262 research outputs found

    Overview of the mean of production used for FSW

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    The Friction Stir welding process is now introduced in production plants. More and more applications are developed and the most part of the work is now centered on the mean of production to be used. Institut de Soudure and Arts et MĂ©tiers ParisTech are working on this subject since mid of 2005. The results of this work is a recognize knowledge on the methodology for qualifying a Friction Stir Welding Equipment [1]. In the same time, and based on this work, Institut de Soudure has bought a new kind of Friction Stir Welding machine based on a KUKA Robot

    Experimental investigation of the influence of the FSW plunge processing parameters on the maximum generated force and torque

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    The paper presents the results of an experimental investigation, done on the friction stir welding (FSW) plunging stage. Previous research works showed that the axial force and torque generated during this stage were characteristic for a static qualification of a FSW machine. Therefore, the investigation objectives are to better understand the relation between the processing parameters and the forces and torque generated. One of the goals is to find a way to reduce the maximum axial force and torque occurring at the end of the plunging stage in order to allow the use of a flexible FSW machine. Thus, the influence of the main plunge processing parameters on the maximum axial force and torque are analysed. In fact, forces and torque responses can be influenced by the processing parameter. At the end, a diagram presenting the maximum axial force and torque according to the processing parameters is presented. It is an interesting way to present the experimental results. This kind of representation can be useful for the processing parameters choice. They can be chosen according to the force and torque responses and consequently to the FSW machine capacities

    Statistical model of the tool/workpiece mechanical interactions in FSW

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    The robotization of the FSW process is facing two challenges which are to support the amplitude of the tool / workpiece mechanical interaction generated by welding and to apply the process parameters and in particular the axial force. To design the control laws of the robot it is necessary to model the mechanical interaction between the tool and the workpiece as function of the fsw process parameters

    Qualification of a robotized Friction Stir Welding System

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    This paper presents an experimental methodology to determine a Friction Stir Welding (FSW) means of production based on the experimental study of the tool / material mechanical interactions generated during the welding operation. These two stages have been identified as being characteristic for the qualification of a FSW equipment. This paper presents the experimental results of the parametric study done on the plunging and welding phases. Ranges of forces and torques diagrams were established according to the processing parameters, in order to qualify a means of production and select the process parameters allowing the operation on the available FSW equipment

    Method for the semantic indexing of concept hierarchies, uniform representation, use of relational database systems and generic and case-based reasoning

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    This paper presents a method for semantic indexing and describes its application in the field of knowledge representation. Starting point of the semantic indexing is the knowledge represented by concept hierarchies. The goal is to assign keys to nodes (concepts) that are hierarchically ordered and syntactically and semantically correct. With the indexing algorithm, keys are computed such that concepts are partially unifiable with all more specific concepts and only semantically correct concepts are allowed to be added. The keys represent terminological relationships. Correctness and completeness of the underlying indexing algorithm are proven. The use of classical relational databases for the storage of instances is described. Because of the uniform representation, inference can be done using case-based reasoning and generic problem solving methods

    Methodology for qualifying a Friction Stir Welding equipment

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    The objective of this research work is the industrialization of the friction stir welding process in order to provide tools to industrials to select and qualify a machine for their FSW applications. This paper presents a methodology to determine the Friction Stir Welding equipment adequate to an application. The adequate equipment can be every machine that can perform friction stir welds. This paper presents a short review, based on literature survey, of the existing friction stir welding equipments. Then, the methodology developed is presented. It is based on the studying of the interactions between the tool and the workpiece

    Determining the ability of a high payload robot to perform FSW applications

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    This paper presents an experimental methodology to determine a Friction Stir Welding (FSW) means of production based on the experimental study of the tool / material mechanical interactions generated during the welding operation. These two stages have been identified as being characteristic for the qualification of a FSW equipment. This paper presents the experimental results of the parametric study done on the plunging and welding phases. Ranges of forces and torques diagrams were established according to the processing parameters, in order to qualify a means of production and to select the processing parameters allowing the operation on the available FSW equipment

    Knowledge representation and diagnostic inference using Bayesian networks in the medical discourse

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    For the diagnostic inference under uncertainty Bayesian networks are investigated. The method is based on an adequate uniform representation of the necessary knowledge. This includes both generic and experience-based specific knowledge, which is stored in a knowledge base. For knowledge processing, a combination of the problem-solving methods of concept-based and case-based reasoning is used. Concept-based reasoning is used for the diagnosis, therapy and medication recommendation and evaluation of generic knowledge. Exceptions in the form of specific patient cases are processed by case-based reasoning. In addition, the use of Bayesian networks allows to deal with uncertainty, fuzziness and incompleteness. Thus, the valid general concepts can be issued according to their probability. To this end, various inference mechanisms are introduced and subsequently evaluated within the context of a developed prototype. Tests are employed to assess the classification of diagnoses by the network

    Wissensintegration von generischem und fallbasiertem Wissen, uniforme Repräsentation, Verwendung relationaler Datenbanksysteme sowie Problemlösen mit Concept Based und Case Based Reasoning sowie Bayesschen Netzen in medizinischen wissensbasierten Systemen

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    Ein wissensbasiertes System soll den Mediziner im Rahmen der Diagnosestellung unterstützen, indem relevante Informationen bereitgestellt werden. Aus komplexen Symptomkonstellationen soll eine zuverlässige Diagnose und damit verbundene medizinische Maßnahmen abgeleitet werden. Grundlage dafür bildet das im System adäquat repräsentierte Wissen, das effizient verarbeitet wird. Dieses Wissen ist in der medizinischen Domäne sehr heterogen und häufig nicht gut strukturiert. In der Arbeit wird eine Methodik entwickelt, die die begriffliche Erfassung und Strukturierung der Anwendungsdomäne über Begriffe, Begriffshierarchien, multiaxiale Komposition von Begriffen sowie Konzeptdeklarationen ermöglicht. Komplexe Begriffe können so vollständig, eindeutig und praxisrelevant abgebildet werden. Darüber hinaus werden mit der zugrunde liegenden Repräsentation Dialogsysteme, fallbasierte und generische Problemlösungsmethoden sowie ihr Zusammenspiel mit relationalen Datenbanken in einem System vorgestellt. Dies ist vor allem im medizinischen Diskursbereich von Bedeutung, da zur Problemlösung generisches Wissen (Lehrbuchwissen) und Erfahrungswissen (behandelte Fälle) notwendig ist. Die Wissensbestände können auf relationalen Datenbanken uniform gespeichert werden. Um das vorliegende Wissen effizient verarbeiten zu können, wird eine Methode zur semantischen Indizierung vorgestellt und deren Anwendung im Bereich der Wissensrepräsentation beschrieben. Ausgangspunkt der semantischen Indizierung ist das durch Konzepthierarchien repräsentierte Wissen. Ziel ist es, den Knoten (Konzepten) Schlüssel zuzuordnen, die hierarchisch geordnet und syntaktisch sowie semantisch korrekt sind. Mit dem Indizierungsalgorithmus werden die Schlüssel so berechnet, dass die Konzepte mit den spezifischeren Konzepten unifizierbar sind und nur semantisch korrekte Konzepte zur Wissensbasis hinzugefügt werden dürfen. Die Korrektheit und Vollständigkeit des Indizierungsalgorithmus wird bewiesen. Zur Wissensverarbeitung wird ein integrativer Ansatz der Problemlösungsmethoden des Concept Based und Case Based Reasoning vorgestellt. Concept Based Reasoning kann für die Diagnose-, Therapie- und Medikationsempfehlung und -evaluierung über generisches Wissen verwendet werden. Mit Hilfe von Case Based Reasoning kann Erfahrungswissen von Patientenfällen verarbeitet werden. Weiterhin werden zwei neue Ähnlichkeitsmaße (Kompromissmengen für Ähnlichkeitsmaße und multiaxiale Ähnlichkeit) für das Retrieval ähnlicher Patientenfälle entwickelt, die den semantischen Kontext adäquat berücksichtigen. Einem ausschließlichen deterministischen konzeptbasiertem Schließen sind im medizinischen Diskursbereich Grenzen gesetzt. Für die diagnostische Inferenz unter Unsicherheit, Unschärfe und Unvollständigkeit werden Bayessche Netze untersucht. Es können so die gültigen allgemeinen Konzepte nach deren Wahrscheinlichkeit ausgegeben werden. Dazu werden verschiedene Inferenzmechanismen vorgestellt und anschließend im Rahmen der Entwicklung eines Prototypen evaluiert. Mit Hilfe von Tests wird die Klassifizierung von Diagnosen durch das Netz bewertet.:1 Einleitung 2 Medizinische wissensbasierte Systeme 3 Medizinischer Behandlungsablauf und erweiterter wissensbasierter Agent 4 Methoden zur Wissensrepräsentation 5 Uniforme Repräsentation mit Begriffshierachien, Konzepten, generischem und fallbasierten Schließen 6 Semantische Indizierung 7 Medizinisches System als Beispielanwendung 8 Ähnlichkeitsmaße, Kompromissmengen, multiaxiale Ähnlichkeit 9 Inferenzen mittels Bayesscher Netze 10 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A Ausgewählte medizinische wissensbasierte Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung aus der Literatur B Realisierung mit Softwarewerkzeugen C Causal statistic modeling and calculation of distribution functions of classification featuresA knowledge-based system is designed to support the medical professionals in the diagnostic process by providing relevant information. A reliable diagnosis and associated medical measures are to be derived from complex symptom constellations. It is based on the knowledge adequately represented in the system, which is processed efficiently. This knowledge is very heterogeneous in the medical domain and often not well structured. In this work, a methodology is developed that enables the conceptual capture and structuring of the application domain via concepts, conecpt hierarchies, multiaxial composition of concepts as well as concept declarations. Complex concepts can thus be mapped completely, clearly and with practical relevance. Furthermore, the underlying representation introduces dialogue systems, \acrlong{abk:CBR} and generic problem solving methods as well as their interaction with relational databases in one system. This is particularly important in the field of medical discourse, since generic knowledge (textbook knowledge) and experiential knowledge (treated cases) are necessary for problem solving. The knowledge can be stored uniformly on relational databases. In order to be able to process the available knowledge efficiently, a method for semantic indexing is presented and its application in the field of knowledge representation is described. The starting point of semantic indexing is the knowledge represented by concept hierarchies. The goal is to assign keys to the nodes (concepts) that are hierarchically ordered and syntactically and semantically correct. With the indexing algorithm, the keys are calculated in such a way that the concepts are unifiable with the more specific concepts and only semantically correct concepts may be added to the knowledge base. The correctness and completeness of the indexing algorithm is proven. An integrative approach of the problem-solving methods of Concept Based and \acrlong{abk:CBR} is presented for knowledge processing. Concept Based Reasoning can be used for diagnosis, therapy and medication recommendation and evaluation via generic knowledge. Case Based Reasoning can be used to process experiential knowledge of patient cases. Furthermore, two new similarity measures (compromise sets for similarity measures and multiaxial similarity) are developed for the retrieval of similar patient cases that adequately consider the semantic context. There are limits to an exclusively deterministic Concept Based Reasoning in the medical domain. For diagnostic inference under uncertainty, vagueness and incompleteness Bayesian networks are investigated. The method is based on an adequate uniform representation of the necessary knowledge. Thus, the valid general concepts can be issued according to their probability. To this end, various inference mechanisms are introduced and subsequently evaluated within the context of a developed prototype. Tests are employed to assess the classification of diagnoses by the network.:1 Einleitung 2 Medizinische wissensbasierte Systeme 3 Medizinischer Behandlungsablauf und erweiterter wissensbasierter Agent 4 Methoden zur Wissensrepräsentation 5 Uniforme Repräsentation mit Begriffshierachien, Konzepten, generischem und fallbasierten Schließen 6 Semantische Indizierung 7 Medizinisches System als Beispielanwendung 8 Ähnlichkeitsmaße, Kompromissmengen, multiaxiale Ähnlichkeit 9 Inferenzen mittels Bayesscher Netze 10 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick A Ausgewählte medizinische wissensbasierte Systeme zur Entscheidungsunterstützung aus der Literatur B Realisierung mit Softwarewerkzeugen C Causal statistic modeling and calculation of distribution functions of classification feature

    Robotized FSW – Evolution of forces and torque with nonlinear welds

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    The main purpose of the article is to study the evolution of the welding forces and torque with non-straight welding path. The main studies performed on forces and torque are usually done on plane straight welding path when the processing parameter are developed. As industrializing robotized FSW, the robot structure deformation under FSW load depends on the forces generated on the tool. Thus, in order to compensate the robot deformation automatically through the control, statistical model giving the welding forces and torque as function of the process parameters is established. This article deals with the study of the forces and torque generated as welding circular and semi-circular welds. The effect of the welding direction (i.e. position of advancing and retreating side) is also analyzed. The objective is to determine if the statistical model giving the welding forces and torque as function of the process parameters developed on straight line can be applied for welding different weld path geometries
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