5 research outputs found

    Stimulating Innovation Activity in Enterprises within the Metallurgical Sector: the Russian and International Experience

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    This paper examines some of the Russian and international experience with regard to stimulating innovation activity in enterprises within the metallurgical sector. The key focus is on implementation issues regarding innovations within the sector and possible ways to resolve them. The authors explore the current state of innovation activity in metallurgical enterprises and examine some of the most promising areas for innovation in metallurgy. The paper brings forward a set of measures designed to enhance the stimulation of innovation activity in Russian metallurgical enterprises based on the experience of other European countries. The authors examine some of the most promising tenets of a government program on innovation-driven development within Russia's metallurgical sector, which includes various measures of direct and indirect stimulation of innovation within metallurgy

    Studying concepts of the breakthrough economic reforms in selected developed and developing countries and regions of the world: Economic and legal aspects

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    The purpose of the present article is to analyze the experience of advanced development of two Asian countries (Japan and China) based on the use of economic breakthrough concepts. The object of study in this article concerns developed and developing countries, as well as transition countries, while research subject involves concepts and models of breakthrough economic reforms in Japan and China. Through the use of several analytical methods (comparative legal and institutional analysis, economic and statistical analysis, and content analysis) we have come up to the following conclusions: economic breakthrough of contemporary developed countries is obviously linked with the technologization as well as modernization of the national production, and economic diversification; developed countries (European Union, North America, and Asia) have established special institutional frameworks (national innovation systems), which allowed creating a competitive product demanded on both the internal and external market, and increasing labor productivity through improving the quality of the workforce (social investment);there are definitely certain similarities in the economic progress of China and Japan (essential involvement of the state in economic processes), however, at the same time these countries are differed by their institutional platforms (in particular, China is open to investment, while Japan focuses on the domestic financial market and the labor market).Results: considering the applicability of economic breakthrough models of Japan and China in relation to Russia, we should note that such models cannot be simply copied to the Russian market without changes (for example, due to the underdeveloped national financial market and insufficient investment attractiveness). Therefore, we suggest in future studies to develop a number of system solutions, which can be used to diversify the Russian raw materials export-based economic model. © 2018. ASERS Publishing. All rights reserved


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    The article is concerned with the impact of religion-state relations on the formation and development of terrorism. The authors have revealed tendencies making representatives of various religious confessions resort to terrorism for the freedom of religion and its protection from external threats, as well manifestations of state violence against different religious groups that damage their religious identity in the 21st century


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    The purpose of the study is to identify fundamental elements in the structure of the definition of terrorism based on the application of the endogenous-exogenous approach, as well as determine their necessity and sufficiency when defining an action as a manifestation of terrorism. The research methodology is a retrospective analysis of the essence and content of the structure of the definition of terrorism. A holistic system-integrated approach makes it possible to identify and substantiate the key elements that are leading and led in the process of defining an action as a manifestation of terrorism. The application of the method of mathematical modeling makes it possible to build a mathematical model that describes the structure of the definition of terrorism. As the main results of the study necessary and sufficient elements of the definition of terrorism, their classification, which contributes to the appropriate definition of certain actions as a manifestation of terrorism, and the construction of a mathematical model that describes the structure of the definition of terrorism are identified. The results will provide significant assistance in organizing antiterrorist activities in the modern world and help build a system for countering terrorist threats of the 21st century. The use of the results of the study is also possible in the process of expert assessment of projects and existing regulatory legal acts in the field of antiterrorist activities. The novelty of the study and its results are determined by an original approach to identifying and classifying elements in the structure of the definition of terrorism characteristic of terrorism of the 21st century, dividing them into two groups: endogenous and exogenous, as well as a developed mathematical model describing the structure of the definition of terrorism, which makes it possible to establish the interdependence between an action and the attribution of this action to a manifestation of terrorism


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    The purpose of the article is to explore the modern nature of sectarian tension and to identify the fundamental reasons underlying it. The research involved a number of special methods, in particular, comprehensive systemic and holistic analysis, the method of expert assessment, as well as general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis and comparison. The paper concludes that there are three fundamental reasons among the broad range of reasons engendering sectarian tension that are of foremost importance for the origination of interreligious conflicts, relative to the countries of the Middle East region. The introduction of the fundamental correlation coefficient by the authors made it possible to construct a scale of assessment for individual countries of the Middle East according to the level of tension between the confessions therein and to set the principal measures to attenuate it. The comparison of the fundamental reasons for the emergence of sectarian tension and its manifestation in individual countries made it possible to evaluate the levels of its manifestation. The obtained results will significantly promote the constructive organisation of inter-confessional interaction in the 21st century. © 2022, Ecozone, OAIMDD. All rights reserved