12 research outputs found

    Effect of Nettle (Urtica dioca L.) density on fiber yield and quality in a natural ecosystem under East Mediterranean conditions

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    Nettle (Urtica dioica L.), a new industrial crop, has been cultivated since the 12th century for its fibers. This study was conducted to specify the optimal density of plants in order to move from wild harvest to nettle cultivation. For the present study, sampling was performed in 21 different fields throughout Greece, during October 2018. The effect of nine different plant densities on several agronomic (plants height, leaf area and dry matter) and fiber quality (straw length, fiber percentage, yield, extension at break, strength, length, diameter) characteristics was determined. The higher fiber yield occurred at the lower density (4 plants m2), while the higher fiber diameter observed at the highest density (12 plants m2). Comparisons were performed at the 5% level of significance (p ≀ 0.05). According to our results, there have been negative correlations between plant density and certain agronomic and quality characteristics such as plant height and fiber length, hence the optimal density is about seven plants per m2

    Effect of Biocyclic Humus Soil on Yield and Quality Parameters of Processing Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)

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    A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of biocyclic humus soil, a newly found apparently carbon stabilized form of organic matter with significantly different characteristics from common composts or other forms of organic matter (humus), on yield and quality of processing tomato. The experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design with three replications and three fertilization treatments (untreated, inorganic fertilizer and biocyclic humus soil). The highest fruit yield (116.8 t/ha) was obtained by using biocyclic humus soil. There were no treatment effects on fruit firmness (4.34-4.60 kg/cm2), total soluble solids (4.29-4.76 °Brix) and total acidity (0.25-0.31 g citric acid/100 g fruit) content of fruits. In conclusion, the tomato plants grown in biocyclic humus soil had 45% more yield than in conventional plots, and this big difference is probably related to the fact that the humus soil as a substrate provides an optimum environment for plant growth

    Effect of four irrigation doses and four varieties on agronomical characteristics and yield of cotton cultivation in central Greece: Cotton irrigation yield

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    In recent years, reduced irrigation has been applied for the cultivation of cotton. While this strategy remains desirable, it needs to be evaluated as it affects the yields and growth of cotton. During 2015 and 2016, two similar cotton experiments (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were performed in Greece, in the area of Karditsa and especially in the location of Palamas. An experiment was established designed according to split-plot design, with main plots four levels of irrigation (IRR. 2, IRR. 4, IRR. 6, IRR. 8) and subplots four varieties of cotton (Dp 419, Campo, Andromeda, Lider) for two growing periods. The results indicated that agronomical characteristics were affected by irrigation dose, while LAI (Leaf Area Index) was affected by irrigation levels and year. LAI higher values were noticed in RR8 level for all varieties. Second year values of LAI were higher than the first year. Irrigation levels affected the number of closed bolls. Closed bolls were ranged from 12 (RR2 with variety Dp 419) to 144.67 (RR8 in same variety). The yield was significantly affected by irrigation levels and variety; the highest value was observed in second year by the Lider variety (3,110 kg ha-1). A strong positive correlation was mentioned between yield and total fresh weight (r=0.72, p=0.001). On a pooled basis, all varieties responded positively to the largest amount of irrigation (RR8)

    Effect of four irrigation doses and four varieties on cotton bolls component, lint ratio and quality: cotton irrigation and quality

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    Cotton is an industrial crop grown both in the north and in the Southern hemisphere and is one of the most profitable crops. Water is the resource that will be the most limited, especially for agriculture in the coming years. Irrigation availability is a critical factor in growing cotton in hot and dry climates. The experiments were performed in central Greece, in Palamas of the Karditsa region, for two years (2015-2016). The treatments were four different irrigation regimes, where IRR. 2 and IRR. 4 were deficient irrigations, IRR. 6, was a sufficient and IRR. 8, were overflow. Four varieties of cotton (Dp 419, Campo, Andromeda, Lider) were used where the effects of irrigation on cotton boll characteristics were recorded. The measurements made concerned the agronomic as well as the qualitative characteristics of the cotton bolls such as lint proportion, seed percentage, oil content, oil yield and micronaire. The oil content had positive correlation with the lint proportion and negative correlation with the seed percentage. In the both years of experiments the IRR. 2 and IRR. 8, irrigation regimes had negative effects while IRR. 4 and IRR. 6 had positive effects. Also among the varieties, Andromeda and Lider were the ones that stood out in both years

    Evaluation of yield and nitrogen utilisation with urease and nitrification inhibitors in sweet potato crop (Ipomoea batatas L.)

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    Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a new tuber crop grown in Greece. It constitutes an innovative dietary component for both humans and animals, due to its nutritional properties. The cultivation of sweet potato focuses on the growth of both tubers and plants. Nitrogen is considered an essential element for almost all crops. This study set out to compare the effect of nitrogen inhibitors on yield components of sweet potato. In the literature, it is stated that in sweet potato cultivation nitrogen mainly affects the plants’ growth such as the tuber's yield and some quality characteristics such as dry matter and protein content. To furthermore explore this particular area, field experiments took place in West Greece, during the years 2018 and 2019. Several urea combination treatments were used in the experimental process. The treatments were urea (46-0-0), urea with urease inhibitor (UI), urea with nitrification inhibitor (NI), urea with double inhibitors (UI + NI) and control (without fertilizer) in a randomised complete block design. Leaf area index (LAI) was significantly affected by the fertilizer marking the highest value of 5.35 under urea + UI + NI treatment. Marketable yield was profoundly affected by the fertilizer in the experimental years and ranged from 18,180 to 23,230 Kg · ha−1 whereas non-marketable yield was not affected by the fertilizer. A considerable impact of fertilizers was noticed on yield where the highest value was 30,923 Kg · ha−1 under urea + NI + UI treatment. The percentage of nitrogen on tubers and upper parts was significantly affected by the fertilizers. Nitrogen markers, such as nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), nitrogen harvest index and nitrogen agronomic efficiency (NAE), were used to evaluate nitrogen release. A significant positive correlation was noticed between marketable yield and NUE (0.774). Also, the significant increase in yield showed a positive correlation with NAE (0.727). For yield components of sweet potato, the highest values were observed in urea with double inhibitors treatment in both experimental years

    Effect of Fertilization with Urea and Inhibitors on Growth, Yield and CBD Concentration of Hemp (<i>Cannabis sativa</i> L.)

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    Field experiments were conducted during 2019 in two different locations in Greece (Athens and Farsala) to evaluate the effect of urea and urea fertilization with inhibitors on the agronomic yield and quality characteristics of two cannabis varieties (Cannabis sativa L.), “Uso31”and “Fedora 17”. The experimental design was split-plot with four different fertilization treatments—control, Urea (U), urea with Urease Inhibitor (UI), and urea with Nitrification Inhibitor (NI) and urease inhibitor (UI). The significance of differences between treatments was estimated by using Tukey’s test with a significance level of p = 0.05. The plant height was significantly affected by the different fertilizations and different varieties as well as by the two locations. The maximum plant height was 197 cm for “Fedora 17”in Farsala. The seed yield was higher forthe urea with inhibitors treatment in both varieties. The Cannabidiol (CBD) content was significantly affected by the fertilization—it was higher in urea with inhibitors in “Uso31”and “Fedora 17” treatments. The lowest CBD content value was 1.29% (control) and the highest was 1.69% (urea NI + UI). In conclusion, in both varieties, it seems that urea with inhibitors has a positive effect on their growth, as well as on the increase in cannabidiol (CBD) content

    Performance of Six Genotypes of Tritordeum Compare to Bread Wheat under East Mediterranean Condition

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    Four advanced tritordeum lines were studied and compared to two commercial varieties of tritordeum and wheat cultivars in yield and quality features, in Greece. For this purpose, a two-year experiment was established in the Greek territory. The field experiment was set up in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with blocks, with different lines and varieties. Head emergence was calculated based on Growing Degree Days (GDDs), which was significantly affected by the year. The significance of differences between treatments was estimated by using Fisher&rsquo;s least significant difference (LSD) test with significance level p = 0.05. The weight of 1000 seeds of the two commercial varieties differed from the equivalent weight of 1000 seeds of tritordeum lines, approximately 1 g. Yield was significantly affected by lines/varieties and year. Compared to tritordeum yield, wheat yield marked the highest values. This difference was almost 2 kg ha&minus;1. Gluten content was significantly affected by lines/varieties. The highest gluten content was firstly noticed at wheat GENESIS (34.2%) variety and secondly at tritordeum Aucan (33.2%) variety. Protein was higher in tritordeum lines HT-1704 (15.5%), HT-1707 (15.1%) and Aucan variety (15.2%) during the first experimental year. Tritordeum seems to have significant adaptability to dry conditions in Greece and significant yields compared to the existing commercial varieties and bread wheat

    Evaluation of Processing Tomato Pomace after Composting on Soil Properties, Yield, and Quality of Processing Tomato in Greece

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    While processing tomato cultivation (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is considered one of the most important industrial crops in Greece, a waste known as tomato pomace is growing significantly high. Notably, the tomato pomace presents enormous opportunities for the creations of organic fertilizers. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of tomato pomace as a fertilizer in the same crop. A field experiment was established at the Agricultural University of Athens during 2018 and 2019 in a randomized complete design with five treatments (control, inorganic NPK (NPK), Tomato pomace and Biocycle Humus Soil (Tp and BHS), Tomato pomace and Farmyard manure (Tp and FYM), and Tomato pomace and Compost (Tp and CM). Physical soil properties such as soil porosity and penetration resistance were improved by the application of organic blends. Additionally, soil nitrogen content ranged from 0.10% (control and NPK) to 0.13% (Tp and FYM). A significant increase of yield was noticed under organic fertilization where the highest yield of 8.00 tn ha&minus;1 was recorded in Tp and BHS (2018). Lycopene content was significantly affected by fertilization and its highest values were 87.25 (Tp and BHS; 2018), and 88.82 mg kg&minus;1 fresh (Tp and FYM; 2019). Regarding fruit firmness, the three organic blends did not have statistically significant difference. In addition, the Total Soluble Solids (TSS) was significantly affected by the fertilization and the maximum value was 4.80 ◩Brix (Tp and CM; 2018). In brief, tomato pomace blended with organic fertilizers was yielded considerable since it improved soil quality and increased yield