36 research outputs found

    Impacts des vers de terre sur les composants et la dynamique du sol (synthèse bibliographique)

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    Impacts of earthworms on soil components and dynamics. A review. Earthworm populations are important decomposers contributing to aggregate formation and nutrient cycling processes involving nitrogen cycles, phosphorus and carbon. They are known to influence soil fertility by participating to important processes in soil such as soil structure regulation and organic matter dynamics. Earthworms also modify the microbial communities through digestion, stimulation and dispersion in casts. Consequently, changes in the activities of earthworm communities, as a result of soil management practices, can also be used as indicators of soil fertility and quality. It is therefore important to understand how earthworm communities affect soil dynamics. This review adresses the current state of knowledge on earthworm's impacts on soil structure and soil organic matter (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus) dynamics, with special emphasis on the effects of land management practices on earthworm communities

    Expression of p21WAF1 in Astler–Coller stage B2 colorectal cancer is associated with survival benefit from 5FU-based adjuvant chemotherapy

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    In several, but not all, previous studies, positive p21WAF1 expression has been suggested as an indicator of a good prognosis in patients with stage III/IV colorectal cancer. However, it is not known whether the same is true for stage B2 patients. The purpose of this study is to assess the influence of p21WAF1 expression in tumor cells on disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) of Astler–Coller stage B2 and C patients with colorectal cancer who underwent 5-fluorouracil-based adjuvant chemotherapy. Nuclear p21WAF1 was detected by immunohistochemistry in tissue microarrays from 275 colorectal cancers. The expression of p21WAF1 was associated with DFS (p = 0.025) and OS (p = 0.008) in the subgroup of stage B2 patients that was treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. In multivariate analysis, it remained the only independent prognostic parameter in relation to DFS and OS (p = 0.035 and p = 0.02, respectively). In the subgroup of 72 stage B2 patients with positive p21WAF1 expression but not in the subgroup of 61 stage B2 patients with negative p21WAF1 expression, adjuvant chemotherapy was associated with better DFS (85% 5-year survival versus 65% without chemotherapy, p = 0.03) and OS (96% versus 82%, p = 0.014). In the combined stage B2 and C group of patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy, positive p21WAF1 expression was also associated with better DFS and OS (p = 0.03, p = 0.002, respectively). Expression of p21WAF1 in colorectal tumor cells identifies a subgroup of Astler–Coller stage B2 patients who could benefit significantly from 5FU-based chemotherapy and may improve the selection of patients for adjuvant chemotherapy

    Prediction and Testing of Biological Networks Underlying Intestinal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer progresses through an accumulation of somatic mutations, some of which reside in so-called “driver” genes that provide a growth advantage to the tumor. To identify points of intersection between driver gene pathways, we implemented a network analysis framework using protein interactions to predict likely connections – both precedented and novel – between key driver genes in cancer. We applied the framework to find significant connections between two genes, Apc and Cdkn1a (p21), known to be synergistic in tumorigenesis in mouse models. We then assessed the functional coherence of the resulting Apc-Cdkn1a network by engineering in vivo single node perturbations of the network: mouse models mutated individually at Apc (Apc1638N+/−) or Cdkn1a (Cdkn1a−/−), followed by measurements of protein and gene expression changes in intestinal epithelial tissue. We hypothesized that if the predicted network is biologically coherent (functional), then the predicted nodes should associate more specifically with dysregulated genes and proteins than stochastically selected genes and proteins. The predicted Apc-Cdkn1a network was significantly perturbed at the mRNA-level by both single gene knockouts, and the predictions were also strongly supported based on physical proximity and mRNA coexpression of proteomic targets. These results support the functional coherence of the proposed Apc-Cdkn1a network and also demonstrate how network-based predictions can be statistically tested using high-throughput biological data

    Molecular signatures for CCN1, p21 and p27 in progressive mantle cell lymphoma

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    Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a comparatively rare non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma characterised by overexpression of cyclin D1.Many patients present with or progress to advanced stage disease within 3 years. MCL is considered an incurable disease withmedian survival between 3 and 4 years. We have investigated the role(s) of CCN1 (CYR61) and cell cycle regulators inprogressive MCL. We have used the human MCL cell lines REC1 G519 > JVM2 cells by RQ-PCR, depicting a decrease in CCN1expression with disease progression. Investigation of CCN1 isoform expression by western blotting showed that whilst expres-sion of full-length CCN1 was barely altered in the cell lines, expression of truncated forms (18–20 and 28–30 kDa) decreasedwith disease progression. We have then demonstrated that cyclin D1 and cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors (p21CIP1and p27KIP1)are also involved in disease progression. Cyclin D1 was highly expressed in REC1 cells (OD: 1.0), reduced to one fifth in G519cells (OD: 0.2) and not detected by western blotting in JVM2 cells. p27KIP1followed a similar profile of expression as cyclin D1.Conversely, p21CIP1was absent in the REC1 cells and showed increasing expression in G519 and JVM2 cells. Subcellularlocalization detected p21CIP1/p27KIP1primarily within the cytoplasm and absent from the nucleus, consistent with altered roles in treatment resistance. Dysregulation of the CCN1 truncated forms are associated with MCL progression. In conjunction withreduced expression of cyclin D1 and increased expression of p21, this molecular signature may depict aggressive disease andtreatment resistance

    lmmunoreactivity of Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) antigen in human neoplasms: The importance of carrier-specific glycotope expression on MUC1

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    On the basis of their known fine specificities we evaluated the immunohistochemical marker qualities of two monoclonal antibodies (mabs) defining the tumor-associated TF disaccharide GalBl-3GalNAc. This antigen is expressed in certain tumors in correlation with prognosis and metastasis. The reactivity of one of these mabs (A78-G/A7) depends on clustered TF disaccharides (glycosylation at vicinal Ser~Thr positions) while the other - rnab BW835 - has been characterized to bind specifically to TF disaccharide linked to a motif within the MUCl repeat. Therefore, rnab BW835 represents an interesting tool for the identification of tumor-associated glycoforms of MUC1, which are involved in tumor progression and metastasis, but also in the recognition of tumor cells by cytotoxic T cells.As references the TF-binding lectins from peanut (PNA) and Artocarpus integrifolia (jacalin) were applied. The binding patterns of these immunoreagents were strikingly distinct. Mab BW835 showed a significantly stronger reactivity than rnab A78-G/A7, especially in gastric, mammary, pancreatic, thyreoideal, renal and bladder carcinomas. PNA and jacalin receptors exhibited an expression in the majority of all cancer types, with the exception of seminoma and glioblastoma/ sarcoma. These results can be explained by the broader fine specificities of the lectins. Furthermore, a strong expression of MUC1-bound TF antigen is indicated by the staining pattern of rnab BW835. The marker qualities of both antigens, TF and MUC1, are combined in the binding specificity of BW835, and hence this antibody may have a high impact for the immunodetection of these tumor-associated antigens

    Development of lipoma following a single cupping massage-a case report

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    Background: The cupping massage is a form of bloodless cupping. This type of cupping is particularly used to treat muscular tension and musculoskeletal pain, such as chronic neck pain; however the data records on mechanisms and potential side effects are not satisfactory. Case Report: In a study on the effectiveness of cupping massage in patients with chronic neck pain, one patient showed a formation of a lipoma in the cupping area after the first treatment session. Conclusion: Because of the short time interval between therapy and development of the lipoma, a primary cause is not realistic. This adverse event has not been described in the literature before, and the present report describes the case in summary. © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Immunoreactivity of monoclonal antibody BW835 represents a marker of progression and prognosis in early gastric cancer

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    The Thomsen-Friedenreich (TF) antigen is a well-known human pan-carcinoma antigen. It represents a carbohydrate core disaccharide (Gal{beta}1-3GalNAc) which is predominantly bound to mucin peptide cores. Its immunoreactivity depends on changes in glycosylation which lead to a reduction in the carbohydrate chain length and the exposure of core carbohydrates. In the present study, we investigated 208 gastric adenocarcinomas with respect to their immunohistochemical reactivity applying two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). MAb specifically detecting TF antigen (A78-G/A7) and MAb BW835 were included. The latter reacts with a certain glycoform of the MUC1 peptide core, characterized by core-type glycans like TF. A78-G/A7 epitopes were detected in 68.8% and BW835 epitopes in 57.7% of the carcinomas. BW835 immunoreactivity correlated with the presence of lymph node metastases. Both A78-G/A7 and BW835 staining were significantly stronger in tubular/papillary cancer (WHO classification) and intestinal-type cancer according to Lauren. In univariate survival analyses of all patients studied, BW835 immunoreactivity was a marker of an unfavorable prognosis (p > 0.05). The presence of A78-G/A7 and BW835 epitopes exerted a negative effect on the subgroup of pTNM stage I carcinomas. These results indicate that TF and MUC1-TF immunoreactivity defines a 'high-risk' subgroup of stage I patients in gastric cancer