punom podu bez stelje. Svinje koriÅ”tene u istraživanju bile su tropasminski križanci velikog jorkÅ”ira i njemačkog landrasa na strani majke, te njemačkog landrasa na strani oca. Na kraju tova svinje su zaklane, a na liniji klanja izmjerene su klaoničke mjere toplih i ohlađenih trupova. Tijekom istraživanja utvrđene su statistički vrlo visoko značajne (P0,05) između svinja utovljenih na dubokoj stelji i bez stelje. Svinje koje su držane na dubokoj stelji imale su veći sadržaj miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupovima (59,91%) u odnosu na svinje držane bez stelje (58,88%), međutim, razlike između ispitivanih skupina svinja u pogledu udjela miÅ”ićnog tkiva u trupovima nisu bile statistički značajne (P>0,05). Također, nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u svojstvima kakvoće miÅ”ićnog tkiva između svinja držanih na dubokoj stelji i bez stelje. Tov svinja na dubokoj stelji imao je povoljan učinak na zdravlje, dobrobit i ponaÅ”anje životinja.The aim of this research was to compare two different housing systems of pigs, i.e. conventional (solid floor) and the deep litter, with respect to productive and slaughtering characteristics of pigs. Moreover, the research also focused on effects that these housing systems have on animal welfare, health status and behavior. The research was carried out on 110 male and female finishing pigs, which were divided into two groups. Pigs of the first group were kept on deep litter, and pigs of the second group were housed in solid floor pens, without deep litter. The experiment was carried out on three-way crossbreeds of Large White and German Landrace in the dam line, and German Landrace in the sire line. Upon completion of the fattening process, pigs were slaughtered and measurements of warm and cold carcasses were performed. The experiment resulted in statistically highly significant differences (P0.05). Pigs kept on deep litter had higher portion of muscular tissue in carcass (59.91%) than pigs kept conventionally (58.88%), however, differences in this respect were not statistically significant (P>0.05). Comparison of the muscular tissue quality traits between both groups did not result in statistically significant differences. Fattening of pigs on deep litter had positive effects on animal health, welfare and behavior

    Impact of bird influenza occurrence on consumption of poultry products

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    U Republici Hrvatskoj rado se konzumira meso peradi, 19,03 kg po stanovniku godiÅ”nje. Osim značajne potroÅ”nje mesa peradi, važno je napomenuti i potroÅ”nju jaja, koja je tijekom 2004. godine iznosila 8,15 kg po stanovniku. Uvažavajući te podatke, kao i činjenicu da se u nas pojavio virus H5N1, napravljeno je istraživanje o utjecaju pojave ptičje influence na konzumaciju peradskih proizvoda. Istraživanje je provedeno na 200 ispitanika u kontinentalnom dijelu naÅ”e zemlje, gdje je na domaćoj peradi izoliran virus H5N1. U provedenoj anketi potroÅ”ači se najčeŔće odlučuju na konzumaciju mesa tovnih pilića (70,51%), zatim mesa pura (23,93%), pataka (3,85%) i mesa gusaka (1,71%). Većina ispitanika informaciju o pojavi ptičje influence saznala je putem elektronskih (67%) i tiskanih medija (27,5%), dok je jedan manji dio istu informaciju doznao usmenom predajom (5,5%). Na pitanje o načinu prenoÅ”enja virusa H5N1 sa životinja na ljude, ispitanici su odgovorili da se virus prenosi kontaktom s peradi (58,59%), ali da nema straha od pojave pandemije, odnosno prenoÅ”enja virusa među ljudima (92%). Čak 87% ispitanika smatra da su veterinarske službe učinile sve potrebne mjere da se Å”irenje virusa ptičje gripe zaustavi. Upravo je to razlog da većina njih nije smanjila potroÅ”nju peradskih proizvoda (mesa 89,5% i jaja 86%), nakon saznanja o pojavi ptičje influence u nas. Veliki broj ispitanika, 97,5% izjasnio se da ne doživljava bojazan od zaraze ptičje gripe te da će i u buduće konzumirati peradske proizvode.In the Republic of Croatia, 19.03 kg of poultry meat is consumed per person yearly. Besides the significant consumption of poultry meat, it is important to mention egg consumption that amounted to 8.15 kg per person in 2004. Taking into consideration these data, as well as the fact that in our region the presence of H5N1 avian influenza virus was confirmed, the study was carried out to determine the impact of bird influenza occurrence on the consumption of poultry products. The study involved 200 examinees from continental Croatia, where cases of avian influenza in birds were reported. The questionnaire showed that consumers opted mostly for chicken meat (70.51%), then for turkey meat (23.93%), duck meat (3.85%) and lastly for geese meat (1.71%). The majority of examinees acquired information on bird influenza occurrence from electronic media (67%) and publications (27.5%), while a small percentage of them obtained the same information by verbal communication (5.5%). The question how the H5N1 virus was transmitted to humans, examinees answered that it was transmitted by a direct contact with birds (58.59%), but they did not fear pandemics, i.e. virus transmittance from person to person (92%). As many as 87% of examinees believed that veterinary service had undertaken all necessary measures to prevent the spread of bird influenza virus. Because of that, the majority of them did not reduce their consumption of poultry products (meat 89.5% and eggs 86%) after the bird influenza occurred in our country. Most examinees (97.5%) declared that they did not fear the bird influenza virus infection and that they would consume poultry products as before


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    The research into growth characteristics of turkey hybrid was carried out on 60 one-day-old turkeys (30 toms and 30 hens) of Nicholas 700 provenience. The research lasted for 19 weeks. Each turkey was marked with a leg ring. During the experiment, turkeys were fed commercial mixtures. Evaluation of the inflection point and of separate growth phases was obtained by means of asymmetric S-function (Kralik and Scitovski, 1993). End weight of turkey toms was higher than the one of hens by 34.63% (14811Ā±906 g : 11005Ā±993 g). Differences in final weights between sexes, as well as in weights over the whole fattening period were statistically highly significant (P<0.001). Average absolute and relative gains (gain rates) of toms in comparison to hens were 776 g and 12.45%, and 567 g and 12.11%, respectively. By the parameters of asymmetric S-function, intensification of progressive growth phase in turkey toms started after the 5th week, and in turkey hens it was prolonged for several days. Determined biological maximum in toms was 17.966 kg, and in hens 12.889 kg. Intensive growth of hens lasted up to the beginning of the 15th week, while toms grew intensively up to the end of the 15th week. Positions of the inflection point in hens were determined at the beginning of the 10th week, and in toms in the middle of that week


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    The research on effects of different oils on the profile of fatty acids in egg yolks was performed on 80 ISA Brown laying hens (40 in control and 40 in experimental group). Hens were 50 weeks old. The control group of hens was fed diets supplemented with sunflower oil (6%), and the experimental group was given a combination of rapeseed oil (4%) and fish oil (2%). Hensā€™ diets contained 16.8% of crude protein and 11.57 MJ ME. The research lasted for 28 days. Content of fatty acids in yolk lipids was determined on 10 samples taken from each group. Supplemented oils (sunflower, rapeseed and fish oil) in hensā€™ diets had significant effect on the profile of fatty acids in yolk lipids. Compared to the control group, yolk lipids of eggs produced by hens in the experimental group contained significantly higher (P<0.001) portion of favorable fatty acids (linolenic, C18:3n-3; eicosapentaenoic, C20:5n-3 and docosahexaenoic, C22:6n-3). Moreover, the experimental group of hens laid eggs that contained less unfavorable saturated fatty acids (P<0.001) and less linoleic (C18:2n-6) and arachidonic acid (C20:4n-6) in their lipids. Content of oleic acid (C18:1) and total monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) was significantly higher (P<0.001) in yolk lipids of the experimental group. The experimental group contained less unfavorable polyunsaturated fatty acids of the n-6 type (n-6 PUFA, P<0.001), more favorable fatty acids of the n-3 type (n-3 PUFA, P<0.001) and more favorable n-6 / n-3 PUFA ratio (P<0.001) in yolk lipids than the control group.Istraživanje utjecaja različitih ulja na profil masnih kiselina u žumanjcima jaja obavljeno je na 80 ISA Brown nesilica (40 u kontrolnoj i 40 u pokusnoj skupini) starih 50 tjedana. Kontrolna skupina nesilica dobivala je u hrani suncokretovo ulje (6%), a pokusna skupina kombinaciju repičinog (4%) i ribljeg (2%) ulja. Smjese za nesilice sadržavale su 16,8% sirovih bjelančevina i 11,57 MJ ME. Istraživanje je trajalo 28 dana. Sadržaj masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjka određen je na 10 uzoraka iz svake skupine. KoriÅ”tena ulja (suncokretovo, repičino i riblje) u hrani za nesilice imala su značajan utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina u mastima žumanjaka jaja. U mastima žumanjaka kod pokusne skupine nesilica utvrđen je značajno veći (P<0,001) sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina (linolenske, C18:3n-3; eikozapentaenske, C20:5n-3 i dokozaheksaenske, C22:6n-3) u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu. Osim toga, pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj (P<0,001) nepoželjnih zasićenih masnih kiselina te linolne (C18:2n-6) i arahidonske kiseline (C20:4n-6) u mastima žumanjaka. Sadržaj oleinske kiseline (C18:1) i ukupnih mononezasićenih masnih kiselina (MUFA) bio je značajno veći (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka pokusne skupine. Pokusna skupina nesilica imala je manji sadržaj nepoželjnih polinezasićenih masnih kiselina n-6 tipa (n-6 PUFA, P<0,001), veći sadržaj poželjnih masnih kiselina n-3 tipa (n-3 PUFA, P<0,001) i povoljniji omjer n-6 / n-3 PUFA (P<0,001) u mastima žumanjaka jaja odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu