262 research outputs found

    The renewable energy targets of the Maghreb countries: Impact on electricity supply and conventional power markets

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    Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, the three countries of the North African Maghreb region, are showing increased efforts to integrate renewable electricity into their power markets. Like many other countries, they have pronounced renewable energy targets, defining future shares of “green” electricity in their national generation mixes. The individual national targets are relatively varied, reflecting the different availability of renewable resources in each country, but also the different political ambitions for renewable electricity in the Maghreb states. Open questions remain regarding the targets’ economic impact on the power markets. Our article addresses this issue by applying a linear electricity market optimization model to the North African countries. Assuming a competitive, regional electricity market in the Maghreb, the model minimizes dispatch and investment costs and simulates the impact of the renewable energy targets on the conventional generation system until 2025. Special emphasis is put on investment decisions and overall system costs.North Africa; Renewable energy sources; Electricity markets

    Mathematical modeling of the dynamics of a shovel with flexible coupling

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    To study the possible ergonomic and energetic advantages on the use of a shovel with a flexible coupling, a dynamic analysis of the motion of the blade together with the lifted raw material was conducted. By this dynamic analysis, ordinary differential equations were set up. Therefore the closed-form solutions were found to obtain useful equations for simulation. The application of mathematical modeling both to the blade with elastic coupling and to the traditional one, allowed to quantify the zeroing of the operator effort in the second half of the blade lifting. However, in the first part of the lifting an effort increase occurs, but in this first phase the operator can take advantage from the support on the thigh, thus lightening the load on the spine

    Activation policies in Germany : from status protection to basic income support

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    "This paper provides an overview of the sequential shift towards activating labour market and social policy in Germany. It not only shows the changes in the instruments of active and passives labour market policies but also analyzes the implications of this change for the political economy, the governance and the legal structure of a 'Bismarckian' welfare state. Our study points at the changes in Germany's status- and occupation-oriented unemployment benefit regime that has been relinquished for a larger share of dependent population. Unemployment insurance benefit duration is shorter now and newly created basic income support for needy persons is not earnings-related anymore. Pressure on unemployed to take up jobs has increased considerably while more persons than before have access to employment assistance. The paper also aims at a preliminary assessment of the effects of activating labour market policy on labour market as well as social outcomes and sets out probable paths of future adaptation." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Sozialpolitik, Reformpolitik, Hartz-Reform, aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik, aktivierende Sozialpolitik, Aktivierung, Leitbild, Wohlfahrtsstaat, Arbeitslosenunterstützung, Sozialleistungen, Leistungsanspruch, Leistungsbezug, Anspruchsvoraussetzung, Leistungshöhe, Grundsicherung nach SGB XII, Grundsicherung nach SGB II, Zielgruppe, Arbeitslosengeld II-Empfänger, Erwerbsfähigkeit, Sanktion, Arbeitslose, Existenzminimum, Eigentum, Berufswahlfreiheit, Arbeitsverwaltung, Kompetenzverteilung, organisatorischer Wandel, Job-Center, ARGE, aktivierende Arbeitsmarktpolitik - Erfolgskontrolle, öffentliche Ausgaben, Armut, politischer Wandel, Politikumsetzung

    Applicazione della tecnologia DIC e dell'ottimizzazione topologica per lo sviluppo di un baseplate di un innovativo attacco da snowboard

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    Il baseplate, che è l’elemento strutturale dell’attacco, mostra alcune problematiche nello sviluppo, in quanto è difficile prevederne le sollecitazioni e il comportamento durante l’utilizzo sul campo. Questo risulta in prodotti poco rigidi con campi di tensione localmente concentrati e poco opportuni. L’obbiettivo di questo elaborato di tesi è stato quindi di creare un baseplate per un attacco da snowboard più rigido e più leggero e che durante lo svolgimento dello sport venga sollecitato in modo uniforme. Per ottenere questo obbiettivo è stato creato un approccio innovativo di product development per lo sviluppo di prodotti con funzionalità strutturale. L’approccio prevede come prima fase un’analisi della deformazione con la tecnologia DIC (Digital Image Correlation) di un prodotto già esistente, sotto condizioni reali, per capire come viene sollecitato. Nella seconda fase è stata individuata, attraverso la simulazione FEM (Finite Element Method) e l’ottimizzazione topologica, la geometria approssimativa dell’oggetto con una distribuzione di tensioni più uniforme. Questa è stata poi utilizzata come punto di partenza per la seguente modellazione CAD (Computer-Aided Design). L’ultimo step è stato lo stampaggio 3D di un prototipo funzionale che è stato poi nuovamente analizzato attraverso la tecnologia DIC per valutare il risultato della modellazione. Per controllare l’affidabilità e per validare l’analisi con la tecnologia DIC, sono stati confrontati più sistemi di produttori diversi. Inoltre, sono stati analizzati due attacchi con geometria uguale, uno stampato ad iniezione e uno stampato con la stampante 3D, per vedere come cambia il comportamento in base al metodo di produzione e per poter valutare i risultati dell’analisi del prototipo. L’approccio innovativo di product development è risultato valido in quanto ha permesso di realizzare un prototipo di un baseplate di un attacco snowboard con prestazioni meccaniche migliori, peso minore ed un design innovativo

    Activation policies in Germany: from status protection to basic income support

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    "This paper provides an overview of the sequential shift towards activating labour market and social policy in Germany. It not only shows the changes in the instruments of active and passives labour market policies but also analyzes the implications of this change for the political economy, the governance and the legal structure of a 'Bismarckian' welfare state. Our study points at the changes in Germany's status- and occupation-oriented unemployment benefit regime that has been relinquished for a larger share of dependent population. Unemployment insurance benefit duration is shorter now and newly created basic income support for needy persons is not earnings-related anymore. Pressure on unemployed to take up jobs has increased considerably while more persons than before have access to employment assistance. The paper also aims at a preliminary assessment of the effects of activating labour market policy on labour market as well as social outcomes and sets out probable paths of future adaptation." (author's abstract

    Thanatosoziologie: Tod, Hospiz und die Institutionalisierung des Sterbens: Einleitung

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    Der vorliegende Band geht auf drei Tagungen der Sektion für Soziologie der Görres-Gesellschaft zurück, die zwischen 1999 und 2002 anläßlich der Generalversammlungen der Gesellschaft veranstaltet wurden. Die Reihe begann 1999 in Potsdam, das Rahmenthema war "Krankheit und Tod in neueren soziologischen und sozialpsychologischen Untersuchungen". Sie wurde 2001 in Paderborn fortgesetzt unter dem Thema "Ende der Todesverdrängung?" und 2002 in Erfurt abgeschlossen mit dem Thema "Hospiz und Hospizbewegung"

    Evaluierung der IEA Forschungskooperation 2011-2021

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    Technopolis Austria wurde im Dezember 2021 mit der Evaluierung des vom Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK) und des Klima- und Energiefonds (KLIEN) geförderten nationalen Programms „Forschungskooperation Internationale Energieagentur“ (kurz: IEA Forschungskooperation) beauftragt. Dabei soll die IEA Forschungskooperation für den Zeitraum 2011-2021 hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit des Programms, Programmdesigns und der begleitenden Prozesse untersucht werden
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