1 research outputs found

    Abnormal presentation of a bilateral, synchronous and plurimetastatic medium and large cell testicular lymphoma: A case report

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    Primary testicular lymphoma (PTL) accounts for 1-2% of all cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, with a higher incidence in patients aged >60 years. The most common histological subtype is diffuse large-cell B lymphoma. By contrast, the bilateral synchronous and multimetastatic clinical presentation is a rare and unusual clinical presentation. In testicular masses, orchiectomy is essential for histopathological evaluation of the disease and definition of the immunophenotypic structure. The present study reported the case of a paucisymptomatic 54-year-old patient, who presented with erectile dysfunction and increasing testicular volume. Although clinical assessment and ultrasound examination showed an abnormal structure, highly suspicious for testicular cancer, the subsequent bilateral radical orchiectomy permitted the diagnosis of an unusual and rare PTL with multiple metastases reported at the PET/CT scan. In conclusion, the rare and aggressive disease represented by PTL requires a multidisciplinary approach and an aggressive treatment in order to provide the best care for patients affected