190 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Evolution of Sgr A East: The Imprint of A Supernova Remnant in the Galactic Center

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    We perform three-dimensional numerical simulations to study the hydrodynamic evolution of Sgr A East, the only known supernova remnant (SNR) in the center of our Galaxy, to infer its debated progenitor SN type and its potential impact on the Galactic center environment. Three sets of simulations are performed, each of which represents a represent a certain type of SN explosion (SN Iax, SN Ia or core-collapse SN) expanding against a nuclear outflow of hot gas driven by massive stars, whose thermodynamical properties have been well established by previous work and fixed in the simulations. All three simulations can simultaneously roughly reproduce the extent of Sgr A East and the position and morphology of an arc-shaped thermal X-ray feature, known as the "ridge". Confirming previous work, our simulations show that the ridge is the manifestation of a strong collision between the expanding SN ejecta and the nuclear outflow. The simulation of the core-collapse SN, with an assumed explosion energy of 5x10^50 erg and an ejecta mass of 10 M_sun, can well match the X-ray flux of the ridge, whereas the simulations of the SN Iax and SN Ia explosions underpredict its X-ray emission, due to a smaller ejecta mass. All three simulations constrain the age of Sgr A East to be <1500 yr and predict that the ridge should fade out over the next few hundred years. We address the implications of these results for our understanding of the Galactic center environment.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    A Statistical Study of Soft X-ray Flares on Solar-type Stars

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    The statistical characteristic of stellar flares at optical bands has received an extensive study, but it remains to be studied at soft X-ray bands, in particular for solar-type stars. Here, we present a statistical study of soft X-ray flares on solar-type stars, which can help understand multi-wavelength behaviors of stellar flares. We mainly use Chandra Source Catalog Release 2.0, which includes a number of flaring stars with denoted variability, and Gaia Data Release 3, which includes necessary information for classifying stars. We also develop a set of methods for identifying and classifying stellar soft X-ray flares and estimating their properties. A detailed statistical investigation for 129 flare samples on 103 nearby solar-type stars as selected yields the following main results. (1) The flare energy emitted at the soft X-ray band in our sample ranges from ∼1033\sim 10^{33} to ∼1037 erg\sim 10^{37} \ \mathrm{erg}, and the majority of them are superflares with the most energetic one having energy of $6.0_{-4.7}^{+3.2} \times 10^{37} \ \mathrm{erg}.(2)Theflaredurationisrelatedtoitsenergyasformulatedby. (2) The flare duration is related to its energy as formulated by T_\mathrm{duration,SXR} \propto E_\mathrm{flare,SXR}^{\ 0.201 \pm 0.024},whichisdifferentfromthosederivedatopticalandNIRbands,indicatingdistinctradiationmechanismsatdifferentbands.(3)Thefrequencydistributionofstellarflaresasafunctionofenergyisformulatedas, which is different from those derived at optical and NIR bands, indicating distinct radiation mechanisms at different bands. (3) The frequency distribution of stellar flares as a function of energy is formulated as \mathrm{d} N_\mathrm{flare} / \mathrm{d} E_\mathrm{flare,SXR} \propto E_\mathrm{flare,SXR}^{\ -1.77}$, which is similar to the results found at other bands and on other types of stars, indicating that the energy emitted at the soft X-ray band could be a constant fraction of the full-band bolometric energy

    Chandra X-ray Measurement of Gas-phase Heavy Element Abundances in the Central Parsec of the Galaxy

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    Elemental abundances are key to our understanding of star formation and evolution in the Galactic center. Previous work on this topic has been based on infrared (IR) observations, but X-ray observations have the potential of constraining the abundance of heavy elements, mainly through their K-shell emission lines. Using 5.7 Ms Chandra observations, we provide the first abundance measurement of Si, S, Ar, Ca and Fe, in four prominent diffuse X-ray features located in the central parsec of the Galaxy, which are the manifestation of shock-heated hot gas. A two-temperature, non-equilibrium ionization spectral model is employed to derive the abundances of these five elements. In this procedure, a degeneracy is introduced due to uncertainties in the composition of light elements, in particular, H, C and N. Assuming that the hot gas is H-depleted but C- and N-enriched, as would be expected for a standard scenario in which the hot gas is dominated by Wolf-Rayet star winds, the spectral fit finds a generally subsolar abundance for the heavy elements. If, instead, the light elements had a solar-like abundance, the heavy elements have a fitted abundance of ∼\sim1--2 solar. The α\alpha/Fe abundance ratio, on the other hand, is mostly supersolar and insensitive to the exact composition of the light elements. These results are robust against potential biases due to either a moderate spectral S/N or the presence of non-thermal components. Implications of the measured abundances for the Galactic center environment are addressed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Implementing a new fully stepwise decomposition-based sampling technique for the hybrid water level forecasting model in real-world application

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    Various time variant non-stationary signals need to be pre-processed properly in hydrological time series forecasting in real world, for example, predictions of water level. Decomposition method is a good candidate and widely used in such a pre-processing problem. However, decomposition methods with an inappropriate sampling technique may introduce future data which is not available in practical applications, and result in incorrect decomposition-based forecasting models. In this work, a novel Fully Stepwise Decomposition-Based (FSDB) sampling technique is well designed for the decomposition-based forecasting model, strictly avoiding introducing future information. This sampling technique with decomposition methods, such as Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) and Singular spectrum analysis (SSA), is applied to predict water level time series in three different stations of Guoyang and Chaohu basins in China. Results of VMD-based hybrid model using FSDB sampling technique show that Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient is increased by 6.4%, 28.8% and 7.0% in three stations respectively, compared with those obtained from the currently most advanced sampling technique. In the meantime, for series of SSA-based experiments, NSE is increased by 3.2%, 3.1% and 1.1% respectively. We conclude that the newly developed FSDB sampling technique can be used to enhance the performance of decomposition-based hybrid model in water level time series forecasting in real world

    Promising derivatives of rutaecarpine with diverse pharmacological activities

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    Rutaecarpine (RUT) is a natural pentacyclic indolopyridoquinazolinone alkaloid first isolated from one of the most famous traditional Chinese herbs, Evodia rutaecarpa, which is used for treating a variety of ailments, including headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, postpartum hemorrhage, amenorrhea, difficult menstruation, and other diseases. Accumulating pharmacological studies showed that RUT possesses a wide range of pharmacological effects through different mechanisms. However, its poor physicochemical properties and moderate biological activities have hampered its clinical application. In this regard, the modification of RUT aimed at seeking its derivatives with better physicochemical properties and more potency has been extensively studied. These derivatives exhibit diverse pharmacological activities, including anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, anti-Alzheimer’s disease, antitumor, and antifungal activities via a variety of mechanisms, such as inhibiting cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), acetylcholine (AChE), phosphodiesterase 4B (PDE4B), phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5), or topoisomerases (Topos). From this perspective, this paper provides a comprehensive description of RUT derivatives by focusing on their diverse biological activities. This review aims to give an insight into the biological activities of RUT derivatives and encourage further exploration of RUT
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