40 research outputs found

    Studying κ\kappa meson with a MILC fine lattice

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    Using the lattice simulations in the Asqtad-improved staggered fermion formulation we compute the point-to-point κ\kappa correlators, which are analyzed by the rooted staggered chiral perturbation theory (rSχ\chiPT). After chiral extrapolation, we secure the physical κ\kappa mass with 835±93835\pm93 MeV, which is in agreement with the BES experimental results. The computations are performed using a MILC 2+1 flavor fine gauge configuration at a lattice spacing of a≈0.09a \approx 0.09 fm.Comment: Remove some typo

    Preliminary lattice study of the I=1 KKˉK \bar{K} scattering length

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    The s-wave kaon-antikaon (KKˉK \bar{K}) elastic scattering length is investigated by lattice simulation using pion masses mπ=330−466m_\pi = 330 - 466 MeV. Through moving wall sources without gauge fixing, we calculate KKˉK \bar{K} four-point correlation functions for isospin I=1 channel in the "Asqtad" improved staggered fermion formulation, and observe a clear signal of attraction, which is consistent with other pioneering lattice studies on KKˉK \bar{K} potential. Extrapolating KKˉK \bar{K} scattering length to the physical point, we obtain mKaKKˉI=1=0.211(33)m_{K} a^{I=1}_{K\bar{K}} = 0.211(33). These simulations are performed with MILC gauge configurations at lattice spacing a≈0.15a \approx 0.15 fm.Comment: Add analytic expressions of KKˉK \bar{K} scattering length, and remove some typo

    Rummukainen-Gottlieb's formula on two-particle system with different mass

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    L\"uscher established a non-perturbative formula to extract the elastic scattering phases from two-particle energy spectrum in a torus using lattice simulations. Rummukainen and Gottlieb further extend it to the moving frame, which is devoted to the system of two identical particles. In this work, we generalize Rummukainen-Gottlieb's formula to the generic two-particle system where two particles are explicitly distinguishable, namely, the masses of the two particles are different. The finite size formula are achieved for both C4vC_{4v} and C2vC_{2v} symmetries. Our analytical results will be very helpful for the study of some resonances, such as kappa, vector kaon, and so on.Comment: matching its published paper and make it concise, and to remove text overlap with arXiv:hep-lat/9503028, arXiv:hep-lat/0404001 by other author