160 research outputs found

    Local rainbow colorings for various graphs

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    Motivated by a problem in theoretical computer science suggested by Wigderson, Alon and Ben-Eliezer studied the following extremal problem systematically one decade ago. Given a graph HH, let C(n,H)C(n,H) be the minimum number kk such that the following holds. There are nn colorings of E(Kn)E(K_{n}) with kk colors, each associated with one of the vertices of KnK_{n}, such that for every copy TT of HH in KnK_{n}, at least one of the colorings that are associated with V(T)V(T) assigns distinct colors to all the edges of E(T)E(T). In this paper, we obtain several new results in this problem including: \begin{itemize} \item For paths of short length, we show that C(n,P4)=Ω(n15)C(n,P_{4})=\Omega(n^{\frac{1}{5}}) and C(n,Pt)=Ω(n13)C(n,P_{t})=\Omega(n^{\frac{1}{3}}) with t∈{5,6}t\in\{5,6\}, which significantly improve the previously known lower bounds (log⁑n)Ω(1)(\log{n})^{\Omega(1)}. \item We make progress on the problem of Alon and Ben-Eliezer about complete graphs, more precisely, we show that C(n,Kr)=Ω(n23)C(n,K_{r})=\Omega(n^{\frac{2}{3}}) when r⩾8r\geqslant 8. This provides the first instance of graph for which the lower bound goes beyond the natural barrier Ω(n12)\Omega(n^{\frac{1}{2}}). Moreover, we prove that C(n,Ks,t)=Ω(n23)C(n,K_{s,t})=\Omega(n^{\frac{2}{3}}) for t⩾s⩾7t\geqslant s\geqslant 7. \item When HH is a star with at least 44 leaves, a matching of size at least 44, or a path of length at least 77, we give the new lower bound for C(n,H)C(n,H). We also show that for any graph HH with at least 66 edges, C(n,H)C(n,H) is polynomial in nn. All of these improve the corresponding results obtained by Alon and Ben-Eliezer.Comment: 19 page

    Euclidean Gallai-Ramsey for various configurations

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    The Euclidean Gallai-Ramsey problem, which investigates the existence of monochromatic or rainbow configurations in a colored nn-dimensional Euclidean space En\mathbb{E}^{n}, was introduced and studied recently. We further explore this problem for various configurations including triangles, squares, lines, and the structures with specific properties, such as rectangular and spherical configurations. Several of our new results provide refinements to the results presented in a recent work by Mao, Ozeki and Wang. One intriguing phenomenon evident on the Gallai-Ramsey results proven in this paper is that the dimensions of spaces are often independent of the number of colors. Our proofs primarily adopt a geometric perspective

    Sperner systems with restricted differences

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    Let F\mathcal{F} be a family of subsets of [n][n] and LL be a subset of [n][n]. We say F\mathcal{F} is an LL-differencing Sperner system if ∣Aβˆ–B∣∈L|A\setminus B|\in L for any distinct A,B∈FA,B\in\mathcal{F}. Let pp be a prime and qq be a power of pp. Frankl first studied pp-modular LL-differencing Sperner systems and showed an upper bound of the form βˆ‘i=0∣L∣(ni)\sum_{i=0}^{|L|}\binom{n}{i}. In this paper, we obtain new upper bounds on qq-modular LL-differencing Sperner systems using elementary pp-adic analysis and polynomial method, extending and improving existing results substantially. Moreover, our techniques can be used to derive new upper bounds on subsets of the hypercube with restricted Hamming distances. One highlight of the paper is the first analogue of the celebrated Snevily's theorem in the qq-modular setting, which results in several new upper bounds on qq-modular LL-avoiding LL-intersecting systems. In particular, we improve a result of Felszeghy, Heged\H{u}s, and R\'{o}nyai, and give a partial answer to a question posed by Babai, Frankl, Kutin, and \v{S}tefankovi\v{c}.Comment: 22 pages, results in table 1 and section 6.1 improve

    A new variant of the Erd\H{o}s-Gy\'{a}rf\'{a}s problem on K5K_{5}

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    Motivated by an extremal problem on graph-codes that links coding theory and graph theory, Alon recently proposed a question aiming to find the smallest number tt such that there is an edge coloring of KnK_{n} by tt colors with no copy of given graph HH in which every color appears an even number of times. When H=K4H=K_{4}, the question of whether no(1)n^{o(1)} colors are enough, was initially emphasized by Alon. Through modifications to the coloring functions originally designed by Mubayi, and Conlon, Fox, Lee and Sudakov, the question of K4K_{4} has already been addressed. Expanding on this line of inquiry, we further study this new variant of the generalized Ramsey problem and provide a conclusively affirmative answer to Alon's question concerning K5K_{5}.Comment: Note added: Heath and Zerbib also proved the result on K5K_{5} independently. arXiv:2307.0131
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