18 research outputs found

    Long-term trends in international production

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    This paper describes long-term trends in international production, i.e. the production of goods and services that is under the governance of transnational corporations - either through foreign direct investment (FDI) or non-equity arrangements. It recounts the rapid growth in international production, the increasing importance of non-equity arrangements, and the shift towards services. The paper then examines the geography of FDI, emphasising that EU countries have emerged as a major source and destination of FDI - a process shaped considerably by EU integration. New EU members from Central and Eastern Europe received substantial FDI inflows in the transition from plan to market. Recognising FDI opportunities that emerged for these countries from regional integration, the paper takes a cautionary stance as to whether these countries can expect increased FDI inflows following EU accession

    Inward FDI in Poland and its policy context, 2012

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    Good economic performance, one of the best in European Union (EU) economies during the global crisis of 2008-2009 and the subsequent economic slowdown in Europe in 2009 and 2010, did not save Poland from experiencing a decline in foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows during 2008-2010. Inflows in 2010, at US9billion,wereonly38 9 billion, were only 38% of their peak value of 2007. In 2011, inflows started to recover, reaching US 14.3 billion. In 2010, the FDI stock in Poland surpassed US$ 200 billion for the first time and was by far the largest among the stocks held in the new member economies of the EU from Central and Eastern Europe. Economic prospects of Poland are favorable, but the ongoing debt crisis and the continuing economic slowdown in Western Europe, the dominant home region for multinational enterprises (MNEs) investing in Poland, put a question mark on the strength of any further recovery of FDI inflows

    Foreign Direct Investment in Poland’s Economic Development: Accomplishments and Challenges

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza wkładu bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych (BIZ) w rozwoju gospodarczym Polski oraz identyfikacja przyszłych wyzwań związanych z tymi inwestycjami i sposobów zmagania się z nimi. W trakcie transformacji ustrojowej Polska osiągnęła znaczny postęp i sukces w rozwoju gospodarczym, rzadki w skali światowej. BIZ przyczyniły się w dużym stopniu do rozwoju, podnosząc wydajność pracy, płace i zaawansowanie technologiczne wielu branż usługowych i przemysłowych. Siłą napędową gospodarki był szybki wzrost eksportu przemysłowego i nowoczesnych usług, w którym przedsiębiorstwa zagraniczne odegrały bardzo dużą rolę. Rozwój z udziałem BIZ może nadal trwać pod warunkiem sprostania kluczowym wyzwaniom, którymi są wygrywanie konkurencji o proeksportowe inwestycje z innymi krajami i na dłuższą metę, erozja podstaw tych inwestycji w postaci niskich płac. Na końcu podano sugestie, jak można zmierzyć się z tymi wyzwaniami.The objective of the paper is to examine the key contributions of foreign direct investment (FDI) to Poland’s economic development and to identify future challenges and possible ways of coping with them. During the process of transition Poland has achieved considerable progress in economic development, on a scale rare among countries of the world. Ever increasing FDI has been instrumental in facilitating development. It has contributed to raising labour productivity, wages and technological level of many services and manufacturing industries. Foreign affiliates have played a particularly important role in the rapid growth of industrial and modern services exports which have been the engine of economic growth. Further FDI-assisted economic progress is possible but will depend on how Poland will cope with the challenges associated with these investments. One challenge is the need to win export-oriented FDI in competition with other countries. Another, in a long term, is the erosion of comparative advantages on which these investments are based. The paper concludes by making suggestions about how to deal with these challenges