3 research outputs found

    Inversiones públicas en el Perú (1900-1968): una aproximación cuantitativa

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    El presente documento se propone reconstruir el patrón de comportamiento de la inversión pública peruana entre 1900 y 1968, a partir de nuevas evidencias empíricas extraídas de los Balances y Cuentas Generales de la República que han permitido elaborar series estadísticas completas del gasto fiscal a lo largo de todo el período examinado. Al proceder de esta manera hemos buscado responder, entre otras, a las siguientes interrogantes: ¿Cuál fue el monto del gasto fiscal total destinado a realizar obras públicas durante los distintos gobiernos que tuvieron bajo su administración el aparato estatal? ¿Qué tipo de obras se ejecutaron y qué orden de prioridades revelaban nuestros gobernantes en sus decisiones de inversión? Y, finalmente, ¿qué grado de autonomía relativa mostró el Estado en su política de inversiones públicas en relación a las presiones ejercidas por los grupos de poder locales

    Perspectives on ENCODE

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    The Encylopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project launched in 2003 with the long-term goal of developing a comprehensive map of functional elements in the human genome. These included genes, biochemical regions associated with gene regulation (for example, transcription factor binding sites, open chromatin, and histone marks) and transcript isoforms. The marks serve as sites for candidate cis-regulatory elements (cCREs) that may serve functional roles in regulating gene expression1. The project has been extended to model organisms, particularly the mouse. In the third phase of ENCODE, nearly a million and more than 300,000 cCRE annotations have been generated for human and mouse, respectively, and these have provided a valuable resource for the scientific community.11Nsciescopu

    Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomes

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    AbstractThe human and mouse genomes contain instructions that specify RNAs and proteins and govern the timing, magnitude, and cellular context of their production. To better delineate these elements, phase III of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project has expanded analysis of the cell and tissue repertoires of RNA transcription, chromatin structure and modification, DNA methylation, chromatin looping, and occupancy by transcription factors and RNA-binding proteins. Here we summarize these efforts, which have produced 5,992 new experimental datasets, including systematic determinations across mouse fetal development. All data are available through the ENCODE data portal (https://www.encodeproject.org), including phase II ENCODE1 and Roadmap Epigenomics2 data. We have developed a registry of 926,535 human and 339,815 mouse candidate cis-regulatory elements, covering 7.9 and 3.4% of their respective genomes, by integrating selected datatypes associated with gene regulation, and constructed a web-based server (SCREEN; http://screen.encodeproject.org) to provide flexible, user-defined access to this resource. Collectively, the ENCODE data and registry provide an expansive resource for the scientific community to build a better understanding of the organization and function of the human and mouse genomes.11Nsciescopu