225 research outputs found

    Familie 2.0 : die Auswirkungen der Singularisierung auf das Zusammenleben in der Familie und die Folgen für die Soziale Arbeit

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    Diese Bachelorarbeit widmet sich dem Thema „Familie im Wandel“ und untersucht die Bedeutung der Ehe, verschiedene Lebensmodelle und die Singularisierung der Gesellschaft. Das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Auswirkungen dieser Entwicklungen auf die Familie zu analysieren und ein umfassendes Verständnis für den gegenwärtigen Zustand der Familien in unserer Gesellschaft zu gewinnen. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, inwieweit die Singularisierung der Gesellschaft Auswirkungen auf die Gestaltung des Familienlebens hat und welche Folgen sich daraus für die Zusammenarbeit mit Familien im Rahmen der Sozialen Arbeit ergeben

    Chances and Limits of Community-Based Hate Speech Detection – Results from a Combined Behavioral-NeuroIS Study

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    Communication via social media is characterized by immediacy and anonymity, enabling free expression and sharing of opinions, but also the abuse of language in form of hate speech. Given the volume of online content, IS research offers approaches to efficiently detect hate speech. However, research and politics call for more independent, transparent, and social approaches to increase credibility and acceptance. In response, this two-part behavioral and neural study investigates flagging as a community-based solution to hate speech detection. By experimentally varying the displayed shares of flagging users and testing behavioral responses, results reveal opposing behavioral patterns as a function of the valuation of hate speech prevention. Moreover, by framing the display of the user community’s flagging behavior as a sort of social normative information and hate speech prevention as a public good, the theoretical model might help explain (seemingly) conflicting results in social norm and public goods research

    The upward shift in altitude of pine mistletoe ( Viscum album ssp. austriacum ) in Switzerland—the result of climate warming?

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    Pine mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) is common in natural Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in the alpine Rhone Valley, Switzerland. This semi-parasite, which is regarded as an indicator species for temperature, increases the drought stress on trees and may contribute to the observed pine decline in the region. We recorded mistletoes on representative plots of the Swiss National Forest Inventory ranging from 450 to 1,550m a.s.l. We found mistletoe on 37% of the trees and on 56% of all plots. Trees infested with mistletoe had a significantly higher mortality rate than non-infested trees. We compared the current mistletoe occurrence with records from a survey in 1910. The current upper limit, 1,250m, is roughly 200m above the limit of 1,000-1,100m found in the earlier survey 100 years ago. Applying a spatial model to meteorological data we obtained monthly mean temperatures for all sites. In a logistic regression mean winter temperature, pine proportion and geographic exposition significantly explained mistletoe occurrence. Using mean monthly January and July temperatures for 1961-1990, we calculated Skre's plant respiration equivalent (RE) and regressed it against elevation to obtain the RE value at the current mistletoe elevation limit. We used this RE value and temperature from 1870-1899 in the regression and found the past elevation limit to be at 1,060m, agreeing with the 1910 survey. For the predicted temperature rise by 2030, the limit for mistletoe would increase above 1,600m altitud

    Biologische Regulierung der Weißen Fliege im Kohlanbau im kombinierten Einsatz mit Kulturschutznetzen

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    Die Kohlmottenschildlaus, Aleyrodes proletella [Hom.,Aleyrodidae] hat sich in ganz Deutschland zu einem wichtigen Schädling in Kohlgemüse, insbesondere Rosenkohl, entwickelt. In einem dreijährigen Projekt wurde die Barrierewirkung von feinmaschigen Kulturschutznetzen (0.8x0.8mm) in Kombination mit einem inundativen Einsatz des natürlich vorkommenden Parasitoiden Encarsia tricolor in Parzellenversuchen untersucht. Durch die alleinige Anwendung der Kulturschutznetze war der Kohlmottenschildlausbefall zum Befallsmaximum im September in allen drei Versuchsjahren um 77% verringert gegenüber der Kontrolle ohne Netz . Durch die Ausbringung von E. tricolor unter die Netze stieg die Partasitierung signifikant gegenüber der Netzvariante ohne Ausbringung an. Eine Verfrühung der Ausbringung um 3 Wochen (Anfang Juli) in 2009 brachte eine signifikante Befallsreduktion um ca. 40%. Der vorgestellte Regulierungsansatz wird hinsichtlich weiterer Optimierung und seines Potentials für die Praxis diskutiert

    Онтологическая функция мифа: миф как бытийная связь между "мифосом" и "логосом"

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    Показана необходимость пересмотра онтологического статуса мифа в связи с кризисом идеалов классического рационализма. Автор раскрывает смысл мифа как онтологической реальности на основе анализа взаимосвязи "мифоса" и "логоса". Выявляется роль "мифоса" в аспекте культурного смыслополагания

    Cardiac stroke volume in females and its correlation to blood volume and cardiac dimensions

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    We aimed to continuously determine the stroke volume (SV) and blood volume (BV) during incremental exercise to evaluate the individual SV course and to correlate both variables across different exercise intensities. Twenty-six females with heterogeneous endurance capacities performed an incremental cycle ergometer test to continuously determine the oxygen uptake (V̇O(2)), cardiac output (Q̇) and changes in BV. Q̇ was determined by impedance cardiography and resting cardiac dimensions by 2D echocardiography. Hemoglobin mass and BV were determined using a carbon monoxide-rebreathing method. V̇O(2max) ranged from 32 to 62 mL·kg(−1)·min(−1). Q̇(max) and SV(max) ranged from 16.4 to 31.6 L·min(−1) and 90–170 mL, respectively. The SV significantly increased from rest to 40% and from 40% to 80% V̇O(2max). Changes in SV from rest to 40% V̇O(2max) were negatively (r = −0.40, p = 0.05), between 40% and 80% positively correlated with BV (r = 0.45, p < 0.05). At each exercise intensity, the SV was significantly correlated with the BV and the cardiac dimensions, i.e., left ventricular muscle mass (LVMM) and end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD). The BV decreased by 280 ± 115 mL (5.7%, p = 0.001) until maximum exercise. We found no correlation between the changes in BV and the changes in SV between each exercise intensity. The hemoglobin concentration [Hb] increased by 0.8 ± 0.3 g·dL(−1), the capillary oxygen saturation (ScO(2)) decreased by 4.0% (p < 0.001). As a result, the calculated arterial oxygen content significantly increased (18.5 ± 1.0 vs. 18.9 ± 1.0 mL·dL(−1), p = 0.001). A 1 L higher BV at V̇O(2max) was associated with a higher SV(max) of 16.2 mL (r = 0.63, p < 0.001) and Q̇(max) of 2.5 L·min(−1) (r = 0.56, p < 0.01). In conclusion, the SV strongly correlates with the cardiac dimensions, which might be the result of adaptations to an increased volume load. The positive effect of a high BV on SV is particularly noticeable at high and severe intensity exercise. The theoretically expected reduction in V̇O(2max) due to lower SV as a consequence of reduced BV is apparently compensated by the increased arterial oxygen content due to a higher [Hb]

    BK virus-induced nephritis and cystitis after matched unrelated donor stem cell transplantation: A case report

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    Currently, there is no standard therapy for a BK virus infection of the urogenital tract in immunocompromised, stem cell transplanted patients, so that early diagnosis and introduction of supportive measures have the highest response rates to date. © 2020 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

    Identification of late assembly domains of the human endogenous retrovirus-K(HML-2)

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    Background: Late assembly (L)-domains are protein interaction motifs, whose dysfunction causes characteristic budding defects in enveloped viruses. Three different amino acid motifs, namely PT/SAP, PPXY and YPXnL have been shown to play a major role in the release of exogenous retroviruses. Although the L-domains of exogenous retroviruses have been studied comprehensively, little is known about these motifs in endogenous human retroviruses. Results: Using a molecular clone of the human endogenous retrovirus K113 that had been engineered to reverse the presumed non-synonymous postinsertional mutations in the major genes, we identified three functional L-domains of the virus, all located in the Gag p15 protein. A consensus PTAP tetrapeptide serves as the core of a main L-domain for the virus and its inactivation reduces virus release in HEK 293T cells by over 80%. Electron microscopy of cells expressing the PTAP mutant revealed predominantly late budding structures and budding chains at the plasma membrane. The fact that this motif determines subcellular colocalization with Tsg101, an ESCRT-I complex protein known to bind to the core tetrapeptide, supports its role as an L-domain. Moreover, two YPXnL motifs providing additional L-domain function were identified in the p15 protein. One is adjacent to the PTAP sequence and the other is in the p15 N-terminus. Mutations in either motif diminishes virus release and induces an L-domain phenotype while inactivation of all three L-domains results in a complete loss of particle release in HEK 293T cells. The flexibility of the virus in the use of L-domains for gaining access to the ESCRT machinery is demonstrated by overexpression of Tsg101 which rescues the release of the YPXnL mutants. Similarly, overexpression of Alix not only enhances release of the PTAP mutant by a factor of four but also the release of a triple mutant, indicating that additional cryptic YPXnL domains with a low affinity for Alix may be present. No L-domain activity is provided by the proline-rich peptides at the Gag C-terminus. Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that HERV-K(HML-2) release is predominantly mediated through a consensus PTAP motif and two auxiliary YPXnL motifs in the p15 protein of the Gag precursor

    Erratum to “The Challenge of Triaging Chest Pain Patients: The Bernese University Hospital Experience”

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    Accurate diagnosis of the causes of chest pain and dyspnea remain challenging. In this preliminary observational study with a 5-year follow-up, we attempted to find a simplified approach to selecting patients with chest pain needing immediate care based on the initial evaluation in ED. During a 24-month period were randomly selected 301 patients and a conditional inference tree (CIT) was used as the basis of the prognostic rule. Common diagnoses were musculoskeletal chest pain (27%), ACS (19%) and panic attack (12%). Using variables of ACS symptoms we estimated the likelihood of ACS based on a CIT to be high at 91% (32), low at 4% (198) and intermediate at 20.5–40% in (71) patients. Coronary catheterization was performed within 24 hours in 91% of the patients with ACS. A culprit lesion was found in 79%. Follow-up (median 4.2 years) information was available for 70% of the patients. Of the 164 patients without ACS who were followed up, 5 were treated with revascularization for stable angina pectoris, 2 were treated with revascularization for myocardial infarction, and 25 died. Although a simple triage decision tree could theoretically help to efficient select patients needing immediate care we need also to be vigilant for those presenting with atypical symptoms