2 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje značajka domova djece s alergijskim rinitisom i astmom

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    The prevalence of allergic diseases, especially asthma and allergic rhinitis, has dramatically increased during the last decades. Mite and cockroach, which are the most common allergens in house dust, are the major indoor allergens in asthmatic and allergic rhinitis patients. The aim of this study was to compare the association between age of dwelling and some other home characteristics in asthmatic and allergic rhinitis children, who had positive skin prick test to mite and cockroaches, with allergic patient with negative skin test. Thirty-six asthmatic and allergic rhinitis children with positive skin prick test to mite and cockroach allergens, and 34 allergic rhinitis and asthmatic children with negative skin prick test to these allergens were enrolled in this study. Data on home characteristics, including age of homes, kind of carpeting, floor of home and number of rooms in the building, were collected by telephone questionnaire. The mean age of buildings was higher in the group of children sensitive to mite and cockroach (22.4±12.9 vs. 16.3±13.9 years), but the difference was not significant. However, when patients sensitive to mite only were compared to control patients, the difference was significant (p=0.025). There was no significant difference in the number of floor, rooms, kind of carpet and other features of building between the case and control group. There was a significant relationship between mite allergy and building age, which could be important for the policy of allergy control in the society. However, further studies are needed to clarify the association between more specific home characteristics and allergy diseases.Učestalost alergijskih bolesti, poglavito astme i alergijskog rinitisa, bilježi znatan porast posljednjih desetljeća. Grinje i žohari kao najčešći alergeni u kućnoj prašini glavni su alergeni na koje nailaze osobe s alergijom i alergijskim rinitisom u zatvorenom prostoru. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti povezanost starosti objekta i neke druge značajke domova kod djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom te s pozitivnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare s vrijednostima istih kod djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom, ali s negativnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare. U studiju je bilo uključeno 36 djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom te s pozitivnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare i 34 djece s astmom i alergijskim rinitisom, ali s negativnim kožnim testom na grinje i žohare. Podatci o značajkama doma uključujući starost zgrade, vrst zidne obloge, kat i broj soba u zgradi prikupljeni su telefonskim anketiranjem roditelja. Srednja starost zgrade u kojoj žive bila je veća kod djece osjetljive na grinje i žohare nego u djece koja nisu pokazala osjetljivost na ove alergene (22,4±12,9 prema 16,3±13,9 years), ali razlika nije bila značajna. Međutim, kad su s kontrolnom skupinom uspoređena djeca osjetljiva samo na grinje, tada je razlika bila značajna (p=0,025). Nije bilo nikakve razlike između dviju skupina u odnosu na kat, broj soba, vrst zidne obloge i druge značajke zgrade. Dakle, utvrđena je značajna povezanost alergije na grinje i starosti zgrada, što bi moglo biti važno u planiranju aktivnosti za suzbijanje alergije u društvu. Potrebna su daljnja ispitivanja kako bi se pojasnila udruženost nekih specifičnih značajka zgrada i alergijskih bolesti